- Address : PO Box:18, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : etc@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 812 388098
- Fax : +94 812 387403
Inter Provincial Area - Ampara
The Deputy Director of Agriculture (Inter Province), Ampara consists of 06 Agricultural administrative segments such as Uhana,Damana,Addalachchenai,Sammanthurai,Ninthavur and Thambiluvil. These segments include 24 Agrarian service centres, 15 Divisional secretariats, 25 Agriculture extension centres and 93 Agriculture instructor ranges. Around 71,486 farm families in the area.
Main irrigation system in Ampara district is Senanayake Samudraya at Inginiyagala. It has a capacity of 770,000 acre feet and provides water for 10 small tanks which strongly support paddy cultivation in Ampara district. Rice is the main seasonal crop,maize,ground nut,green gram,cowpea,manioc,sweet potatoes,onion and chilli are the other main field crops cultivated in the district.

- Enhancing quality seed paddy production
- Introducing new technologies to farmers to increase the productivity
- Strengthening activities of soil laboratory
- Increasing of families involving home gardening
- Promotion of use and manufacturing of organic fertilizers
- Conducting awareness programmes
- Increasing no of bee keeping villages
- Home gardening-Central Camp
Mushroom Production
BPH Control Programme
Small Scale VAT Demonstration
Permanent crop clinic programme
FAW Control
Media Programmes
- Providing Soil Analysis service to the farmers of the area
- Providing mushroom seeds to mushroom producers in the area

Deputy Director of Agriculture (Inter Province Extension)
Mr. M.F.A. Zaneer
- +94 632 222066
- ddaipamp@yahoo.com
Contact Us
- Deputy Director of Agriculture (Inter Province Extension) office, Ampara
- ddaipamp@yahoo.com
- +94 632 222066
- +94 632 222066
- Mon to Fri - 8.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. (Closed on weekends and public holidays)