HORDI variety – Capsicum



Released varieties

Released year 1940 Pods are light green colored with wrinkled shiny surface. Pod end curves inward as an elephant trunk. Pods are 15-20 cm long. pods are horn shaped.
Yellowish color pods with glossy and smooth outer surface. Conical shape pods in 15-20 cm long. Up wright pods. Not suitable to grow in low and mid country wet zones as it subject to bacterial wilt disease.
Capsicum F1 Hybrid ‘Prarthana’ Released year – 2015 Description of variety: First hybrid Developed Locally High yield: 20 – 25 t/ha Growth habit: Erect and vigorous 50 % flowering: 40- 45 days Good fruit quality : Attractive appearance,Shiny surface and greenish yellow colour Pod length 13-15 cm Pod weight 35-40g Bact. Wilt : MR