- Address : P.O. Box 11, Gannoruwa rd, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : director.hordi@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone :(+94) 081-2388011-12-13
- Fax :(+94) 081-2388234

Yard Long Bean
Vigna unguiculata
Belongs to family Fabaceae
Very popular crop grown in Sri Lanka
Released Varieties
- Gannoruwa Hawari
- Gannoruwa A9 mae
- Hawari Mae
- Sena
- Polon Mae
- Bushita (Local)
- BS1
- Bush Polon Mae
Climatic requirements/ Areas suitable for cultivation
Low Country Wet Zone, Intermediate Zone, Dry Zone are ideal for cultivation
Well-draining sandy loam soil is ideal. Soil pH around 5.6 -7 is optimal. Heavy clay soils with poor drainage is not good for cultivation
Seed requirement
Bush type – 17-20 kg/ha
Vine Type – 16-20 kg/ha
Nursery Management
Direct seeding. When planting,
Wet zone- after monsoonal rains; Dry Zone-Yala : in rain fed cultivations- March /April
Dry Zone – Under irrigation (Yala Season)- April/May. Maha-End of November
Land preparation
Harrow soil to a depth of 15-20 cm and break the soil. If water retains in soil, or irrigation is done, prepare beds or ridges. If no beds are prepared in cultivation, especially in Maha season, make drains to avoid water retention
Plant 3-4 Seeds per pit after soaking them for 24 hours.
Irrigate the seeds well
After 2 weeks of seedling emergence, Keep two healthy Seedlings and remove the rest carefully
Set up about 7 ft. long poles for vine support, especially for vine type. Train the vines to poles.
Can be place single pole per pit or set support poles place to place and pull ropes vertically and train the vines to ropes.
Bush type – Between plants 20 cm , between rows 60-75 cm
Vine type type – between plants 30 cm , between rows 90cm
Add 10 t/ha of well decomposed organic matter to soil and mix well. Additionally, apply chemical fertilizers as recommended. Apply Basal Fertilizers two days before planting
Time of application | Urea kg/ha | TSP kg/ha | MOP kg/ha |
Basal (02 Days before planting) | 35 | 130 | 35 |
Top Dressing (After a month) | 55 | – | 35 |
Water supply
At initial stages apply water every 4 days per week. Later add water once a week. If soil moisture is high, root rot disease may occur
Weed Control
Weed control is recommended at week 2 and 4 after planting
Pest Management
Disease Management
Causal Organism: Fusarium spp., Pythium spp., Sclerotium spp
- The base of the plant turns brown and rot outside.
- If the infection is caused by Sclerotium fungus, white fungal mycelium can see at the base of the plant.
- wilted patches can be seen in the field
- Improve drainage
- Application of fungicides to the basement
- Crop rotation
- Removal of infected plant parts from the field and destruction
Causal Organism: macrophomina phaseolina
- The initial symptoms are gray brown sunken dry spots on the base of the stem
- This can spread to the apex of the plant. Plant wilt and then die
- The leaves of diseased plants first wither and then die
- Apply Tebuconazole 250g /lEW fungicide after about 04 weeks of planting
Harvest both bush & vine types every 2 days. Bush types can give 7-12 times and vine types can give about 15-16 times of harvesting
Polon and hawari mae – 12 mt/ha;
Bushita (local) – 10mt/ha;
Bush polon mae – 9mt/ha;
Gannoruwa Hawari – 35 mt/ha ;
Gannoruwa A9 – 21/24 mt/ha