- ලිපිනය: තැ.පෙ 11, ගන්නෝරුව පාර, පේරාදෙණිය, ශ්රී ලංකා
- විද්යුත් තැපෑල : director.hordi@doa.gov.lk
- දුරකථන :(+94) 081-2388011-12-13
- ෆැක්ස් :(+94) 081-2388234
HORDI - පර්යේෂණ වැඩසටහන් 2017
Development of tissue culture based plant propagation technologyfor Dioscorea (Micro tubers) | Development of technlology for use of microtubers as plnting materials |
Low cost media development for Orchids | New low cost technology developmen |
Bitter gourd embryo rescue technology development | Embryo rescue technology identification and application |
Marker development for Bean rust resistance | Identification of DNA base marker regions |
Varietal development of Capsicum | To develop of heat and drought tolerance high quality capsicum varieties |
Purification of farmer varieties | Development of high quality Capsicum varieties |
Exotic varietal Evaluation | Testing the suitability of new exotic hybrids prior to commercial cultivation |
Seed Production of Parental lines and released varieties | Availability of seed in time |
Crop improvement – yard long bean | Development of high yeilding better quality varieties. |
Development of Hybrid/OP varieties of Luffa | Development of suitable hybrid/ OP varieties |
Crop improvement of Bean OP Varietal DevelopmentProgram | Development of suitable varieties |
Seed production of released varieties | Availability of quality seeds |
Development of Novel floricultural varieties through physical mutagenesis | New Floricultural Varieties |
Mutational breeding to improve existing varieties | New Floricultural Varieties |
Improvement of native or wild plants as novel floricultural products for local and export market | Introduce new flower crops for local and export market |
Evaluation of Lablab varieties for drought resistance and consumer acceptability | Develop Better quality varieties |
Evaluation of Varieties and Fertilizer for Sweet Potato Bag culture | Identification of suitable varieties and best fertilizer mixture |
Varietal Development of Bitter gourd | Bitter Guard varieties tolerent to heat and drought |
Seed production of released bitter guard varieties | Production of quality seeds |
Evaluation of exotic germplasm | Recommendation for suitable varieties |
Varietal development of Brinjal | To develop high yielding better quality brinjal varieties |
Exotic varietal evaluation of brinjal | To evaluate the field performance of exotic varieties prior to issue importation permits |
Seed Production of Parental lines and released varieties of brinjal | To ensure seed availability |
Varietal development of Tomato | To Develop high yielding better quality tomato varieties for open fields and polytunnels |
Exotic varietal evaluation for tomato | To evaluate performance of exortic tomato varieties prior to recommend for importation |
Seed production of Parental lines and released varietiesof tomato | To ensure availability of seeds |
Dioscorea germplasam conservation and selection of superior accessions for varietal development | Maintenance and for future use and distribution.varietal development |
Characterization and evaluation of Dioscorea germplasms | conservation & Select lines for new varietal development |
Year round production of Dioscorea using tissue cultural plants and evaluate in the farmer fields | Increase the year round production and availability |
Cassava varietal development | Selecting high yielding varieties |
Sweet potatovarietal development | Selecting suitable varieties for saline areas |
Sweet potato germplasm maintenance | Maintenance of germplasm for future use |
Kiri ala germplasm conservation | Maintenance of germplasms for future use |
Colocasia germplasm conservation | Maintenance of germplasms for future use |
Screening of exotic hybrids to seed borne viruses | To give recommendations for exortic vegetables hybrid seeds importation |
Advisory service sample diagnosis with – conventional, serological and molecular methods sample diagnosis with – conventional, serological and molecular methods | To give solutions for farmer problems. |
Testing of seed potatoes with culturing, biochemical, serological and molecular techniques | To identify dieaseses of imported seed potatoes and issueing recommendation . |
Evaluation of imported tomato, capsicum and brinjal varieties for bacterial wilt | To identify dieaseses of imported Capsicum, brinjal, tomato seeds and issuing recommendation . |
Fungicide Screening Trail against collor rot in solanaceae | Issue reports prior to agrochamical importation recommendation |
Development of integrated strategy for the management of seed borne bacterial diseases | To identify seed borne bacterial diseases and development of control strategies |
Fungicides Screening for Powdery mildew and Downey Mildew in Cucurbits | To find a Effective fungicides for control powdery mildew and downey mildew in cucurbites |
Improvement and field validation of IPM package to tomato Viral Diseases | Improve the IPM Package with the new recommended insecticides. Improve the IPM package with different cultural practices |
Residul Effect of custodia on tomato for control early blight | To develop technology to control early blight |
Assessment of urea substitutability with selected nitrogen fixing inoculums with Chilies and capsicum – a pot experiment followed by field experiment | To evaluate the effectiveness of nitrogen fixing inoculum |
Development of IPM package for gotukola in the field | Development of effective IPM for alternative to chemical pesticides |
Identification of resistance status in common insect populations (mites or thrips/ DBM/ Cotesia/ Honey bee), against recommended and commonly used insecticides (NARP Project) | To Identification of current toxicity status in insects |
Baseline assessment of pollination service in 3 pilot sites (BACC Project) | To identify trend of abundance over time and climate change of bees |
Identification of new control techniques for successful implementation of AW- IPM programme on fruit flies and melon flies – Male annihilation technique | To develop New technologies for AW-ipm of FF & MF |
Testing virus vector control with methods other than use of insecticides | To develop New technologies for virus vector management |
Testing of insecticides with acceptable residue levels for insect pest control in leafy vegetables | To develop acceptable pest control methodology |
Development of Bio-intensive Integrated Pest and disease Management (BIPM) Programmes for major pest and disease of horticultural crops in Sri Lanka | Development of Bio-intensive Integrated Pest and disease Management System for Vegetable |
Management of Root Knot Nematode (RKN), Meloidogyne spp. leafy vegetables, tomato and capsicum | Identification of suitable Root Knot Nematode management packages for leafy vegetables, tomato and capsicum |
