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- G.C.K. Priyadarshika ,W.A.M. Daundasekera,P. Malathy. (n.d.). Postharvest keeping quality and some nutritional aspects of Trianthema portulacastrum L., an under-utilized leafy vegetable in Sri Lanka . Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Postharvest technology, Sri Lanka, 79-83.
- N.K.Fernando, W.A.M.Daundasekera, M.P.Malathy. (2015). Some Phytochemical Characteristics and the Effect of Seasonal Variation on Antioxidant Activity of Celosia Argentea ('Kirihenda Pala'): An under-Utilized Medicinal Plant and a Leafy Green in Sri Lanka.
- K.P.S.Wijesinghe, P.Malathy, W.A.M.Daundasekara. (n.d.). Effect of root application of soluble silicon on white rust disease in Alternanthera Sessilis ('Mukunuwenna') Leaves.
- I.De Silva, P.Malathy, W.A.M.Daundasekara. (2014). Antioxidant Activity of Pods: A Comparative Study of Three Accessions of Vigna Unguiculata (Yard Long Bean). Proceeding of the Peradeniya Univ.International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka.
- Malathy, D.D.Suraweera, W.A.M.Daundasekara, W.D.G.P.Nilanthi, K.B.Wahundeniya. (2012). Yield, Keeping Quality, Antioxidant Content and some Nutritional Aspects of Selected Accessions of Amaranthus Tricolor. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics.
- Malathy, W.D.G.P.Nilanthi, E.M.N.T.M.Ekanayake, M.T.K.Delpachitra. (n.d.). Varietal Stability , Yield and Quality Performance of Long Radish (Raphanus Sativus Var. Longipinnatus L.) in Mid Country of Sri Lanka.
- Parasuraman Malathy, Weerasinghe.P. (n.d.). Application of Mutation Techniques in the Development of Green Crop Varieties in Sri Lanka: Way Forward. FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology.
- Rajapaksha R.G.A.S., Malathi P., Shyamalee Kohombange, Nilanthi W.D.G.P., Siriwardhana S.M.S.P. (2019). Comparative Study of Selected Luffa Cultivars Resistant to Powdery Mildew and Downey Mildew in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Recent Innovations in Academic Research, 171-177.
- Iqbal, T.H.Seran, P.Malathy, L.Lavanya. (2014). Crop Performance of Amaranthus (Diyapalagoda Accession) Produced by reaping and regrowth System. Proceeding of Jaffna University International Research Conference.
- W.G.F.A.Nijamdeen, P.K.J. de Mel, P.Malathy. (n.d.). Evaluation of Growth and Yield Performance of Selected Lines of Yard long Bean (Vigna Unguiculata sub Spp. Sesquipedalis) During off Season in Mid Country Wet Zone. Opening Minds:Research for Sustainable Development, 419-423.
- Malathy P, Siriwardena SMSP, Darshani RMS, Nilanthi WDGP, Pooten PNMV. (2019). Adaptability of Selected Lablab and Winged Bean Varieties to Diverse Ecosystems in Sri Lanka. Symposium on Agrobiodiversity for Climate Change Adaptation, Food and Nutrition , 65.
- Malathy, W.D.G.P.Nilanthi, E.M.N.T.M.Ekanayake, M.T.K.Delpachitra, B.C.Jang. (2015). Varietal Stability, Yeild and Quality Performance of Long Radish (Raphanus Sativus Var. Longipinnatus L.) in the Mid Country of Sri Lanka. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 17:117-119.
- Malathy, W.D.G.P.Nilanthi, E.M.N.T.M.Ekanayake, W.A.R.T.Wickramaarachchi, K.H.Sarananda. (2016). Performance and Adaptability of New Yard-Long Bean Variety: Gannoruwa A9 Mae. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture , 18: 108-110.
- D. Suraweera, W.A.M. Daundasekera and P. Malathy . (2011). Effect of Storage Methods on the Postharvest Quality of Amaranthus tricolor (‘Thampala’) Leaves. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka, 181.
- M.S.M.Abeyrathne, H.Hemal Fonseka, Y.L.B.Pavithrani, D.A.U.D.Devasinghe, K.M.R.D.Abhayapala. (n.d.). Comparison of performance of common bean varieties for vegetable and seed production in the up-Country intermediate zone of Sri Lanka.
- M.P.S.Kumari, H.M.S.R.K.Herath,Menaka Jayathilaka, E.P.Wijewardhana, Irosini,S.Kahadawaarachchi. (2016). Development of Embryorescue Technique for Wide Hybridization of Capsicum Spp. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 229-232.
- M.P.S.Kumari, P.U.Nisansala, E.P.Wijewardhane, D.P.Sumanasinghe. (2019). Effect of Different pre-treatment to break seed dormancy of stored bitter seeds in refrigerated condition. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture.
- H.M.P.S.Kumari, H.M.S.R.K.Herath,Menaka Jayathilaka, E.P.Wijewardhana, Irosini,S.Kahadawaarachchi. (2016). Development of Embryorescue Technique for Wide Hybridization of Capsicum Spp. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 229-232.
- H.M.P.S.Kumari, P.U.Nisansala, E.P.Wijewardhane, D.P.Sumanasinghe. (2019). Effect of Different pre-treatment to break seed dormancy of stored bitter seeds in refrigerated condition. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture.
- I.C.S.Edirimanna, H.M.V.S.Dharmasena, S.M.U.I.Samaraweera, A.M.R.Darshana. (2019). Effect of Stem Pruning and Fruit Thining on Yield and Quality of Bell Pepper in Poly House. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture.
- I.C.S.Edirimanna, J.M.D.D.E.Jayamanne, H.M.V.S.Dharmasena, A.M.R.Darshana, S.M.U.I.Samaraweera. (2019). Effect of Coloured Polythene Mulch on Growth, Yeild and Quality of Carrot var.Lanka Carrot. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture.
- B.Wahundeniya,H.Hemal Fonseka, P.Weerasinghe, R.G.S.Rajapaksha, D.Galaniha, S.Kodikara, Renuka Silva, J.Atapattu, Deepika Weerasinghe. (2013). Organic Agriculture in Sri Lanka: Development and Trends. AFACI Project Meeting on Construction of Asia Network for Sustainable Organic Faring Technology-Bangaladesh.
- K.B.Wahundeniya,H.Hemal Fonseka, P.Weerasinghe, R.G.S.Rajapaksha, D.Galaniha, S.Kodikara, Renuka Silva, J.Atapattu, Deepika Weerasinghe. (2013). Organic Agriculture in Sri Lanka: Development and Trends. AFACI Project Meeting on Construction of Asia Network for Sustainable Organic Faring Technology-Bangaladesh.
- R.H.M.S.V.Rajakaruna, H.M.P.S.Kumari, T.H.Seran. (2018). Callus induction in another culture of selected capsicum annuum L.varieties. 3rd international Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Kalaniya.
- H.M.P.S.Kumari, H.M.S.R.K.Herath, Menaka Jayathilaka, E.P. Wijewardhana, Iroshini, S.Kahadawaarachchi. (2016). Development of Embryorescue Technique for Wide Hybridization of Capsicum Spp. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 229-232.
