- Address : P.O. Box 11, Gannoruwa rd, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : director.hordi@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone :(+94) 081-2388011-12-13
- Fax :(+94) 081-2388234
HORDI - Research Programs 2019
Development of biotechnological tool to use in vegetable breeding(beans, bittergourd) | Development of marker assistant breeding technology for vegetables breeding and applicatiion of tissue culture tools for vegetable breeding |
Quality seed production of recommendad bitter gourd, cucumber, pumpkin, Brinjal varieties and hybrid parental lines | production of breeder seeds and parental lines seeds with standad methods to maintain genetic purity |
Development of OP and hybrid cucumber varieties | development of new Bitter gourd. cucumber and Brinjal varities with high yeild better quality with pest and desease resisitant or tolerent |
Development of highbrid and OP bittergourd varieties | Development of new varie\ties suitable for local and export market with high yeild pest desease resistant and high quality |
Crop Improvement – yard long bean | Development of high yeilding better quality varieties |
Development of hybrid/OP varieties of Luffa | Development of Suitable hybrid/OP varieties |
Development of Hybrid/OP varities of Okra | Development of suitable hybrid/OP varities |
Crop improvement of bean OP varietal development program | Development of suitable varities |
Seed production of released varities | Availability of quality Seeds |
Varietal development of Brinjal | To develop high yielding better quality brinjal varieties |
Exotic varietal evaluation of brinjal | To evaluate the field performance of exotic varieties prior to issue importation permits |
Seed Production of Parental lines and released varieties of brinjal | To ensure seed availability |
Varietal development of Tomato | To Develop high yielding better quality tomato varieties for open fields and polytunnels |
Exotic varietal evaluation for tomato | To evaluate performance of exortic tomato varieties prior to recommend for importation |
Seed production of Parental lines and released varietiesof tomato | to |
Development open polinated snake gourd varieties (high yilding medium and long type with CGMMv resistant) | To develop high yilding medium and long type fruits with CGMMV Resisitant |
Development of high yielding short age varieties tolerent for biotic and abiotic stresses due to climatic changes | To Develop short age cassava varieties with high yeild and tolerent for drought and virus (biotic and abiotic stress) |
Screening of exotic hybrid of vegetables for major disease under filed condition | To identtify resistant varieties suitable for major diseases |
Variety screening for diseases | Varieties resis to fungi disease |
Technique for variety screening | Varieties resistant to Bwilt |
Biological disease management | Safe methods to dis. Control |
Bio-efficacy of new fungicide against powdery midlew of cucurbits | To test the efficucy of new fungicide against powdery mildew in cucurbits |
Bio-Efficacy of new fungicides against downew mildew of cucrbits | To test the efficacy of new fungicide against downew mildew of cucurbits |
Assess the climate change impact on vegetable diseases | To survey for epidemiology study, disease history in farmer’s field in Kandy and Mathale districts.To develop a map of epidemiology data for soil-borne pathogens availability and density. |
Study on endophyte fungi on tomato early blight caused by Alternaria spp. | To identify endophyte fungi on tomato to control early blight caused by Alternaria spp. as a bio fungicide |
Effect of soil ammendments to cotrol bacteril wilt | To identify effective soil ammendments |
Identification of causal pathogen of bacterial wilt of cucurbits and beans | To identify causal pathogen of bacterial wilt |
Bio-Efficacy testing of fungicides against brown leaf spot disease of leafy vegetables | To identify the effective new fungiside against brown leaf spot disease of leafy vegetables |
Exotic seed evaluation for bacteral wilt(Routing work) | Importation of Healthy Seeds |
Seed potato health testing for quarantine disease | To test imported seed potatoes for diseases |
Screening of exotic hybrid of vegetables (Cucurbits) for seed borne viruses | To identify resistant varieties for future evaluation |
Identification of causal pathogen of target spot diseases tomato | To identify causal pathogen target spot disease |
Evaluation and development of IPM technics to control virus vector in bean (Horse gram yellow mosaie virus) | To formulation an IPM methods to control virus vectors of bean |
Identification of cucurbits infesting fruit flies and their management | To lower the infestation level of melon fruit flies in cucurbits through none/low insectisidal methods. |
Screeninig of insecticide to control shoot and fruit borer in brinjal( For re registration purpose | To evaluate the efficacy of already recommended insecticies for brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes obonalis) |
Exploration of weedy & vegetable host plants of fall army worm in sri lanka | To explore host plants to control army worm in sri lanka |
Isolation and Mass culturing of effective and efficent antagonistic bacteria for the control of major root knal nematode on selected vegetable crops of Sri Lanka | Identification of efficent and effective antogonistic bacteria for management of RNN with new IPM pacake |
Develop, Test and implement monitoring procedures and practices at site, reginal and national level for pets predators and natural enemies | To develop indicators for major pest predators and natural enemies |
Development of an efficient management system for Meloidogyne spp. Infesting tomato in Sri Lanka through elucidation of the host | To develop sustainable nematode management system for tomato |
Develop laboratory rearing technologies for the identified parasitoids of leaf miners, mealy bugs and scale insects and NPVs of Tomato pod borer, Fall armyworm (Anzoft /ministry) | To identify the major bio control agents of major pest of vegetableand make available the technologise for rearing those bio agents |
Development of Integrated pests managmenet technologies for major pests of Cucurbits, Okra, Cabbage using non-chemical methods. | To developed technologies for pesticide free Ipm programmes and pesticides free products |
Study of the effect of colour traps on pests and other arthropodas in vegetable fields | |
