- Address : P.O. Box 11, Gannoruwa rd, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : director.hordi@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone :(+94) 081-2388011-12-13
- Fax :(+94) 081-2388234
HORDI - Research Programs 2016
Anther culture technology development for bell pepper | Development of anther culture technology to Bell peper breeding program |
Bean rust resistant variety development market identification | Identification and development of genetre market for rest resistance |
Development of Innala variety suitable for Sri Lanka | To develop high yeilding quality Innala variety for Sri Lanka |
“Elabatu” crop improvement program | Development of promising elabatu variety |
Okra crop improvement Program | Development of new okra hybrid |
Screening tomato accession for heat tolerance | Development of heat tolerance tomato variety |
Obtaining new plantlefts of Gerbera bybria from discarding plant stock | Finding easy solutions for planting material scarcity and high cost of gerbera true to type plant braking bud dormancy by stress treatments |
Identification of better cultural practices of indoor plants for healthy life | Identification of suitable indoor environment conditions (water/hight/RH) to minimize Co2, emission at night |
Improvement of native or wild plants as novel floric products for local and export market | Development of new floriculture product or ornamental from Munronia pinnala, osbeklia,stellafa,Murrahya Koinigii using cultivation and breeding techniques |
Evaluation of colour development of cordylyne verigata under different environmental conditions | Identification of suitable elevations and environmental conditions for continues production of cordyline verygata |
Identification of best spacing for newly released hybrid capsicum (Prarthana) | To identify best spacing for newly released capsicum variety-Prarthana |
Effect of plant pruning on protected house grown salad cucumber | To identify best pruning method/methods for protected house grown salad cucumber to improve fruit yeild and quality |
Effect of plant pruning on protected house grown tomato | To identify best pruning method/methods for protected house grown tomato to improve fruit yeild and quality |
Plant training and spacial arrangment for quality seed yield improvement in cucumber | To improve seed yeild and quality by plant training and spatial arrangment |
Evaluation of exotic vegetable varieties for protected houses | To select better performming exotic vegetable varieties prior to commercial importation |
Evaluation of plant growth regulators | To identify the efficency of different plant growth regulator prior to commercial importation |
Morphdogical characterization and agronomic evaluation of capsicum accessions for biotic tolerance and quality | characterization, agronomic and quality evaluation and promotion of capsicum accesions |
Cucumber variety Development | To develop new variety and new breeding lines for hybrid development |
Bitter gourd variety Development | Development of new breeding variety with importanttraits to pest diseasel resistance and yeild |
variety development of brinjal | To develop new brinjal hybrid and open pollinated variety wih farmer consumer, market preferable quality characteristics and to develop variety adaptable to grow on stress conditions |
Imported variety evaluation of brinjal | Testing the suitability of imported varieties prior to importation for commercial purpose |
Variety development of tomato | To develop new tomato hybrid and open pollinated variety with farmer/consumer market preferable quality characterision and to develop variety adaptable to growing stress conditions |
Imported variety evaluation of tomato | Testing the suitability of imported varieties (pest,disease,yeild) prior to importation for commercial purpose |
Development of capsicum varieties with high yield and tolerance to BW | To develop high yielding bacterial with tolerance varieties (OPVs/Hybrids) |
Development of capsicum varieties tolerance to high temperature | To develop temperature tolerrance capsicum varieties (OPVs and hybrids) |
Development of capsicum varieties tolerance to low soil moisture (drought) | To develop drought tolerance capsicum varieties (OPVs and hybrids) |
Identification of suitable recommended capsicum varieties suitable for off-season cultivation | To identify suitable capsicum varieties for off-seasonal cultivation |
Development of new F1 hybrids/ OP varieties of Luffa | To develop high yeilding F1 hybrids/ OP varieties of Luffa with good quality and wide adaptability |
Development of new yard long bean varieties | To develop high yeilding yard long bean varieties having resistance to collarrot disease and good |
Bean varieties development | To develop high yeilding bean varieties having good quality and wide adaptability |
Development of new okra F1 hybrid | To develop high yielding F1 hybrids/ OP varieties with desirable quality |
Development of basal root tolerent high yeilding vegetable cowpea | To develop basal root tolerent vegetable cowpea line / variety |
Evaluation of shortage cassava varieties tolerance for biotics abioric stress | To select high yeilding short age cassava variety for release (with biotic and abioric stress tolerence ability) |