- P.Malathy P, Nilanthi W.D.G.P, Ekanayake E.M.N.T.M, Wickramaarachchi W.A.R.T and K.H.Sarananda. 2016. Performance and adaptability of new Yard-long bean variety: Gannoruwa A9 mae. Selected for publication in Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture Vol.18 as extended abstract and full paper in Tropical Agriculture.
- Fernando H.N.K, P.Malathy and W.A.M. Daundasekara. 2014. Antioxidant activity and Phytochemical investigations in Celosia argentea L. SLJIM 2014: 265-269
- Siriwardena SMSP, P Malathy, RMS Darshani, WDGP Nilanthi and PNMV Pooten. 2009. Adaptability of selected lablab and winged bean varieties to diverse ecosystems in Sri Lanka. Symposium on Agrobiodiversity for Climate Change Adaptaon, Food and Nutrion 25th & 26th April 2019
- Rajapakse R.G.A.S, P.Malathy, W.A.P Weerarathna, J.P. Marasinghe and K.W.D.P.Nishantha. Impact of climate change on vegetable cultivation in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the workshop on Present status of Research activities on Climate change adaptations: A Review. 6th November 2017: 31-42
- Buddhika M.L.R, Malathy.P and K.Yakandawala. 2016. Evaluation of morphological and yield component traits in Luffa (Luffa acutangula) local accessions during off season. Proceedings of 15th Agricultural Research symposium: 354-358
- Tharmarajah, S.K, Malathy.P and J.B.D.S.Kahandawela. Evaluation of promising Exotic True Potato Seed Progenies in Sri Lanka. In:SAPPRAD Selected Research Papers, July 1995-June 1996, (Ed) E.T.Rasco Jr., F.B.Aromin. SAPPRAD, P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines, 1996, Volume I: Potato, p:98-103
- Malathy.P, Nilanthi W.D.G.P, Ekanayake E.M.N.T.M, Delpachitra M.T.K and B.C. Jang. 2015. Varietal stability, yield and quality performance of Long radish (Raphanus sativus var Longipinnatus L.) in the Mid country of Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 17: 117-119. Selected for publication in Tropical Agriculture
- Malathy.P and K.B.Wahundeniya. 2010. Indigenous leafy vegetables in Sri Lanka. In: Underutilized vegetables in Sri Lanka (ed.) H.M.Gunasena and D.N. Pushpakumara
- Malathy.P, Ariyaratne.D, Nugaliyadde,M.M and D.Bandara. 2005. Variability in physiological, morphological and agronomic characteristics of different propagule types of potato. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. 2005. 7: 165-173
- Malathy.P, Kapugama, D.D.I, Nugaliyadde,M.M and K.Hettiarachchi. 2003. Effect of artificial pollination on genetic purification of ball radish in upcountry of Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. 2003.5:173-179
- Kahandawela, J.B.D.S, Malathy.P and S.K.Tharmarajah. Evaluation of True Potato Seed Progenies. In: SAPPRAD Selected Research Papers, July 1993-June 1994, (Ed) E.T.Rasco Jr., F.B.Aromin. SAPPRAD, P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines, 1996, Volume I: Potato, p:117-119
- Malathy.P and M.M.Nugalliyadde. 2008. Re- introduction of TPS in Sri Lanka: Opportunities and Challenges. In: Abstracts, Global Potato Conference, 2008. (eds.) J.Gopal, D.Pattanayak, D.Kuamr, P.M.Govindakrishnan and B.Singh. December 9-12, 2008, New Delhi, India. P:71-72
- Malathy,P, Babu A.G.C and G.Jayawardene.1999. Impact of Farmer Field School in the promotion of the TPS technology. In:Potato, Volume II, Selected abstracts for full paper presentation, Global Conference of Potato, New Delhi, December 6-11, 1999. (Ed) S.M.Paul Khurana, P.C.Gaur, S.K.Pandey, B.P.Singh and K.Srinivas
- Malathy,P and A.G.C.Babu.1999. Performance of exotic Hybrid TPS in Sri Lanka. In: Abstracts, Global Conference of Potato, New Delhi, December 6-11, 1999. (Ed) S.M.Paul Khurana, P.C.Gaur, S.K.Pandey, B.P.Singh and K.Srinivas
- Malathy,P, Babu A.G.C and G.Jayawardene.1999. Impact of FFS in the adoption of the TPS technology. In: Abstracts, Global Conference of Potato, New Delhi, December 6-11, 1999. (Ed) S.M.Paul Khurana, P.C.Gaur, S.K.Pandey, B.P.Singh and K.Srinivas
- Kahandawela, J.B.D.S, Malathy.P and L.G.Herat. Production of Hybrid Potato Seed. In: Summaries and Abstract of Research and Development Activities, July 1993-June 1994, (Ed) E.T.Rasco Jr., F.B.Aromin. SAPPRAD, P.O. Box 933, Manila, Philippines, 1996, Volume I: Potato, p:19
- G.S.U.Gamage,A.C.Udage,L.M.H.R.Alwis,W.M.W.S.Marapana,O.W.S.H.Ariyathilake. (2018). Gamma Radiation Sensitivity and Effective Dosage for Seeds of Tomato Variety Katugastota Wilt Resistant. Tropical Agriculture, VOL.166(2).
- G.S.U.Gamage,H.M.P.Pushpika,W.A.J.M.De Costa,M.M.Nugaliyadde. (2015). Effect of Cold Storage Duration of Seed Tubers on the Growth and Yield Performance of Potato Variety Granola. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 17:111-113.
- M.P.S.Kumari,J.A.Samanthi,H.A.L.H.K.Herath,K.R.S.C.B.Kahawandala ,M.M.Nugaliyadde. (2014). In-Vitro Propagation of Statice (Limonium Sinuatum). Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 16:387.
- M.P.S.Kumari,S.K.Wasala,J.A.Samanthi,K.R.S.C.B.Kahawandala,B.M.J.Pusweldeniya,N.M.Ubeysekara,M.M.Nugaliyadde. (2013). Characterization of Eight Eco-Population Types of the Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L) Variety, Granola, Collected from Up Country Region of Sri Lanka. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 15:263-272.
- Comparative Assessment of Vegetable Crop Performances and Ecological Indicators during Transition from Conventional to Ecological Agriculture. L.H.P. Gunaratne, K.S. Hemachandra, Y.M.K. Kumudumali, N.K.G.K. R. Manawasinghe, H.G.A.S. Sathischandra, J.M.Soorasena, T.H.M.U.M. Thelasinghe, W.S.P.Y. Upali, W.A.P. Weerakkody, K.W.L.K. Weerasinghe, S.B.A. Weerawarna. Proceeding of the peradeniya University International Research Session, Sri Lanka -2019, vol.22
Galanihe L.D., W.A.P.G.Weeraratne, B. Udagaldeniya, S. Samara koon, N. Sa marasinghe, K.D issanayaka and S.Madugalla.Management of yellowing disease of pumpkin, 2014.A nnals of the Sri Lanka, Department of Agriculture. 16: 155-168.
