07/12/2012 1st joint coordination commitee
31/01/2013 Experiment on Eggplant with HORDI
28/02/2013 Project Monthly Meeting on 22/02/13
18/06/2013 Visit by Mr AO,Chief Representative,JICA
24/06/2013 Colum by the Chief Advisor of the Project
23/08/2013 2nd public and private joint Seminar on vegitable seed production
24/09/2013 Workshop on Seed- related database creation
09/12/2013 3rd Joint Coordination Committee
28/01/2014 Training on Plant Disease
06/02/2014 3rd Public and Private Joint Seminar on Vegetable Seed Production
12/03/2014 Construction of two nursery houses
12/11/2014 Drip Irrigation System
09/2016 Seed Grinders
09/2016 Seed_Health_Testing_Unit
09/2016 Seed_Processing_Machines
09/2016 Sprinkler in Aluttarama and Mahailluppallama
10/2016 Master Trainers’ Training Programme on Vegetable Seed Production 2016
11/2016 Progress in January to December 2015
Nov/2016 Launching of Seed and Planting Material Information System
Feb/2017 Vegetable Seed Project: Ex-Trainees’ Follow Up Seminar
For improving a current self-sufficient rate of Other Field Crops (OFC) and vegetables in Sri Lanka, the government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) put its national priority on increasing of food production as in “Mahinda Chintana: Vision for the Future”. Also, GOSL set its own target as doubling production of certified vegetable seeds in “Mahinda Chintana: A Brighter Future in 2010”, through improving productivity and quality of domestic vegetable seed production under public-private partnership (PPP) initiatives.
In these circumstances, GOSL requested a technical cooperation project to the government of Japan through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) which aims to improve agricultural productivity and quality through development and disseminating applicable production technology for farmers of qualified vegetable seeds.
The Project is implemented in the framework of JICA’s umbrella country program “Agriculture, fishery and rural development program”, which main tackling issues are low productivity, lack of agricultural management technology of farmers, diversification of agricultural products, participatory development.
This project aims to tackle the issue of agricultural productivity and diversification of agriculture and have high validity in Japan cooperation strategy.
- Title of the Project
Project for Enhancement of Production System of Certified Vegetable Seed in Sri Lanka.
- Overall Goal
Availability and use of certified vegetable seed in the whole country is increased.
- Project Purpose
Production of certified vegetable seed in the target areas is increased.
- Outputs
(1) Planning capacity of Seed and Planting Materials Development Centre (SPMDC) for seed production and distribution is improved
(2) Production of basic and standard seed is increased.
(3) Certification process of vegetable seed is improved.
(4) Services by model Department of Agriculture (DOA) Sales Points and Agrarian Service Centres (ASC) are improved
- Activities
1-1. Conduct regular meetings and joint workshops between Government and private sector.
1-2. Conduct a marketing survey and review the current balance between production and distribution in the target area.
1-3. Discuss Maha and Yala programs for production and distribution of seeds in the target area with SPMDC.
1-4. Modify the Maha and Yala programs for the next season based on production and distribution analysis.
2-1. Review the present situation of hybrid, basic and standard seed production (including baseline survey)
2-2. Introduce appropriate equipment for seed production and up-grade the Seed Processing Unit in the Government Seed Farms based on 2-1.
2-3. Conduct training on quality hybrid, open pollinated and basic seed production for technical officers from the Government Seed Farms.
2-4. Develop a technical manual on standard seed production and for farmers.
2-5. Conduct training on certified standard seed production for technical and extension officers from the Government and private, and leading farmers using the technical manual (2-4).
2-6. Master trainers (extension officers and leader farmers) conduct training on standard seed production for present and potential contract farmers
3-1. Conduct an evaluation survey on the present activities and facilities in seed certification system, and develop an improvement plan.
3-2. Conduct training on seed technology ( field inspection and seed testing) for Seed Certification Services(SCS), SPMDC, Extension & Training Centre(ETC), and extension officers, and private sector staff.
3-3. Provide training for seed producing farmers to prepare quality seed.
4-1. Evaluate the present service for seed sales, provided by the DOA Sales Points and ASCs, and develop an improvement plan.
4-2. Develop a on better services for seed sales of DOA Sales Points and ASC’s based on the plan (4-1).
4-3. Disseminate the value of certified seed to customers (vegetable farmers) by the staff of DOA Sales Points and ASC’s.
- Input
(1) Input by JICA
(a) Dispatch of Experts
1) Long-term Expert: four persons (a. Chief Advisor/ Certified Seed Production System, b. Seed Testing, c. Seed Production/Seed sales, d. Project coordinator/Training).
2) Short-term Expert: seed testing (including field inspection), seed health, plant disease, farmers economy, farm management, market analysis, post harvesting technology for seed and others (if necessary).
(b) Training
Seed production / seed certification and others (in Japan/third countries).
(c) Machinery and Equipment
Necessary equipment for project activities (two vehicles, equipment for seed production, seed processing, seed testing, and etc.).
(d) Others
Cost for local consultants and local staffs
(2) Input by DOA
(a) Assignment of Personnel
1) Director General, DOA
2) Directors, SPMDC and SCPPC
3) Counterparts
4) Staffs in related government institutions (as needed, for example, Horticulture Research and Development Institute (HORDI), ASC staffs)
(b) Project office
Necessary facilities such as an electricity connection, furniture, Internet lines in the office space
(c) Facilities and equipment
Necessary training space, machinery, equipment, instruments, tools spare parts and any other necessary for the implementation of the Project other than one(s) provided by Japanese side
(d) Local cost
Necessary budget for the implementation of the project (ex. per diem and travel allowance for domestic training for Counterpart, electricity for project office, etc.)
- Target Areas and Beneficiaries
(1) Kundasale Government Seed Farm and ADA office territory
(2) Aluttharama Government Seed Farm and ADA office territory
(3) Maha Iluppallama Government Seed Farm and ADA office territory
(4) Nikaweratiya, ADA office territory
Expected project beneficiaries are to be DOA Staffs of SPMDC, Seed Certification and Plant Protection Centre (SCPPC), Government Seed Farms, Government and private contact farmers, member(s) of Seed Producers’ Association, staffs of Provincial Department of Agriculture, etc.
- Duration
Chief Advisor /Certified Seed Production System Expert
Dr. Junji Takahashi
May 2012 – Present
Seed Testing / Expert
Mr. Kimikazu Ishikawa
May 2012 – May 2014
Seed Production /Expert
Mr. Kyota Iizuka
May 2012 – Present
Project Coordination / Trainig Expert
Ms. Asano USUI
May 2013 – Present0
Ms. Vilasha Subashini Randeniya
November 2012 – Present
Local consultant
Dr. Sarath L. Weerasena
July 2013 – Present
Vegetable Seed Production Planning
Mr. Atsushi Suzuki
August 2012 – October 2012
Seed Health
Dr. Masatoshi Sato
December 2012 – January 2013
Plant Pathology
Dr. Hisatoshi Kaku
January 2013 – February 2013
Distribution and Sales
Mr. Nobuki Toyooka
July 2013 – September 2013