- Address :PO Box:18, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : etc@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 812 388098
- Fax : +94 812 387403
Agro Enterprise Development and Information service

The Division of Agribusiness Development (DOAgbiz) also known as Agro Enterprise Development and Information service under Extension & Training Centre of Department of Agriculture is the focal point for agri-business and agro entrepreneur development activities in Department of Agriculture.
DOAgbiz implements agro entrepreneur development activities through different approaches.
Initiatives on enhancing safety and quality of Agri food products by adapting Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
The project of “Establishment of a mechanism to ensure quality and safety of Agricultural commodities to local and export markets through GAP” is implemented through Division of Agribusiness Development (DoAgbiz).
The main duties and responsibilities of the officers attached to the DoAgbiz are instructing, inspecting, and monitoring of the whole value chain from the field (soil and seed) up to the retail markets when it comes to local market aspect and up to exit point which is National Plant Quarantine Service (NPQS) gate when it comes to European export market in order to assure the quality of products. Their duties also include prepare weekly based cropping calendar to maintain a backup volume to ensure the consistent supply.
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) is being introduced on crop basis for fruits and vegetables. Producers are registered and certified at DOAgbiz as quality assured suppliers while DOAgbiz act as a data hub to provide necessary information to the parties concerned. Agribusiness Developers in the field were provided with latest IT facilities (Android tablet PC, Laptop computers and etc.) for fast dissemination of information and issuing of QR certificate for traceability.
The project activities include:
- Facilitation of setting up SL-GAP standard volume 2 ( paddy) and volume 3(OFC)
- Formation and Facilitation of fruits and vegetable farms and OFC farms under SL-GAP
- Establishing GAP model farms at DOA /PDOA/Mahaweli farms
- Island wide awareness and training programs on GAP
- Awareness on GAP using Printed publications
- Establishing sales outlets selling GAP certified agri produce to local market
- Media programs for GAP success stories
- Establishing GAP farmer information database
- Facilitation of central hub and regional stations on GAP implementation
- Facilitation of Certification Body (CB) activities
- Agri-entrepreneurship development training programme
- Providing technical assistance for commercial farm development
- Continuation of Agribusiness Programme
With the Successful implementation of GAP project export of fruits and vegetables for European market is promoted. And also safety & quality of consignments assured. By that it is able to minimize rejections from export market from 389 (year 2013) to 12 (year 2016).
DoAgbiz has given technical assistance to develop Sri Lanka Good Agricultural Practices SL-GAP standard. This was developed in collaboration with SLSI, DoA and other relevant public and private organizations. Now standards has been published as “Sri Lanka Standard 1523 part 1:2016, UDC 631.57:634
Agribusiness Promotion Programme
Objectives of the program:
- Promotion of entrepreneurship in Agribusiness and introduce innovations
- Formation of Medium level Agriculture entrepreneurs
- Encourage commercialization of Agriculture
- Increase market oriented farms and their profit
Capacity building programs for interested parties to become Agro Entrepreneurs
DOAgbiz organized and conducted Agro Entrepreneurship development courses in each year. There are 14 different modules which gives basic theoretical and practical aspects of becoming a successful Agro Entrepreneur. This module covers on farm cultivations, value addition and identification of potential agribusiness and proposal writing.
Farm development and productivity enhancement technical consultancy services
DoAgbiz offered its services to develop underutilized commercial level farms. The proprietor can make formal request with the details of the current status of the property and express the interest. Afterwards the institute will select a group of experts according to the interest to visit the farm and technical recommendation to meet the intended production.
Linking the services of the Department of Agriculture
Entrepreneurs who seek technical information and services of the DoA, such as seed certification, plant quarantine, laboratory testing, and extension services were supported by DoAgbiz through proper coordination staff.