Weeraratne, W.A.P.G, D.M.K.K. Dissanayake and M. A. Kularatne. 2016. Determination of genetic variation among Anthurium (A. andraeanum) varieties using RAPD and SSR primers, (A. andraneanu m) varieties using RAPD and SSR primers. National Symposium of Floriculture Research. p 12.
Gunasekara, A.W.A.C., W.A.P.G. Weeraratne and A. Balasuriya. 2016. Effect of different soil amendments for supressiveness of Sclerotium rolfsii in Mae. 8th Procee dings, University of Rajarata.
Weeraratne, W.A.P.G, N.L.A.T.S. Nanayakkara, A.D. Anushika a nd D.D.D. D harmadasa.2017. Occurrence of anthracnose (Collecto trichum gleosporioides penz.) and rust ( Goplama dioscoreae cummins) disease of dioscorea in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agriculturist 165 (2) : 7281-296.
Weeraratne, W.A.P.G. and De Costa, D.M. (2018). Molecular Identification of Fusarium spp. from Wilt-infected Tom ato and Brinjal Plants in Selected Regions of Sri Lanka and Endophytic Bacteria as a Potential Option for D isease Management. Tropical Agricultural Research. 30 (1), 23- 43.
Kanchanamala, K.K., Weeraratne, W.A.P. G. and De Costa, D.M. (2018). Det ermination of Effective Methods of Application and Concentrations of Endophytic Biological Control A gents for the Management of Fusarium Wilt in Tomato.
Ranasing he, R.H.T.D., Weeraratne, W.A.P.G. and De Costa, D.M. (2018). Formulation of M icrobial Pesticides using Endophytic bacteria for the management of Fusarium wilt of Tomato
Weeraratne, W.A.P.G. Wijerathne, W.M.S.D.K. and D.M.K.K. Dissanayake. 2019. Occurrence of Target Spot of Tomato caused by Corynespora cassiicolain Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the First National Symposium of Sri Lanka Association for Mycology and Plant Pathology30th of August 2019.Kandy, Sri Lanka. ISBN 978-624-5159-00-0
Weeraratne, W.A.P.G and D.M.K.K Dissanayake. 2019. Identification of the causal pathogen of bacterial wilt disease in cucurbitaceous crops and bean and its alternative weed hosts in Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. Vol. 21: 20.
Characterization of Alternaria spp. causing early blight of tomato from different agro ecological zones in Sri Lanka and its controle using rhyzospheric fungi. Bsc. Thesis 2020. Fernandowcjo, Deshapriya N, Fernando MSW
Nursery methods for damping off disease in true seed cultivation of cluster onion.International journal of environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology.2019. Vol. 04 (01): 216-219. MSW Fernando, SHSA De Silva
M.S.W. Fernando, S.H.S.A. De Silva, S. Kanchana (2021), Influence of Gypsum Application in Disease Management of Onion (Allium cepa L.), International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 6(8)
M.S.W. Fernando, W.A.R.T. Wikramarachchi, New report of pod rot of moringa in Sri Lanka caused by Drechslera hawaiiensis and potential fungicides for its control. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research. Vol. 05: Issue 06, 2020: 65-6
Rajapaksha, R.G.A.S., Shyamalee Kohombange, Dissanayake, D.M.K.K., Kahawatta, K.J.P.K., Perera, P.D.D. and Munasingha, M.M.S.P. 2019. Bitter Gourd (Memordica charantia L.), New Host of Ralstonia solanacearum in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Recent Innovations in Academic Research, 3(7): 111-118.
Rajapaksha, R.G.A.S., Malathi, P., Shyamalee Kohombange, Nilanthi, W.D.G.P. and Siriwardhana, S.M.S.P. 2019. Comparative Study of Selected Luffa Cultivars Resistant To Powdery Mildew and Downey Mildew in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Recent Innovations in Academic Research, 3(4): 171-177.
Rajapakse,RGAS, Kohombange,S and HMPS Kumari (2019). Comparative study of selected cucumber cultivars resistant to powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera xanthii. International Journal of Research, Vol.6, Issue 6, 91-98.
Gunarathna , L.N.R.,N.Deshappriya, D.L Jayaratne and R.G.S.A.S. Rajapaksha(2019).Damping-off disease of big onion (Allium cepa L) in Sri Lanka and evaluation of Trichoderma asperellum and Trichoderma virens for its control. Tropical Plant Research,6(2):257-292
Shyamalee Kohombange ,R.G.A.S. Rajapaksha, Nadun Rathnasekara and M.M.S.P Munasingha (2020). Effect of Sakkara Brewing on the Severity of Powdery Mildew Disease of Luffa (Luffa acutangula)and Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under Greenhouse Condition (in publish).
- A.E.S.S.Jayasekara, K.P.Somachandra. (n.d.). Common Diseases of Crops Grown in Poly-tunnel in Up Country Intermediate Zone and their Management.
- A.E.S.S.Jayasekara, K.P.Somachandra, G.D.G.Chathurani, K.K.N.N.Gunawardhana. (2015). Response of selected Cultivars and Fungicides on Chrysanthemum White Rust, Caused by Puccinia Horiana (henn). National Symposium of Floriculture Research.
- A.E.S.S.Jayasekara, K.P.Somachandra, K.K.N.N.Gunawardhana, G.A.R.Somasiri, W.M.S.Gunasekara. (2017). Preliminary validation of Potato Late Blight Forecasting Models to Predict the Initial Occurrence of Disease and its Management by Fungicide Spraying. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 19:72-83.
- A.E.S.S.Jayasekara, K.P.Somachandra, W.M.S.Gunasekara, G.A.R.Somasiri, K.K.N.N.Gunawardhana. (2018). Intercropping for the Management of Rust and Angular Leaf Spot in Bean. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 20.
- A.E.S.S.Jayasekara, K.P.Somachandra, W.M.S.Gunasekara, K.K.N.N.Gunawardhana, G.A.R.Somasiri. (2016). An action Threshold and a fungicide Spraying Schedule for Rust and Angular Leaf Spot in Bean. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture , 18:241-244.
- P.Somachandra, W.M.S.Gunasekara, G.A.R.Somasiri. (2012). Response of Cabbage Varieties to Soft Rot(Erwinia Carotovora) and Black Rot (Xanthomonas Campestris) Diseases. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 14:161-172.
- D.M.Kularathna, K.P.Somachandra, E.A.E.S.S.Jayasekara, M.L.M.C.Dissanayake. (2018). Strain Diversity and Host Range Variability of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the White Mould Pathogen of Cabbage. Tropical Agriculture, VOL.166(2).
- B.Bhosale, K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha, N.R.Patinge, D.R.Kadam. (2009). Comparative Efficacy of Microbial Insecticides with New Insecticide Molecule E2Y45 against POD Borer Complex of Pigeonpea. Department of Entomology, Marathwada Agriculture University,Parbhani.
