- Address : P.O. Box 11, Gannoruwa rd, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : director.hordi@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone :(+94) 081-2388011-12-13
- Fax :(+94) 081-2388234
HORDI - Research Programs 2020
Title/ programme | Objective | Expected outcome |
Screening of exotic hybrid, germplasm, breeding lines of solanaceae crops for bacterial wilt resistance and seed-borne viruses | Resistant varieties for bacterial wilt, identify seed borne viruses free exotic seed lots | Minimized cost of production and safer food |
Seed potato testing against quarantine diseases | Quarantine diseases free potato consignments | Safer food |
Development of integrated strategy for the management of seed-borne bacterial canker disease of Tomato in Sri Lanka. | Effective molecular technique to detection Cmm from Tomato seeds. Effective screening technique for varietal screening.Resistant varieties for Cmm. Effective bio control agents to control Cmm | Minimized cost of production and safer food |
Effect of soil amendments to control of Ralstonia solanacearum | Effective soil amendments for control R. solanecearum causing bacterial wilt | Minimized cost of production and safer food |
Bio- efficacy of PGR against virus diseases of cucurbits and tomato (2 trials) | Effective PGR for control virus diseases of cucurbits and tomato | Minimized cost of production and safer food |
BIPM programme for soil borne diseases of solanaceae crops. | Identify effective bio control agents to control Fusarium wilt of solanaceae crops | Minimized cost of production and safe food |
Bio- efficacy of new fungicides against powdery and downy mildew of cucurbits and Corynespora leaf spot of tomato (3 trials) | Effective low toxic fungicides for powdery, downy mildew of cucurbits and Corynespora leaf spot of tomato | safer food |
Diversity of Colletotrichum species causing Anthracnose disease in Capsicum cultivation in Sri Lanka | Information on Diversity of Colletotrichum species in Capsicum | Availability of Information on Diversity of Colletotrichum species in Capsicum further research works for breeders and other research streams |
Study on endophyte fungi on Capsicum Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum spp. | Biological control method for Capsicum Anthracnose will be available | Minimized environment pollution and safe food |
Study on endophyte fungi on tomato early blight caused by Alternaria spp. | Biological control method for tomato early blight will be available | Minimized environment pollution and safer food |
Assess the climate change impact on vegetable diseases | Development of map of soil borne bacteria availability | Availability of appropriate crop management technologies for climate change adaptation |
Development of disease management strategies by using induced resistance and biological control agents | Safe methods for plant disease management | Safer food |
Screening for powdery and downy mildew diseases of cucurbit | Disease resistant varieties for powdery and downy mildew diseases | Minimized cost of production and safer food |
Development of Varietal screening methods for bacterial wilt of cucurbits | Variety screening technique for bacterial wilt | Higher productivity |
Identification of new virus of cucurbits | Development of new virus management package | Minimized cost of production and safer food |
Studies on resistance mechanism of cucurbits against powdery mildew | Development of new laboratory technique to identify disease resistant varieties | Minimized cost of production and safer food |
Title/ program | Objective | Expected outcome |
Development of novel floricultural varieties through physical mutagenesis | Introduce novel flower and folige types to floriculture industry | |
Study Morphology anatomy , growth and rooting behaviour of promising Brinjal and Capsicum lines under limited water availability | Identification of morphological and physiological characters of drought tolerant varieties | |
Identification of efficient resource management method for pandol crop cultivation through mix cropping | To maximize land and resource management through combination of same species crops | |
Development of modern cultivation technologies for Low Priority High Demanding (LPHD) vegetable and root and tuber crops (Eg. Thibbatu, innala Elabatu, Halmassan dambala, Awara) | Introduction and promotion of more adaptable , high demanding and nutritious crops to vegetable farmer | |
Study the effect of Plant physiological aspects on tuber production and yield of selected sweet potato varieties. | Identify the factors effecting tuber formation | |