Collection conservation selection of superior dioscorea accessions, Evaluation of changes in storage conditions | To collect , conservation and multiplication of the dioscorea accessions and select the most promissing accessions for popularization |
Conservation of released varities and production of basic planting materials and production of sweet potato 100000 cattings for the drought | To conserve the varities To produce basic planting materials To overcome the foodstorage at drought conditions |
Testing the efficiently of production of kiriala inline cropping with premature. cassava crop for planting material production | To test the production efficiency of inline Cropping model of kiriala with premature cassava crop may economically more viable the cultivation technology of year round production of cassava planting materials |
Development of IPM package for Chill in polytunnels | Development of effective IPM for alternative to chemical pesticides |
Pest management of leafy vegetables (Mukunuwenna) by good agricultural practices | Identification of effective and environmental friendly practices for pest control, plant growth promotion and yeild improvement of mukunuwenna |
Development of IPM package for bitter gourd in the field | Development of effective IPM as an alternative to chemical pesticides |
Development of IPM package for gotukola in the field | Development of effective IPM for alternative to chemical pesticides |
Development of integrated strategy for the management of seed borne bacterial diseases | To identify seed borne bacterial diseases and development of control strategies |
Screening of exotic and local germplasm (solanaceas) against bacterial wilt | To identify resistant varieties for bacterial wilt |
Screening of fandicides against tomato blight | To identify effective fungicides against Tomato blight |
Screening of fungicides against Powdery downy mildew | To identify effective fungicides against powdery and downy mildew |
Effect of different soil amendments for suppression for suppression of S.rolfsii in yard long bean | To identify the effect of soil amendments on s.rolfsii |
Diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum species causing bacterial wilt and vegetable crops in Sri Lanka | |
Testing of Exotic potato seeds consigments for quarantine disease | To identify the quarantine pathogens infecting exotic potato seeds |
Studies on Morphological and Biochemical parameters of brinjal genotypes for resistant against brinjal shoot and fruit borer | Identification of shoot and fruit borerer resistant genotypes | characters incorperate in breeding programs |
Identification and Bio integrated based management of cucurbit infeeting melon fruit flies in Sri Lanka | To identify cucurbit infesting melon fruit flies in Sri Lanka To Understand farmers perception on recommended control method To increase the efficency of components in IPM package |
Improving existing IPM package for the control of bean yellowing due to HORSE grame yellow Mosaie virus | To identify successful IPM package to control Bean Yellowing |
Isolation and mass culturing of effective and efficient antaganistic bacteria for the control of major root knaf nemotology melaidogyne spp. On selected vegetable crops in Sri Lanka | To isolate and identity locally available antaganistic bacteria,To evaluate antaganistic activity of isolated bacteri, To determine the optimum method to stimulate attachment,To determine the mode of action of identified analogenistic bacteria |
Development of an efficient management system for meladogyne spp. Infesting tomato in Sri Lanka (BIPM) | Morpho-Biometrical and mmolecular characterization of malaidogyne spp. Biology and ecological studies of melaidogyne spp. Pathogenicity and histopathology of melaidagyne spp. Reaction of melaidagyne spp. On different vareities of tomato, |
evaluation of new malecules of nemalicide for the management of root kanf nematodes spp. On Guva and vegetable cultivation | To identify safer nematicides under plant house and field conditions to management of melandogyne spp. On Guava and vegetable |
Develop Laboratory nearing technologies for the identified parasitaids and predotors of leaf miners, nealy bugs, aphiob and scale insect | To increase the pest management options available in the organic forming system in Sri Lanka, To develop technologiesnto angmentative release of potential bio confral ofents in contralling of leaf miners nearly bugs aphids and seale insects |
Develop test and implement monitoring procedures and practices at site, reginal and national level for | To memtor changes talking place in the biological systems in agriculture lands over long periods and understand the interaction between global warning/climatic change on the biodiversity. |
Population dynamics of virus vectors in cucurbits | To forecast the peak abundance of virus vectors with relation to weather parameters |
Toxicity levels of insecticides to major vegetable pests (NARP) | To identify the resistance status of insect pests To modify pest control methods |
Baseline assessment of pollination service in three pilot sites (BACC) | To detect trade in pollinator populations, Specifically bees over a 3 year period by a survey as a baseline step |