- H.M.R.K.Ekanayake, JP.I.S.Jayalath, K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha. (2000). Effect of meloidigyne incognita on plant growth,Absorption and translocation of nutrients and water in tomato plants. Annals symposium of the Department of agriculture sri lanka, 93-100.
- H.M.R.K.Ekanayake,K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha,M.M.Nugaliyadda. (2003). Integrated Management of Meloidogyne Species in Vegetable Fields in the Mid Country wet Zone of Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 77-83.
- I.K.Warshamana, D.B.Jayalatharachchi, P.R.A.Wijesinghe, G.T.S.Perera, T.N.P.Fernando, W.R.U.Weerasinghe, S.P.S.K.Senadeera, S.D.K.Priyadarshani, R.A.P.Ranaweera, R.G.R.Kumari, P.Ranaweera, S.S.Weligamage, L.Nugaliyadde, R.Cooke. (2018). Fumigation Standards for ECO2FUME Phosphine fumigant for the Control of Quarantine Pests of Rice, Pineapple and Bitter Gourd. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture.
- J.P.Marasinghe, S.MAdugalle, K.M.P.Rangana, P.H.Ranaweera. (2017). Bio Efficacy of Etofenprox Against Brinjal Shoot and Pod Borer, Leucnodes orbonalis Guenee (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 284-288.
- K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha, A.L.Sandika, A.G.C.Babu, H.A.S.N.Hettiarachchi, K.Pushpanjali, P.D.Abeythilakarathna, M.M.Nugaliyadde. (2016). Farmers' Knowledge and Attitudes on Pesticide Usage in Vegetable Cultivation in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension .
- K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha, A.L.Sandika, A.G.C.Babu, H.A.S.N.Hettiarachchi, K.Pushpanjali, P.D.Abeytilakeratna, M.M.Nugaliyadde. (2016). Farmers' Knowledge and Attitudes on Pesticide Usage in Vegetable Cultivation in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agriculture Research and Extension.
- K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha, B.B.Bhosale,D.R.Kadam, N.R.Patinge. (2009). Comparison of new insecticide molecule, E2Y45 withMicrobial agents and other insecticides on parasitoids and predators and its Phytotoxicity to Pigeonpea. Department of Entomology,Marathwada Agriculture University, Parbhani.
- K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha, H.D.C.M>Jayasiri, H.A.L.H.K.Herath, M.M.Nugaliyadde, M.L.M.C.Dissanayake, Devika M.De Costa. (2018). Antagonistic Effect of Eight Sri Lankan Isolates of Pseudomonas Fluorescens on , Meloidogyne incognita in Tomato, Lycopersicon Esculentum. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology(IJEAB).
- K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha, H.M.R.K.Ekanayake,G.P.Chandrani. (2002). Agro-industrial by-prodcuts for mass culturing of trichoderma koningii, There effect on Meloidogyne incognita and the growth of tomato lycopersicon esculentum. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 159-165.
- K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha, M.M.Nugaliyadde, A.P.Rathnakumara. (2005). Flight Activity of Liriomyza Huidobrensis(Diptera : Agromyzidae) in Potato Fields in the Upcountry Wet Zone of Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 363-368.
- K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha,B.B.Bhosle,N.R.Patange,N.K.Bhute. (2008). Rynaxupyr, A new insecticide for Managing POD Borer Complex in Pigeonpea. Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture, Marathwada Agriculture University, Parrbhani, Maharashtra.
- K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha,H.M.R.K.Ekanayake. (2000). Agricultural by Products as Potential Soil Amendments to Manage Meloidigyne spp. on Tomato (Lycopersicom esculentum). Annual Symposium of the Department of Agriculture, 215-222.
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- Renuka Silva and Priyantha Weerasinghe Organic Agriculture in Sri Lanka.Basic Agriculture Programmes on Construction of the Asian Network for Sustainable organic Farming Technology. August 1-5, 2017, Kyrgystan
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- A poster - Use of Nitrification Inhibitors to Suppress the Activity of Autotrophic Nitrifiers in Intensively Vegetable Cultivated Soils Hansika, K.D., Dandeniya, W.S.* and Nawaratna, K.K.K. Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
- Nawarathna K.K.K. and H.E.A.M. Wikramatathna, (2018), Soil microbial functional diversity evaluation as a soil quality assessment index, Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 200 (133-137) – Short com
- Nawarathna K.K.K. Bacterial Bio inoculum as a renewable source of nitrogen for vegetable crops (2017) Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 19 (2) 16-28
- K.K. Nawarathna 2(014) Bio fertilizers for vegetables: Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 16:395
- Poster on”Value Addition on underutilized yam by K.K.K. Nawarathna and S. Ekanyaka, Horticultural Crops Research and Development Institutes, Gannoruwa, Department of Agriculture,
- Published articles in “Govikam Sangarawa” a magazineAn article on “Identify the risk of using higher temperature for food preparation (Sinhala)
- Published articles in “Govikam Sangarawa” a magazineAn An article on, “Daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables maintain our body healthy” (Sinhala)
- Preliminary agronomic evaluation of quinoa ( Chenopodium quinoa willd.) in Up Country Intermediate Zone of Sri Lanka Y.L.B. Pavithrani, K.G.U.Wijewardhane andJ.D.Ariyarathne.
- M.S.Kodikara, R.M.R.K.Ramanayake, K.P.Somachandra, S.M.K.G.Yatagama, C.P.Udawatte. (2015). An Appropriate Extraction Method to Determine Plant Available Phosphorus in Agricultural Soils of the Up- Country Intermediate Zone of Sri Lanka. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 17:10-13.
- K.A.I.Hadji, K.P.Somachandra, S.N.Kamalanie, K.D.M.Kularathne, N.S.Senanayake. (2017). Small- Scale Farmers’ Perception on Pesticide Usage: A Case Study From Intensive Vegetable Growing Areas in Welimada, Sri Lanka. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 19 (2): 269-273.
- Soil testing Kits as an alternative to laboratory soil testing for Soil pH, exchangeable K and available P in Sri Lankan soils. D.N.Sirisena, N.R.NSilva , K.K.K.Nawarathne, Ananda Weerawarna , Dharshani Jayamanne , Amoda Mayakaduwa , Upul Rathnayake , I.T.Karuneinadhan , Wasantha Malaviarchchi , Geethika Rupasinghe , Thilak Munasinghe , Kusala Kumuduni , Thilini Roshhima, Priyantha Weerasinghe.Department of Agriculture, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 14th International conference of the East and South East Asia Federation soil science, (ESAFS) Taiwan 2019 Session 13-7
- S.B.A.Weerawarna, W.M.J.Bandara, H.L.M.Jinadari lanka, V.R.U.B. Menike and N. Somarathna.“Biological Soil Test kit “A Tool for Identification of Nutrient Deficiencies and Testing Soil Specific Fertilizer Recommendation for Rice.Rice Congress 2010, Abstracts of posters 50-51.
- H.L.M.Jinadari lanka, D.N.Sirisena, S.B.A.Weerawarna and W.M.J.Bandara.“Sustainable Rice production from no fertilized Rice land for last 20 Years”Rice Congress 2010, Abstracts of posters 21.