Studies on Morphological & Biochemical Parameters of Brinjal Genotypes / Wild relatives for Resistant/Tolerant against Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer (BSFB)(Leucinodes orbonalis) | 1.To identify Crop/Yield losses due to shoot & fruit borer infestation 2.To identify relationship of Morphological characters & Bio chemical compounds of brinjal genotypes with shoot & fruit borer infestation |
Further Improvement of the new IPM package for the control of Bean Yellowing due to Horse Grame Yellow Mosaic Virus | To find out successful IPM components to control Bean yellowing |
Economic importance of fruit flies in cucurbits: Identification and Management of cucurbit infesting fruit flies(Diptera:Tephritidae) | 1.Identification of cucurbit infesting fruit fly species & the abundance 2.Evaluation of effectiveness of different control methods for formulating new strategies or to improve effectiveness |
Productivity improvement; improvement of yield and its quality (tuberse) by application of root growth inducing hormones at planting times. | To test the effect of different hormone (IBA) levels to apply for stem cuttings at planting time on total tuber yeild To test the effect of different hormone levels on tuber size (no of medium size tuber increased) |
productivity improvement – development of technology for making good quality planting materials year round for cassava | To test the new cultivation method and its feasibiity for keeping as permial crops To test the yeild of quality stem cutting which in havestable at any time during a year |
Increase of planting material Production using mini set production technology-Diascoria | Increase the availability |
improvement of new Technology of Cassava planting material for enhance the income by intercropping with other crops(brinja) | To test the feasibility of inter cropping cassava with brinjal under new technology for cassava production to increase the farmer income |
Testing of changes of root crops at storage | To increase the storability |
Identification of better cultural practices for indoor plants for healthy life | Introduce Plants for indoor cultivation |
Evaluation of color development of Cordiline verigata “tricolour” under different environmental condition and to manage heat stress | Identify suitable envoironment and conditions for colour development of Cordiline verigata “tricolour” |
Evaluation of live mulch for weed management and water conservation of vegetables | Identification of Suitable live mulch |
Identification of best spacing for newly released Capsicum variety Prarthana | To identify best spacing level |
Effect of plant pruning on protected house grown Salad cucumber | To introduce best method of plant management to growers |
Effect of plant pruning on protected house grown tomato | To introduce best method of plant management to growers |
Canopy management, Fruit thinning, Plant density and nutrient management on seed yield and seed quality of eggplant | Introduce best treatment combination to improve seed yield and quality |
Plant training and spatial arrangement for quality seed yield improvement in cucumber | To introduce best factor combination to improve seed yield and quality |
Effect of Chloromequat Chloride application on growth, yield and quality of Capsicum | To introduce the efficacy level |
Morphological characterization and agronomic evaluation of Capsicum accessions for biotic tolerance and quality | Promotion of best performing accessions |
Maintenance of Model Home Garden, Trainings and seed multiplication | Promotion of Home Gardening Dissemination of knowledge and technology Delivering of seeds among farmers and growers |
Determination of N and K response on hybrid Capsicum | To develop fertilizer recommendation on hybrid Capsicum |
Determination of N and K response on Brinjal | To develop fertilizer recommendation on new brinjal variety |
Influence of the application of micro nutrients on vegetable yield and quality | To ascertain effect of field application of micro nutrients on vegetables |
Comparison of new fertilizer recommendation for hybrid luffa with farmer practice in farmers field | To determine the effect of new fertilizer recommendation on yield of hybrid Luffa |
Effect of combine use of different organic fertilizer sources on vegetables | To determine effect of combine use of different organic nutrient sources for growth and yield of vegetable crops To reduce the quantity of the organic manures |
Effect of different rates of rice husk Bio Char with organic manure on Vegetables | To determine the effect of application of rice husk Bio Char with organic manure on organic vegetable production |
Effect of continuous application compost on vegetable production | To monitor vegetable yields obtainable with compost and monitor changes in soil characters due to continuous addition of compost. |
Screening of Different Varieties in vegetable crops for organic Farming | To identify suitable varieties for low inputs and organic farming |
Determination of toxic trace metal contents and bio accumulation factors (Transfer Factors) in soil and vegetables in Up Country Intermediate and Up Country Zones | To identify toxic trace metal contents in soils and vegetables in up country intermediate and up country zone.To ensure that vegetables produced in intensive cultivation area meets food safety and quality standards |
Assessment of bioavailability of cadmium in soil from TSP fertilizers | To determine the bio availability of Cd in soil and plant accumulation due to TSP fertilizers |
Determination of Residual effect of Phosphorous from TSP Fertilizers | To determine the residual effects of the soil P to vegetables |
Studying the minimum tillage effects on soil physical properties and crop yield | Soil moisture conservation, reduction of compaction and soil control in crop growing areas |
Evaluation of different nutrient management practices on soil quality parameters. | Estimation changers of quality parameters due to nutrient management |
Use of broiler litter bio-char to enhancement soil fertility | Improvement of nutrient retention, water conservation and decease controlled in soil |
Estimation of monthly wise changers of soil moisture in Reddish Brown Latosolic soils | Estimate of year round soil moisture content in Reddish Brown Latosolic soils |
Assessment of soil microbial composition in different soils with different farming histories at Gannoruwa | To available information on soil microbial diversity and their functions |
Development of Botanical nitrification inhibitors to improve nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency | To Identify potential botanical nitrification inhibitors |
Preparation of growth media with beneficial microorganisms | To select best growth media |