HORDI – Download – Leaflets 2


Address : P.O. Box 11, Gannoruwa rd, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Telephone : +94 812 388011-12-13

Fax : +94 812 388234


Address : P.O. Box 11, Gannoruwa rd, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Telephone : +94 812 388011-12-13

Fax : +94 812 388234

Address : P.O. Box 11, Gannoruwa rd, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Telephone : +94 812 388011-12-13

Fax : +94 812 388234



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  • Bitter Gourd
  • Capsicum
  • Bean Variety
  • Luffa
  • Mea
  • Wel Ala – Root and Tuber Crops
  • Kiriala
  • Cassava
  • Tomato
  • Vegetable varieties
  • Flower blossoming of carrot plants
  • Leafy vegetable for export
  • Bean


  • Seed potato production using solid growing media in protected houses
  • Production of pre-primary seed potatoes (G0) under protected cultivation systems
  • Hybrid Tomato Seed Production – Part 01
  • Hybrid Tomato Seed Production – Part 02
  • Annona Seed extract as a pesticide
  • Pesticide Control in Home Garden
  • Control of Melon fly
  • Control of Leaf Minar
  • Control of Yellowing of Cucumber leafy disease
  • Control of root knot nematode
  • Control of Bean viral disease
  • Fruit Flies Control
  • Parasite from the Department of Agriculture to Control Papaya mealybug
  • Shoot and Pod Borer control in brinjal
  • Pest Control in Cabbage
  • Pest control in Tomato
  • Neem extract for pest Control
  • Bacterial wilt
  • Characteristics of macronutrient deficiencies in vegetable crops
  • Phyllody/ Little leaf disease
  • Let’s control the melon fly in vegetable cultivation
  • Melon Fly and Fruit Flies Control
  • Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus
  • Bitter gourd cultivation inside a single net cover
  • Bees, pesticides and the survival of life
  • Pest control using herbs
  • Insect of Cassava cultivation
  • Tomato -Tuta Absoluta (Meyrick)
  • Fungal diseases on drumstick
  • Virus Diseases on Tomato
  • Fungal Diseases on Capsicum
  • Single Plant cover – Tomato
  • A biological solution to whitefly control
  • Cryptolaemus montrouzieri
  • An enemy army for pest control
  • Pest control in leafy vegetable cultivation
  • Nematode Control
  • Control of insect pests in plant houses
  • Tricho Compost
  • Yellow Bulb
  • Organic Pesticides
  • Control Fall Armyworm
  • Identification of Fungal Diseases in Tomato Cultivation and Control
  • Identification of Diseases in Brinjal Cultivation and Control
  • Disease and Pest Control in Tomato Growing in Protected Houses
  • Do you know about the Tuta absoluta – Tomato?
  • Control of Powdery mildew and Mites in Bell Pepper Cultivation
  • Food Research Unit
  • Cassava and Sweet Potato Productions
  • Cream of Pumpkin Soup
  • Dehydrate Fruits
  • Glycemic Chart
  • Food Packing
  • Food Labeling
  • Jack Fruits production
  • Rice Flour Productions
  • Rice and Rice Flour Food
  • Mushroom Powder and Sausages
  • Less Consume
  • Root and Tuber Crops Information
  • Soya Food
  • Vegetable Harvesting Time
  • Food Production Fields
  • Services we provide to you
  • Post Harvest Technology
  • Delicious Bottle Gourd food
  • Food Research Unit
  • High quality cassava strips/ flakes
  • Jelly from kakiri
  • Preparing lime-based products
  • Pumpkin related bakery products
  • Rice milk shake
  • Soil Testing
  • Soil sample
  • Compost
  • Central Analytical Laboratory
  • Organic Vegetable Cultivation
  • Integrated plant nutrition
  • ගැඩවිල් පණු පොහොර හා දියර පොහොර සෑදීම
  • Recommended vegetable varieties suitable for Eco-friendly agriculture
  • Pesticide Analysis Division
  • Trace Element Analysis Laboratory
  • Pesticide Residue Analysis Laboratory
  • 32 Soil laboratories at 23 districts
  • Let’s cultivate Oyster Mushroom on saw dust substrate
  • oyster mushroom cultivate on straw
  • Delicious dishes from mushrooms
  • Mushroom Powder and Sausages
  • Analysis the Profit and Loss of the Oyster Mushroom Cultivation on saw dust substrate
  • Gajamuthu-Mushroom
  • Let’s grow oyster mushrooms using machines
  • Making sales seeds from straw mushroom mother spawn
  • Sukiri-Mushroom
  • Bee
  • Low Cost Seed Potato
  • Seed Potato G1 and G2
  • Seed Potato Production
  • Weed
  • Roles of the Institution
  • Bee Keeping
  • Pomegranate
  • Let’s grow a tissue cultured anthurium plant at low cost
  • Diseases of anthurium and chrysanthemum crops
  • Chrysanthemum cultivation
  • Gerbera Cultivation
  • Disease Control in Gerbera Cultivation
  • Making a grafted rose plant
  • Rose cultivation
  • Disease control in rose cultivation
  • Pest control in ornamental floriculture