- W.M.J.Bandara, S.B.A.Weerawarna and V.R.U.B.Menike .Effect of Integrated Use of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer on growth and yield of rice grown to kurunegala soil series in low country intermediate zone of Sri Lanka.The 9th international conference of the East and Southeast Asia Federation of soil science societies, (ESAFS) Seoul, Korea. 2008: 616-617
- W.M.J.Bandara, D.Kumaragamage, D.B.Wickramasingha and S.B.A.Weerawarna.“A new approach to supply balanced nutrient requirement for rice grown in galwewa soil series in low country dry zone of Sri Lanka” The 8th international conference of the East and SoutheastAsiaFederationsoilscience,(ESAFS) Tsukuba,japan,Oct,22-23, 2007.
- W.M.J.Bandara, D.Kumaragamage, D.B.Wickramasingha and S.B.A.Weerawarna.“A new technique ‘Biological Soil Test kit’ for identification of nutrient deficiencies and testing and testing Soil specific fertilizer recommendation for Rice”.The 8th international conference of the East and Southeast Asia federation of soil science, (ESAFS) Tsukuba, japan, Oct, 22-23, 2007.
- W.M.J.Bandara, S.B.A.Weerawarna and V.R.U.B.Menike“Contribution of Micronutrients in organic manures for growth and Yield of rice grown in batalagoda soil series of low country intermediate zone”Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 2006.08:19-28.
- W.M.J.Bandara, D.Kumaragamage, D.B.Wickramasingha and S.B.A.Weerawarna.“A Site Specific Fertilizer Recommendation for Rice grown in imperfectly drained Reddish Brown Earth soils in low country dry zone of Sri Lanka”Tropical Agricultural Research 2006 Vol.18: 48-62
- W.M.J.Bandara, D.Kumaragamage, D.B.Wickramasingha and S.B.A.Weerawarna.“Site Specific nutrient management strategy to increase Rice yield in low country intermediate zone”Soil science society of Sri Lanka 2005 Vol. 17:32-43
- C.Magamage, A.P. Dhanapala, D.G.G.S. Dharmaratna and J.A. Sumith 2018. “ Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables Exported to the European Union”
- C.Magamage, W.H.M.C.U. Waidyaratna, J.A. Sumith and M.H.H. Chathurangi, 2018. Potentially toxic trace elements in Mahaweli River in Sri Lanka during the dry season.
- C.Magamage, W.H.M.C.U. Waidyaratna, W.P.A.P. Dhanapala and D.M. Panampitiya, 2017. “Determination of Heavy metals in rice available in Kandy District, Sri Lanka.”
- P.W.Y.Lakshani., M.K.L.K.Rajapaksha., K.Senthuran.2017. “Pesticides residues in selected vegetables in several growing areas by GC/MS using QuEChERS technique”. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 19(2):188-208.
- P.W.Y.Lakshani., J.A.Sumith., M.K.L.K.Rajapaksha., R.R.M.L.B.Bambaradeniya., G.P.T.Chaturangi. 2018. “Pesticide residues in Alternantherasessilisand Centellaasiaticagrown in selected locations in Sri Lanka”. Tropical Agriculturist, 166 (3): 71-106.
- M.K.L.K.Rajapaksha., N.S.Weerakkody., P.W.Y.lakshani. 2018. “Quantification of pesticide residues in selected vegetables using the QuEChERS method”. OUSL journal, 13: 29-42
- P.W.Y.Lakshani., J.A.Sumith., M.K.L.K.Rajapaksha., W.P.A.P.Dhanapala and W.R.M.Wimalasena.2019. “Detections of pesticide residues in imported and locally grown perishables through Gas Chromatography and mass spectrometry”. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 21:7
- J. P. Marasinghe, C. Magamage, M.G.D. Shiromi, and A.G.P. Aravinna 2011. “ Organophosphate Pesticide Residues in Food commodities in Sri Lanka: A Review Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables Exporting to the European Union and Determination the Effect of Chlorine Treatment on Dizinon Residues – 2nd International Research Symposium of UvaWellasa University of Sri Lanka Levels of selected heavy metals in Mahaweli River water, Sri Lanka, Undergraduate Research Symposium 2017, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
- G.P.T.Chaturangi., M.S.W.De Silva., P.W.Y.Lakshani., “Contamination of Alternantherasessilis and Centellaasiatica with profenafos, fipronilandtebucanazole in Kandy, Puttalam and Kalutara Districts”. 2017. Innovation in food and nutrition research, Wayamba university of Sri Lanka: 79. (2017.05)
- K.Sendthuran.,P.W.Y.Lakshani., S.Jayathilake., “Assessment of pesticide residues in vegetasbles on selected domestic markets in Sri Lanka” . 2017. Capacity enhancement for a food secured tomarrow, Wayamba university of Sri Lanka: 50. (2017.05)
- Bulathsinhalage V.N.D., De costa D.M., Lakshani P.W.Y., “Analysis of Pesticides Residues and evaluation of selected beneficial effects in tomato grown under an echo friendly management package in comparison to existing commercial cultivation practices”,2016, Faculty of Agriculture undergraduate research symposium:184. (2016.07)
- V.N.D.Bulathsinhalage., D.M.De Costa, P.W.Y.Lakshani, “Pesticide related risk associated with the crop management practices performed by small scale tomato growers in mild country Sri Lanka”, 2016,second international research symposium ,UwaWellassa university, Sri Lanka: 39.(2016.07)
- Senarathne, S.M.A.C.U., R.R.M.K.T. Rathnayake, K.G.H.S. Peiris, D.K. Wijerathne, K.W.P.D. Karandawala, H.M.N.D.B. Hennayaka, D.N. Hettiarachchi, S.D. Rebeira, 2019. Effect oif storage on physicochemical parameters and aflatoxin production in non-roasted chili powder in local markets. Annals of Sri Lanka, Department of Agricyulture, 2019.21.
- Hettiarachchi, D.N., H.M.P.B.Somarathne, W.A.J.P.Wijesinghe, D.L.C.N.Hitigedara, R.A.Wijerathna, H.R.P.Fernando, S.M.A.C.U.Senarathne. (2019).Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) Powder as a Substitute for Fresh Pulp in Sauce Industry. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture .21:26.
- D.N. Hettiarachchi, K.H. Sarananda, S.T.J. Bandara and C.K. Ranawana, 2016. Development of noval candy using calabash gourd, Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, vol. 18 page 77 (poster)
- Warshamana, I.K., P.R.A. Wijesinghe, G.T.S. Perera, T.N.P. Fernando, S.M.A.C.U. Senarathne, S.S. Weligamage, H.M.R. Bandara, T. Swaminadan and L. Nugaliyadda, 2016. Efficacy of Ethyl formate (16.3%) w/w) in liquid carbon dioxide (83.7%) w/w) as a fumigant for the control of mealy bugs in pine apple and pests of stored rice and maize. 2016. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, vol. 18 page 165-168.
