HORDI variety – Sweet Potato


Sweet Potato

Released varieties

A local selection, most popular throughout the country. Outer skin of the root is reddish color. Flesh is white and the roots are even in shape.

Yield -14-15 t/ha

Harvest within 3- 3 ½ month.

Short age variety.

Outer skin is pinkish purple; flesh is light yellow. Dry matter content is high (39%)

Starchy and dry texture.

Harvest at 3 ½ month – 4month.

Yield   18-20 t/ha.

Red color outer skin and flesh is light yellow in color.

Harvest within 3 ½- 4 month.

Yield 18- 20 t/ ha.

Sweetness is high.

Developed by polycross breeding. Outer skin is pinkish orange.

Harvest within 3- 3 ½ month.

Yield – 22- 25 t/ha

Carotene content is high. Low dry matter content

Mutate variety from Wariyapola red, outer skin is white ,white flesh. Age – 3-3 ½ month. Yield  22-25 t/ha.
Outer skin and flesh is white. Harvest within 3-31/2 month. Yield -12 t/ha Recommend for low country wet zone
Outer skin and flesh is white. 3- ½ month age. Yield is 12- 14 t/ha
White color outer skin and flesh is light yellow in color.  Sweetness is low. (Brix value is about 5-6) Yield-22-25t/ha Suitable for bag cultivation
Immature leaves are purple in color, outer skin of the tuber is purple in color, flesh is dark orange. Age is  3 ½ -4month . yield -22-25t/ha Released Year 2005

Outer skin is white. Flesh is light yellow. Age is  3 ½ – 4month. Yield  is 22/25 t/ha.

Released Year  2005

Outer skin purple red colour.  Inner light Yellow.

Shortage variety. High dry matter content.

Yield 25-30 t/ha.

Released Year  2014

Outer skin is light pink in color. Inner flesh – light yellow. Starchy. High yielding, 22-25 t/ha.