Study of the diversity and abundance of predatory Arthropods of Fall armyworm | To Explore locally and naturally available predatory Arthropods of Fall armyworm as an important factor of controliing the pest. |
Testing the efficacy of nets to cover individual plants as an alternative technique for virus vector management in bitter gourd. | To study the potential of covering bitter gourd plants as a management technique for cucurbit viral diseases. |
Plant pruning and training for seed quality and seed yield improvement in capsicum | To improve seed yield and quality by plant pruning and training |
Identification of best spacing for lacally rekeased bean varieties | To select best spacing level for locally released bean varieties |
Effect of managing fertilizer schedule for protected house grown tomato | To select best fertilizer schedule for protected house grown new tomato variety |
Effect of planting pruning on yield and quality parameters of tomato | To improve fruit yield and quality of tomato by plant pruning |
Effect of intercropping tomato with radish and kohl rabi | To study the effect of intercropping different vegetable combinations and to increase the land use efficiency |
Development of Novel floricultural varieties through physical mutagenesis | to induce variations in commom and wild plants and development of them as ornementals through physical mutagenesis to use in floriculture industry. |
Identification of efficient resource management method for pandol crop cultivation through mix cropping | To manage resources in efficient way in mix cropping of bitter goard, Lufa and Snake goard |
Study effect of Exogenous Plant Growth Regulators on panicle structure of tomato | Elongation of panical length of tomto to induce multiple harvestiong via application of Plant growth regulators |
Effect of planting materials on yield of 7 varieties of sweet potato | to identify best planting materials of different sweet potato varieties |
Study Morphology , anatomy , growth and rooting behavior of promising Brinjal lines in limited water availability | identification of climare resilient brinjal lines using morphological, anatomical characters and rooting behavior from available promising Brinjal lines |
Intercropping of cassava for productivity improvement of the cultivation field | To improve the productivity of land cultivated with cassava as the main crop |
Variety collection of cassava | to maintain the varieties and supply planting materials |
Variety collection of sweet potato | to maintain the varieties and supply planting materials |
Development of yield improving nitrogen fixing microbial inoculum to enhance the growth and yeild of vegetables. | To reduc chemical fertilizers, Isolation of vegetable crop specific nitrogen fixers for different vegetables |
Augmentation of drought resiliant in tomato using plant growth promoting rhyzobacteria (PGPR) inoculum | To improve moisture stress tolerence of tomato using PGPR inoculum |
Assesment of nitrogen supplimenting ability of selected nitrogen fixing inoculum for capsicum (Field experiment) | To asses yield advance of nitrigon fixing inoculam |
Assessment of soil biodiversity in vegetable cropping systems compared to other land use practices in different agro ecological zones | To asses soil biodiversity in vegetable cropping systems caompre to vergin lands in different agro ecologica zones |
Studding the minimum tillage effects on soil physical properties and crop yield | Soil moisture conservation, reduction of compaction and energy conservation |
Evalution of different nutrient management practices on soil quality parameters okl | Estimation changers of quality parameters due to nutrient managemenat |
Effect of tillage on soil aggregation under irrigation condition | Study the effect of aggregate stability on water retention and crop yield |
Evaluation of soil pH value changers under different vegetable growing field at Kandy district | Correction of pH value for facilitatethe nutrient upta |
Determination of bioavailability of cadmium in soil from TSP fertilizer | To Determination of bioavailability of cadmium in soil and plant accumulation due to TSP fertilizer in differe. |
Testing of the efficacy of the special fertilizer imported to country | To determine performance of the special fertilizer imported to the country |
effect of split application of recurrent organic fertilizer sources on vegetable under organic farming | To determine the effect of split application of different organic nutrient siurces for growth and need of vegetable crops |
Effect of different rates of the partialy burned rice husk with organic mannure on vegetable production | To determine suitable rates of partialy burned rice husk with organic mannure of vegetable production under mix cropping system |
Developmen of suitable nutrient management package for quality seed production in tomato | To develop best nutrient management practices for quality seed production of under yeild condition |
Determination of effect of application of Ca(No3)2 on growth, yeild and quality of tomato under water stress condition | to determine effect of application of calcium niutrate on growth and yield under water stress condition |
Effect of continuoues application of compact on vegetable yeild | To monitor vegetable yeild obtainable with compost. To monitor change in soil character due to continous additional of compost |
Soil calibration studies Mg , S and Zn on vegetables | To determine influence of application of Ms,S and Zn on vegetable crops |
Determination of effect of application of silicon on growth of tomato under water stron and non water stron condition | To detremine effect of application of Si on growth and yeild under water stron and no water stron condition |
Detremination of N and K response on hybrid vegetables (capsicum and brinjal) | To develop fertilizer recommendations for hybrid vegetables |
Determination of pesticide residues in vegetables collected from market by using rapid bio array method | To detremine pesticide residue in vegetables from market |
Determinaton of bioavailability of lead and cadmium in soils in major vegetable grown areas in Sri lanka | To assess the levels of contaminaton and bioavailability of Cd and Pb in soil on major vegetables growing areas in sri lanka posen health risk. |
Development of hield test kit for determine the phosphorous in soil | To develop field test kit for P analysis in soil |
Development of botanical nitrification inhibitors to improve nitrugen fertilizer use effecancy in vegetables | To improve botanical nitrification inhibitors to improve nitrogen fertilizer use effecancy in vegetables |