- Senarathne, S.M.A.C.U., D.K. Wijerathna, K.W.P.D. Karandawela and K.H. Sarananda, 2016. Determination of effect of cooking on total polyphenol and ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity of five common green leafy vegetables and curry leaves. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, vol. 18 page 9-12.
- Fernando,H.R.P., U.G.K.Sandaruwani, K.M.Somawathi, D.N.Hettiarachchi, S.M.A.C.U.Senaratne. (2018). Effect of Maltodextrine on Physical Properties of Spray Dried Fruit Pulp Powder of Annona muricata and Annona reticulata.Annels of Sri Lanka Department of Agricultue, 20: 23
- Panditharatne, P.W. M.H.P., H.R.P.Fernando, P.K.Dissanayake. (2018). Production of durian (Duriozibethinus) powder by spray drying techniques.Annels of Sri Lanka Department of Agricultue, 20: 20
- Senarathne S.M.A.C.U., D.K. Wijerathne, K.W.P.D. Karandawala, H.R.P. Fernando and D.N. Hettiarachchci,2018. A study on the physicochemical and microscopic characteristic of fresh and processed bee honey from the Uva province of Sri Lanka, Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture,2018.
- Rebeira S.,Full paper in ASDA 2018 titled “Rice Milkshake Fortified With Fermented Rice Bran And Fruit Pulp”
- Sarananda, K.H. (1989). Response of 'Embul` bananas to modified atmosphere storage. Tropical Agriculturist, 145: 104 - 113
- Sarananda, K.H. (1990). Green-soft disorder during simulated transport of Cavendish bananas. Thesis submitted for MSc(Horticulture) at University of the Philippines at Los Banos, The Philippines.
- Sarananda, K.H. (1990). Effect of calcium carbide on ripening of 'Embul` bananas. Tropical Agriculturist, 146: 27 - 35.
- Sarananda, K.H. (1993). Effect of some postharvest handling practices on stem- end rot of avocado caused by Diplodia natalensis. KRUSHI, A Technical Bulletin for researchers, Extension workers and Trainers in Agriculture, 13: 21.
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- Wilson Wijerathnam, R.S.; Jayathilake, S.; Sarananda Hewage, S.K.; Paranerupasingham, S.and Peris, C.N. Determination of maturity indices for Sri Lankan Embul bananas. In postharvest handling of tropical fruits. Proceedings of an international conference held at Chang Mai, Thailand, 19 -23 July 1993, 338 - 340.
- Sarananda, K.H. (1994). Use of calcium carbide to induce ripening in bananas. KRUSHI, A Technical Bulletin for Researchers, Extension workers and Trainers in Agriculture, 14(1):29-30.
- Sarananda, K.H. and R.S.W. Wijerathnam, (1994). Controlled atmosphere storage of ‘Embul’ bananas. Tropical Agricultural Research 6: 17-22.
- Hewage, K.S., Wainwright, H. and Luo, Y. (1995). Effect of ethanol and acetaldehyde on banana ripening. J. Horticultural Science 70, 51 - 55.
- Sarananda Hewage, K., Wainwright, H., Wijertnam, R.S.W. and Swinburne, T.R. (1995). The modified atmosphere storage of bananas as affected by different temperatures. Postharvest Physiology, Pathology and Technologies for Horticultural Commodities: Recent Advances, 172-176.
- Hewage, K.S., Wainwright, H and Wijeratnam, R.S.W. (1996). Quantitative assessment of chilling injury in banana using a colorimeter. J. Hort. Sci. 71: 135-139.
- Hewage, K.S. (1996). Factors influencing post-harvest longevity of Embul bananas. PhD thesissubmitted to University of London.
- Sarananda, K.H., Wainwright, H. and Wilson Wijeratnam, R. (1996). Inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis in modified atmosphere stored bananas. Tropical Agricultural Research Vol. 8 306-314.
- Sarananda, K.H. and R.S.W. Wijeratnam, (1996). Changes in susceptibility to crown rot during maturation Embul bananas and effect of oxygen and carbon dioxide on extent of the rot. SLASS abstract 1996.
- Sarananda, K.H. (1997). Calcium carbide for mango ripening. AGTEC in brief, Technical information bulletin, Vol.2 No4.
- Sarananda, K.H. (1997). Reducing postharvest losses in okra. AGTEC in brief, Technical information bulletin, Vol.2 No.7.
- Sarananda, K.H. and R. Amarakoon, (1998). Methods to minimize postharvest rots of mango. KRUSHI 16(4): 1-5.
- Sarananda, K.H. and R. Amarakoon. (1999). Methods to minimize postharvest rot of three local cultivars of mango. Annual Symposium of the Department of Agriculture, 21-22 September 1999.
- Amarakon, R, K.H. Sarananda and D.C.K. Illeperuma (1999). Quality of mangoes as affected by stage of maturity. Tropical Agricultural Research 11: 74-85.
- Amarakoon, R. D.C.K. Illeperuma and K.H. Sarananda (1999). Effect of calcium carbide treatment on ripening and quality of vellaicolomban and Willard mangoes. Tropical Agricultural Research 11: 54-60.
- Sarananda, K.H. (1999). Artificially ripening fruits: methods. KRUSHI (18): No 1-2, 22-25.
- Illeperuma, D.C.K., P.T. Galappatty and K.H. Sarananda (2000). Modified atmosphere storage of Kolikuttu bananas at low temperature. J. Horticultural science and Biotechnology 75(1): 92-96.
- Sarananda, K.H., W.P. Hettiarachchi, S.J.V.M.L. Samarakoon and J. Eeswara (2000). Use of Enthral to induce ripening process of bananas. Annual symposium of the Department of Agriculture, 21-22 September 2000.
- Sarananda, K.H. (2000). Appropriate postharvest technologies for horticultural crops in Sri Lanka. Report of the APO seminar on Appropriate Postharvest technologies for horticultural crops held in Bangkok from 5-9 July 1999.
- Sarananda, K.H., Wijetunga, S.A. and Wijesundara, A. (2001). Best quality mature jak fruits for super markets. KRUSHI 20: No 1-2, 9- 4.
- Jayasooriya, J.M.K.M. and Sarananda, K.H. (2002). Study on stem end rot of avocado (Percea Americana) caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae and its control measures. Proceedings of Agricultural Research Symposium held on 4 June 2002, Wayamba Univesity of Sri Lanka.
- Wijesinghe, W.A.J.P. and Sarananda, K.H. (2002). Postharvest quality of ‘Maurtius’ pineapple and reasons for reduce quality. Accepted for Tropical Agriculture Research and Extension 5(1 & 2):53-56.
- Sarananda, K.H. and Dulani, H.N. Hot Ethral improves peel colour development of Karuthacolomban mango. KRUSHI, Vol 21,22 No. 11-4 April 2002, March 2004.
- Sarananda, K.H., Silva, K.I.P. and Wijesinghe, D.G.N.G. (2003). Development of suitable technology and package for marketing of minimally processed Mukunuwenna (Alternanthera sessilis). Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 5: 207-218.