Plant pruning and training for seed quality and seed yield improvement in capsicum | To identify best method of pruning and training to improve seed yeild and quality of female parent of newly released capsicum (Prarthana) | Improvement of seed yeild and quality by plant pruning and training |
Effect of plant pruning on yeild and quality parameters of tomato | To select the best plant pruning method to increase the fruit yeild and quality parameters | Selction of best treatment combination to improve fruit yeild with good quality |
Effect of managing fertilizer schedule for protected house grown tomato | To selct the best fertilizer schedule to increase the fruit yeild and quality parameters of protected house grown tomato | Selection of best fertilizer schedule to improve the fruit size and quality |
Effect of intercropping tomato with radishand beet root | To study the effect of intercropping on yeild parameters of diffeent crop combinations and to increase the land use efficiency | Intercropping of different vegetable crop combination to increase the land use efficiency |
Identification of best spacing for newly released hybrid capsicum variety prarthana | To select the best spacing level for hybrid capsicum | Selection of the best spacing level |
Title / Program | Objective | Expected outcome |
Determination of N and K response on hybrid Capsicum | To develop fertilizer recommendation on hybrid vegetables, Objective of the year : To determine application of different rates of N and K on crop performances | New fertilizer recommendation for hybrid vegetables |
Determination of N and K response on hybrid Brinjal | To develop fertilizer recommendation on hybrid vegetables | fertilizer recommendation on hybrid vegetables |
Development of Suitable nutrient Management Package for quality Seed Production of Tomato | To develop best nutrient management package for quality Seed Production of Tomato Objective of the year: To test different nutrient management practices under field condition | Nutrient management package for quality seed production of Tomato |
Soil calibration studies on Mg, S and Zn | To determine influence of application of Mg, S and Zn on vegetable crops | Requirement of Calcium / Mg |
To determine effect of application of calcium nitrate on growth and yield under water stress condition | Necessity of Calcium under low water conditions | |
Determination of effect of application of Silicon on growth of Tomato under water stress and non water stress condition | To determine effect of application of Si on growth and yield under water stress and no water stress condition | Necessity of Si under water stress and conditions |
Bio availability of Cadmium in soil from TSP fertilizers | To determine the bio availability of Cd in soil and plant accumulation due to TSP fertilizers in different vegetable crops | Data on Cd bio availability |
Determination of bio availability of Lead and Cadmium in Soils in Major Vegetable grown areas in Sri Lanka | To assess level of contamination and bio availability of Cd and Pb in soil in major vegetable growing areas in Sri Lanka poses health risk. | Data on bio availability of trace elements |
Effect of split Application of different Organic Fertilizer Sources on Vegetable under Organic Farming | To determine the effect of split application of different organic nutrient sources for growth and yield of vegetable crops | New recommendations for organic farming |
Effect of Different rates of the Partially Burnt Rice Husk with Organic Manure on Vegetable Production under Organic Farming | To determine suitable rates of the partially burnt rice husk with organic manure on vegetable production under mix cropping system | Enhancement of soil quality |
Effect of continuous application of compost on vegetable Yield (Observational experiment). | Monitor vegetable yields obtainable with compost, Monitor changes in soil characters due to continuous addition of compost. | Enhancement of soil quality |
Screening of Different varieties in Vegetable Crops for Organic Farming under low input condition | To select best varieties of different vegetable crops for low input organic farming condition | Suitable vegetable varieties for organic farming |
Development of field test kit for determine the Phosphorous in soil | To develop field test kit for P analysis in soil | Field test kit for P analysis |
Determination of pesticide residues in vegetables collected from market by using rapid bio assay method | To determine pesticide residues in vegetables collected from market | Rapid methods for pesticides analysis |