Bioefficacy evaluation of insecticides against virus vectors in cucurbits | To identify effective low toxic insecticides with new modes of action |
Implementation of organic standards/participatory guarantee system (ANSOFT) | To develop standards and certification system for small scale organic vegetable products |
Screening of cucurbit varieties for virus and virus vector resistance | To identify virus resistant varieties of cucurbits |
Testing of push-pull theory aagainst virus vectors | To identify non chemical insect vector control methods |
Charactorization and evaluation of Exotic mango germplasm | To select prommising cultivat, To germplasm for crop improvement |
Evaluation of Annona muricate germplasm | To select promissing variety, To germplasm consevation, To used germplasm for future crop improvement programme |
Evaluation of Passion fruit | To select promissing variety , consurvation of germplasm |
Establishment and maintain of bio-diversity garden | To conserve fruit germplasm , Modle garden for farmers/students fruit growers , As a mother plant orchard |
Investigation of suitable agronomic practices for root and tuber crops | To find the effect of spacing of yeild |
Investigation of suitable agronomic practices for root and tuber crops | To identify suitable variety for weligama coconut wilt affected area |
Investigation of suitable agronomic practices for root and tuber crops | To find the methods of fertilizing on yeild |
Evaluations of tikiya (Eluchareis acuta) as a composting material for fertility improvement of vegetables | To study feasibility of use of easily availble green manure for compost |
Soil sampling in different depths of sorjan beds to study the temporal variation in soil pH and Ec | To study the temporar variation in soil pH and Ec |
Evaluation and selection of suitable vegetable and other perennial crops for sorjan cultivation system and poorly drained areas in nilwala gaga flood protecton scheme | Productivity improvement of abounded rice lands in Nilwala gaga Flood protection scheme |
Time of planting Trial for Innala | To determine economicaly feasible crops calender for Innala cultivation year round production Feasibility study of tissue culture plant materials for rear round innala production |
Technology development for year round projection of cassava planting material from P. insity crop | To test the fertilizing of year round protectivity of fresh cassava planting material under testing new cultivation technology |
Development of rapid multiplication techniques for dioscorea | To find out rapid multiplication techniques for dioscorea to over come the shortage of planting materials. Increase the planting materials availability, To reduce the use of economic yeild as planting materials |
Assenment of soil microbial composition in different aoils with different for my history | To identify soil microbial functional diversity as affected by different farming practices and to assecs the contribution towards to imrove the soil fertility level |
Assessment of nitrogen supplimently ability of selected nitrogen fixey bacteriainoculur with different rati of chemical nitrogen | To asses the rate of nitrogen supplemently ability of selected nitrogen fixey bacteria inoccukar with capsicum |
Assenment of botniacl nitratical inhibilry to improve forhlier nitrogen use efficency in vegetable crop cultivation | To asses botanical nirfied inhibirt to improve forhiligr nitrogen use efficency in vegetable |
Studding the minimum tillage effects on soil physical properties and crop yield | Soil moisture conservation , reduction of compaction and energy conservation in crop growing areas |
Evaluation of different nuetrient management practices on soil quality parameters | Estimation changers of quality paramerets due to nuetrients management |
Use of broiler litter bio-char to enhancement soil fertility | Improvement of nutrient refention, water conservation and decease controlled in soil |
Testing of performance of special fertilizer omported to the country | To determine effect of special fertilizer on vegetable |
Study on nutrient management under organic farming | To determine suitable nutrient management package for organic farming |
Assessment of rapid bioasiay techniques for determines the neurotoxic pesticide residue in vegetable | To develop rapid bioassay techniques for determining the residue of pesticide |
Determination of M and K response on hybrid Brinjal | To develop new fertilizer recommendation for hybrid Brinjal |
Determination of M and K response on hybrid capsicum | To develop new fertilizer recommendation for hybrid capsicum |
Testing of new fertilizer recommendations of hybrid Luffa in farmer fields | To develop new fertilizer recommendations for hybrid Luffa |
Determination of bioavailability of Cd in soil from TSP fertilizer on vegetable | To determine bioavailability of cadmium in soil from TSP fertilizer application |
Determination of trace metal content and bio accumalation factors in soil and vegetable in up country intermedicale and upcountry zones | To determine bioaccumulation facor of trace element in soil to plant system |
Investigation of influence of application of micro nutrients on vegetables | To determine effect of application on micronutrient on vegetable yeild |