- Sarananda, K.H. (2003). Impact of soil nutrients and defence elicitors on disease resistance in banana. Paper presented in Management of postharvest diseases of subtropical and tropical fruits using their natural resistance mechanism. ACIAR workshop, Brisbane, February 10-14.
- Sarananda, K.H. and Sujatha Kumari, (2003). Postharvest disease control of Karuthacolomban mango trough improved postharvest handling practices. Paper presented on symposium on “Technology for environment protected sustainable agriculture” on 19-21 November 2003.
- Kumari, I.S. Saranada, K.H. and Jayarathna, D.L. (2003). An approach to control stem end rot of “Karuthacolomban” mango. Annual Research Symposium, University of Kelaniya p-81.
- Sarananda, K.H., Wijesinghe, W.A.J.P., Dulani, H.N. and Peiris, C.N. (2004). Effect of hot ethral dip treatment for improving peel colour development and reducing stem end rot of karuthacolomban mango. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 6:187-194
- Sarananda, K.H. Balasuriya, S.T. and Ganeshalingam, K. (2004). Quality of papaya variety ‘Ratna’ as affected by postharvest handling. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension 7, 72-78.
- Sarananda, K.H., U.N.G.C. Kumari, Eeswara, J.P. and Rathnayaka, R.M.N.D. (2004). Artificial ripening reduces postharvest losses of avocado. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension. 7: 144-149.
- Abeywickrama, K., Kulatathna, L., Sarananda, K.H. and Abeygunawardana, D. (2004). Cymbopogon citrates (lemon grass) and citral a+b spray treatments alone or in combination with sodium bicarbonate in controlling crown rot in embul banana (Musa acuminata AAB). Tropical Agricultural research and Extension. 7:104-111.
- Sarananda, K.H., Gunawardana, I.P. and Wijesinghe, W.A.J.P. (2005). Effect of pre-treatment and packaging film for minimally processed carrots stored at low temperature. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension. 8: 13-21.
- Sarananda, K.H. (2005). Horticultural crops and food safety standards in Sri Lanka. Chronicle of the international workshop on Food safety standards for better export of fruits and vegetable products. 191-200.
- Sarananda, K.H. and W.W.D.M.G.D. Dassanayake. (2006-2007). Extension of storage life of kolikuttu bananas. Tropical Agriculturist 156:1- 15.
- Dharmabandu, P.T.S., de Silva, S.M., Wimalasena, S., Wijesinghe, W.A.J.P. and Sarananda, K.H. (2007). Effect of pre-treatments on extending the shelf life of minimally processed ‘Ela Batu (Solanum surattense). Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension 10: 61-66.
- Pushpakumari, M.W.N., Sarananda, K.H. and Nayananjalee, W.A.D. (2008). Development of natural mango flavoured drinking yoghurt. Abstract of final year research, Faculty of agriculture, university of Rajarata.
- Wijesinghe, W.A.P and K.H. Sarananda (2008). Utilization of cassava through freezing. Journal of Food and Agriculture. 1: 17-29.
- Sarananda, K.H. (2008). Pre-harvest calcium spray in incidence of internal browning in pineapple cv. Mauritius during cold storage. Agrieast. 7:1-8.
- Kirthisinghe, J.P., K.H. Sarananda and D. Kumaragamage (2008). Sit specific nutrient application on yield, quality and postharvest life of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.). Tropical Agricultural Research 20: 89-101.
- Sarananda, K.H. (2009). Improving nutritional quality of foods through improving agricultural technologies. Abstracts of the scientific sessions, Nutrition society of Sri Lanka.
- Abeywickrama, K. (2009).Post harvest concepts and research trends. (ed.) Sarananda, K.H. Godage publishers.
- Abeywickrama, K, C. Wijerathna, H. Herath., and K.H. Sarananda (2009). An integrated treatment of basil oil (Ocimum basilicum ) and alum with modified atmosphere to control crown rot disease in Embul banana. Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension 12(1) 23-30.
- Pratheepa, S., K.M. Somawathie2, K.H. Sarananda3 and T. Madhujith (2011). Antioxidant Activity of Different Varieties of Bitter Gourds (Momordica spp. Cultivated in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the University of Peradeniya research sessions.P 42.
- Rathnayaka, R.M.E.S., C.K. Beneragama and K.H. Sarananda. (2011). Effect of 1- methylcyclopropene-1-carboxylic acid on ripening related changes in dessert type banana cultivar ‘Kolikuttu’. Proceedings of the university of Peradeniya research sessions. P 43
- Perera, M.P.M.S.H., R. Sivakanesan, D.T.D.J. Abeysekera and K.H. Sarananda. (2013). Sensory evaluation, proximate analysis and available carbohydrate content of soy flour in cooperated cereal based traditional Sri Lankan Breakfast foods. International Journal of Research in agriculture and food sciences. 1 (4): 10 – 19 2013
- N. Hitigedara, K.H. Sarananda and A.J.M.B. Adikari. Development of cheese whey based drinking yoghurt incorporated with pineapple. Paper presented in undergraduate research symposium proceedings 31st July 2013. Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- Hewapathirana, H.D.P.T., K.H. Sarananda and A.M.J.B. Adikari. (2013). Development of fiber and iron enriched stirred yoghurt by using finger millet. Paper presented in undergraduate research symposium proceedings 31st July 2013. Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- Sarananda, K.H. (2014). Production and postharvest management of cabbage in Sri Lanka. Paper presented in workshop on Postharvest Management of Horticultural Crops in Asia. March 11th-15th, 2014. Viantiane, Lao PDR. (143-160).
- H.D.G.S.N. Weerasinghe, K.H. Sarananda and A.M.J.B. Adikari (2014). Development of extruded flakes using finger millet, soy bean and rice. Proceedings of 6th Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka 2nd July 2014.
- W.M.D.K. Bandara, K.H. Sarananda, N.W.I.A. Jayawardana and W.A.D. Nayananjalee 2014. Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) based malted milk. Proceedings of 6th Annual Research Symposium , Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 2nd July 2014.
- Karunarathne, A.M., K.H. Sarananda and P.H.P. Prasanna. (2014). Production of soybean sprouts and their utilization. Proceedings of 6th Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka 2nd July 2014.
- Wijesiri, V.T., C.K. Illeperuma and K.H. Sarananda (2014). Development of rice noodles by incorporating Moringa Oleifera (drumstick) leaves for calcium enrichment. Peradeniya University Research Sessions 2014.
- Sarananda, K.H. (2014). Linking biodiversity to supply chain through food processing. Paper presented in International Symposium on Biodiversity, Food and Nutrition, 8th December 2014, The Kingsbury Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Wijesinghe, J.A.C.C., I. Wickramasinghe and K.H. Sarananda. (2014). Granular morphological composition of Kithul (Caryota urens) flour obtained from five different growing areas in Sri Lanka. ICMA proceedings, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches held on 13tt to 14th August 2014, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardanapura.