Testing of efficacy of the special fertilizers imported to country | To determine performance of the special fertilizers imported to the country | Preparations of quality fertilizer |
Determination of Residual effect of Phosphorous from TSP Fertilizers | To determine the residual effects of the soil P to vegetables | Minimize the P accumulation in soil |
Survey on farmer practices of fertilizer application in vegetables growing areas in Sri Lanka | To Determine effect of application of different fertilizers on vegetables | Data on farmer practices of fertilizer application and introduce correct fertilizer practices |
Soil bio diversity assessment in vegetable cropping systems in different agro ecological zones for soil quality indexing | Quality assessment of vegetable grown soils in different agro-ecological zones depending upon microbial and chemical properties. 1.To identify abundance and diversity of crop beneficial microorganisms in vegetable systems in different agro ecological zones 2. To compare the identified diversity with the un-intervened natural systems presence in the same region. 3.Correlate the diversity with different influential factors and identification of most influential factors on the survival of beneficial groups | Implications on soil quality deterioration over time. |
Isolation of vegetable crop specific nitrogen fixers for different vegetables | To isolate vegetable crop specific nitrogen fixers for different vegetables. to assess their efficacy in pot experiments and in field conditions | Promising nitrogen fixing inoculum for different vegetable crops, thereby reduction of usages of chemical nitrogen fertilizers |
Development of specific phosphorus solubilizing microbial (PSM) inoculums to make use them in fixed phosphorus rich vegetable growing soils in wet and dry zone | To develop effective compatible phosphorus solubilizing microorganism (PSM) to solubilize fixed forms of phosphorus in vegetable growing fields. To upgrade ERP by incorporating P solubilizers, to apply for vegetable growing soils | Soil specific P solubilizing microbial inoculums (consist with compatible consortium of PSM)for dry and wet zone Improve ERP solubility and promotion of ERP usage in vegetable fields |
Soil test kit /plant test kit based fertilizer recommendation at Gampaha District usage | To evaluate soil test kit/plant test kt based fertilizer recommendation. | To promote soil test kit /plant test kit based fertilizer recommendation for quick results |
Application of Cinnamon and Karanda as Botanical nitrification Inhibitor(BNI) at farmers fields | To evaluate the effectiveness of Botanical formulation of cinnamon and karanda as BNI | Farmer adaptability of application of BNI |
Application of Nitrogen fixing inoculum at farmer field for capsicum | To evaluate the effectiveness of Nitrogen fixing inoculum at farmer field for capsicum | Farmer adaptability of Nitrogen fixing inoculum |
Studding the long term effects on soil physical properties and crop yield | Soil moisture conservation, reduction of compaction and energy conservation | Soil moisture and energy conservation and reduction of compaction of vegetable growing soil |
Evaluation of different nutrient management practices on soil quality parameters. | Estimation changers of quality parameters due to nutrient management | Long term nutrients retention and soil quality improvement by Improving soil physical properties |
Survey on assessing farmer fertilizer usage in vegetable growing area in Sri Lanka | Increasing fertilizer use efficiency, Reduction of cost of production | Reduction of over use of chemical fertilizer and introducing good agriculture practices |
| Title/program | Objective | Expected outcome |
1 | Random analysis of fruits and vegetables for pesticide residues and heavy metals in selected areas while evaluation of pesticide removal methods (including GAP samples)
| Assurance of food safety | Protection of community through food contaminants |
2 | Pesticide residue analysis and elemental analysis in fruits and vegetables collected from selected districts (both GAP and Non –GAP) | Assurance of food safety while protecting the export market | Protection of community through food contaminants |
3 | Conducting Pesticide Residue Supervision trials for the Locally Registered Pesticides (nearly 3 pesticides in leafy vegetables) | Evaluation of PHI and MRLs of pesticides at local conditions | Getting clear picture on pesticide residues |
4 | Analysis of pesticide residues including storage pesticides in rice in Sri Lanka | Assurances of food safety in rice | Protection of community through food contaminants |
5 | Elemental analysis in rice cultivated in Sri Lanka |