- Perera, M.P.M.S.H., R. Sivakanesan, D.T.D.J. Abeysekera and K.H. Sarananda. (2015). Effect of poressing method on physical and sensory characteristics of soy (Glycine Max) milk. Proceedings of the Peradenya International Research Sessions, 19:5th and 6th November 2015.
- Perera, M.P.M.S.H., R. Sivakanesan, D.T.D.J. Abeysekera and K.H. Sarananda. (2015). Glycemic response of traditional breakfast foods in adults with type 2 diabetes mellus. Tropical Agriculture Research 27(1) 39-48.
- Wijesinghe, J.A.A.C, I. Wickramasinghe and K.H. Sarananda (2015). Physico-chemical properties of flour from tapped and untapped Kithul (Caryota urens) trees in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Life Sciences, International Research Journal 2: 1:105-113.
- Perera, M.P.M.S.H., R. Sivakanesan, D,T.D.J. Abeysekera and K.H. Sarananda (2014). Effect of vegetables mixed curry on Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of soy four incorporated traditions Sri Lankan breakfast foods in healthy adults. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 13(11):616-621.
- Perera, M.P.M.S.H., R. Sivakanesan, D.T.D.J. Abeysekera and K.H. Sarananda (2012). Sensory evaluation of traditional breakfast food substituted with soy flour and red rice flour. Peradeniya University Research Sessions, Sri Lanka 17: 137-138.
- Nisansala, Y.M.C., L.K.R.R. Jayakody, K.H. Sarananda and S. Somarathne (2015). Effect of pre-harvest potassium treatment on stem end rot disease development of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. TomEJC during fruit ripening. Sabaragamuwa University Journal 14 (2) 119-132.
- Weerasooriya, W.M.N.L., A.M.M.U. Adikari and K.H. Sarananda (2016). Development of ready-to-cook composite vegetable leather using locally available vegetables. Paper presented at Undergraduate Research Symposium 2016, September 28, Faculty of Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
- Sarananda, K.H. 2012. Effect of Urea application as a top dressing on development of Black Heart Disorder of Mauritious Pineapple (Anannas comosus L.) during cold storage. Journal of Food and Agriculture 05, (No I and II): 39-45.
- Senarathne, S.M.A.C.U., D.K. Wijerathne, K.W.P.D. Karandawala and K.H. Sarananda (2016). Determination of effect of cooking on total polyphenol content, Ascorbic acid content and Antioxidant activity of five common green leafy vegetables and curry leaves in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agriculturist 164: 109-120.
- Ruwanthi Premathilaka, Indira Wickramasinghe and Sarananda Hewage 2016. Vitro antioxidant activity of leafy extracts on three medicinal plants; Costus specious (Koen.) Smith, Coccinia grandis (L.) J. Voigt and Wattakaka Volubilis. European Journal of Academic Essays 3(3): 141-146.
- Hisham, A.H.M., K.H. Sarananda and S.M.A.C.U. Senaratne (2017). Aloe vera Gel as and Edble coating to prolong shelf life of papaya (Carica papaya L.) . Proceedings of the 16th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 9tt – 10th November 2017, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP306-310.
- Herath, H.M.D.P., R.H.M.K. Rathnayake, L.A. Rathnayake and K.H. Sarananda (2017). Postharvest quality and acceptability of Mauritious Pineapple harvested at different maturity stages. Proceedings of the 16th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 9tt – 10th November 2017, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 301-305.
- Jayawardana, Y.D.A., K.H. Sarananda and S.M.A.C.U. Senarthane (2017), Antioxidant levels of Alternathera sessilis (Mukunuwenna) as affected by the cultivar and ferlizer applications. Proceedings of the 16th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 9tt – 10th November 2017, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 359-363.
- Karunatilake, D.D.C.I., S.A.E.C. Wijesinghe and K.H. Sarananda (2017). Development and quality evaluation of Kiri ala (Xanthososma sagittifolium L.), Raja Ala (Diascorea alata L.) and wheat flour mixed cookies. Proceedings of the 16th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 9tt – 10th November 2017, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP374-378.
- Wijayawickrama, M.A., K.H. Sarananda and S.M.A.C.U. Senarathna (2017). Effect of acidity and pasteurization temperature on microbial growth in low calorie mango (Mangifera indica) Ready-to-Serve drink. Proceedings of the 16th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 9tt – 10th November 2017, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP409-413.
- Wijekoon, A.W.M.C.L.K., K.H. Sarananda and S.M.A.C.U. Senarathyne (2017). Effect of microwave heat treatment on microbial stability of medium sugar mango ready-to-serve drink filled in PET bottles. Proceedings of the 16th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 9tt – 10th November 2017, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 446-449.
- Godakumbura, H.S.K.H. Sarananda and S.M.A.C.U. Senarathne (2017). Effect on pre-treatment microwave heating on dehydration rate and quality of dehydrated papaya (Carica papaya L.). 16 th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 9tt – 10th November 2017, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 455-458.
- Sewwandi, A.G.P. K.H. Sarananda and S.M.A.U. Senarathne (2017). Ejject of pre-treatments on minimally processed ripe jack fruit (Artocarphus heterophyllus). 16 th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 9tt – 10th November 2017, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
- Thalwatta, T.G.T.D. and K.H. Sarananda (2018). Preparation of nutrient bar adding liquid glucose, 17th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 28th – 29th November 2018, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 140-143.
- Asif, M.N.M., M. Bulathkandagea, R,H,M,K, Rathnayake and K.H. Sarananda (2018). Development of jackfruit based vegetarian finger enriched with vegetable protein. 17th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 28th – 29th November 2018, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. Pp 179-183.
- Bandara, J.A.N.C and K.H. Sarananda (2018). Effect of stage of maturity at harvest and induced ripening on textural changes of ripe avocado (Persea Americana). 17th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 28th – 29th November 2018, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 184-188.
- Pathirana, A.I.R.L. and K.H. Sarananda (2018). Investigation of effect of finger millet flour on textural changes of composite flour muffins aiming for children. 17th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 28th – 29th November 2018, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 223-227.
- Shanmugaraja, J. and K.H. Sarananda (2018). Maintian the postharvest quality of Kolijuttu banana variety Agra during ripening. 17th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 28th – 29th November 2018, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 246-250.
- Chathurika, D,S. K.H. Sarananda and A.G.K. Wijesinghe (2018). Consumer perception of coconut milk based cooked products as affected by different froms of processed coconut milk products. 17th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 28th – 29th November 2018, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 261-265
- Haleema, M.H. K.H. Sarananda and S.M.A.C.U. Senarathne (2018). Effect of steam blanching on quality of dehydrated papaya (Caruca papaya L.). 17th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 28th – 29th November 2018, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 275-279
- Medagoda, M.H.M.D.M.L., K.H. Sarananda and S.M.A.C.U. Senarathne (2018). Effect of microwave heat treatment on sterilization of low-sugar mixed ready-to-serve drink. 17th Agricultural Research Symposium held on 28th – 29th November 2018, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. PP 300-304.
- A.Shirani,A.Samanthi. (2012). A Simple Mass Propagation Protocol for Baby’s Breath (Gypsophila paniculata L.). Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 14:125-133.
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