- Address : FCRDI, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : fcrdi@doa.gov.lk, fieldcropsmi@yahoo.com
- Telephone : +94 252 249132
- Fax : +94 252 249132
Welcome to Field Crops Research and Development Institute (FCRDI) - Mahailluppallama

Field Crops in Sri Lanka
Field Crop Plants that are grown on a vast scale in Sri Lanka and they are mostly seasonal.


Big Onion

Red Onion


Sweet Corn

Finger millet


Porso millet











Research Areas
Details about the research that being carried out at our institute.

Development (Training)
Transfer the new technologies which are developed by the research divisions to the officers, Crop Farmers, Students & Entrepreneurs...

Technologies provided by our institute.
Development of new varieties of other field crops (Chilli, Onion, maize, Fingermillet, Cowpea, Blackgram, Soybean, Mungbean, Groundnut and Sesame) through breeding programmes.
Maintenance of all the recommended crop varieties while assuring their qualities.
Providing breeder seeds of recommended crop varieties to the Seed and Planting Material Development Centre for the production of basic seeds.
Those who interest can be engaged in hybrid seed production by applying through the Director. Selected producers should make an agreement with the institute. Required technological instructions and seeds of parental lines will be provided.
Providing technical recommendations through research to increase the quantity and quality of the yield of other food crops.
Suitable fertilizer recommendations are provided for the farmers who cultivating other food crops by testing the soil condition. Rs.290/= should be paid per one soil sample. Cooperation of agricultural instructors can be gained for this.
- Publication of reports regarding the research done by the institute.
- Distribution of booklets, handbills, magazines and DVDs including technological information by department outlets.
- Providing practical knowledge to the farmers by conducting field days.
- Organizing crop clinics to aware regarding the pests and disease problems and other field problems.
- Promote the technologies through television, radio, newspapers and internet (www.doa.gov.lk)
- Conducting lectures and training programmes for different groups including students and farmers.

Diagnostic and Services
About Diagnostic and Services.

Recommended Varieties
Recommended rice varieties...

Field Crops in Sri Lanka
Field Crop Plants that are grown on a vast scale in Sri Lanka and they are mostly seasonal.


Big Onion

Red Onion


Sweet Corn

Finger millet


Porso millet











Research Areas
Details about the researches that being carried out at our institute.

About Technologies and Services...
Development of new varieties of other field crops (Chilli, Onion, maize, Fingermillet, Cowpea, Blackgram, Soybean, Mungbean, Groundnut and Sesame) through breeding programmes.
Maintenance of all the recommended crop varieties while assuring their qualities.
Providing breeder seeds of recommended crop varieties to the Seed and Planting Material Development Centre for the production of basic seeds.
Those who interest can be engaged in hybrid seed production by applying through the Director. Selected producers should make an agreement with the institute. Required technological instructions and seeds of parental lines will be provided.
Providing technical recommendations through research to increase the quantity and quality of the yield of other food crops.
Suitable fertilizer recommendations are provided for the farmers who cultivating other food crops by testing the soil condition. Rs.290/= should be paid per one soil sample. Cooperation of agricultural instructors can be gained for this.
- Publication of reports regarding the research done by the institute.
- Distribution of booklets, handbills, magazines and DVDs including technological information by department outlets.
- Providing practical knowledge to the farmers by conducting field days.
- Organizing crop clinics to aware regarding the pests and disease problems and other field problems.
- Promote the technologies through television, radio, newspapers and internet (www.doa.gov.lk)
- Conducting lectures and training programmes for different groups including students and farmers.

Development (Training)
Transfer the new technologies which are developed by the research divisions to the officers, Crop Farmers, Students & Entrepreneurs...

We are
The research history of Mahailluppallama dates back to the year 1903 in which field experiments were initiated aiming to identify suitable economic crops for dry zone rainfed conditions. Cotton, Sisal, Tobacco and Groundnut were given more emphasis, however remoteness and other difficulties led to close down the station in 1919.
The research history of Mahailluppallama dates back to the year 1903 in which field experiments were initiated aiming to identify suitable economic crops for dry zone rain fed conditions. Cotton, Sisal, Tobacco and Groundnut were given more emphasis, however remoteness and other difficulties led to close down the station in 1919. Research Programmes were then operated at Vavuniya and Anuradhapura (1926), Kurundakulama (1938), Relapanawa, Olukaranda and Makalanagama(1949).
In 1950 a fully equipped research station was established at Mahailluppallama and many research findings have been reported since then. The station was renamed as Field Crops Research and Development Institute in 1994 and entrusted the responsibility of conducting research programs on field crops.
The institute is located at Mahailluppallama 35 km south of Anuradhapura in the North Central Province in the low country (138 m above MSL) dry zone (DL). The average annual rainfall is 1000-1500 mm and the temperature is around 27ºC throughout the year. The soils are Reddish Brown Earths (RBE) in upper slopes associated with Low Humic Gley (LHG) in valley bottoms.

To achieve economic revitalization of the farmers in the field crops sector and to assure national food security through generation and facilitating the dissemination of technology necessary for priority field crops to cater for sustainable field crops production in Sri Lanka.
To conduct research and development programs on field crops aiming at developing new technology, and facilitating the technology dissemination for enhancement of production and productivity in the field crop sector. Field crops include condiments (chilli and onions), grain legumes (mungbean, cowpea, blackgram, pigeon pea and chickpea), oil seed crops (groundnut, soybean, sesame and sunflower) and non-rice cereals (maize, sorghum, finger millet and other millets).
At regional level responsibility extends to crops such as fruits, vegetables, rice etc. to deal with problems specific to the region. Programs are conducted under various disciplines such as crop improvement, agronomy, plant pathology, entomology, weed science, cropping systems, soil and water management, horticulture and technology adoption research (economics, adaptive research, participatory research etc.).
Institutional Goals
- Increased productivity and profitability of OFC farming
- Availability of quality produces
- Resource conservation and eco-friendly OFC farming
- To make available demanding OFC varieties for stakeholders
- To make available associated technologies for high productivity, profitability and sustainability with emphasis on climate change mitigation / adaptation / escape
- To minimize post-harvest losses and enhance value addition
- To assure availability of quality seeds for stakeholders

- There are nine (9) main divisions and six (6) sub divisions comes under FCRDI,
- Plant Breeding Divisions
- Chilli
- Coarse Grains
- Onion
- Soybean & Cowpea
- Mungbean & Blackgram
- Vegetables
- Agronomy Division
- Soil & Water Management Division
- Soil Science Division
- Biotechnology Division
- Entomology Division
- Plant Pathology Division
- Weed Science Division
- Horticulture Division
- Plant Breeding Divisions

Sub Units
- There are Eight (8) sub units comes under FCRDI,
- Grain Legume & Oil Crops Research and Development Centre – Angunakolapelessa
- Regional Agriculture Research & Development Centre – Kilinochchi
- Regional Agriculture Research & Development Centre – Aralaganwila
- Regional Agriculture Research & Development Centre – Karadiyanaru
- Agriculture Research Station – Thirunelvely
- Farm Mechanization Research Centre – Mahailluppallama
- Adaptive Research Station – Weerawila
- Adaptive Research Centre – Vavuniya

We are
The research history of Mahailluppallama dates back to the year 1903 in which field experiments were initiated aiming to identify suitable economic crops for dry zone rainfed conditions. Cotton, Sisal, Tobacco and Groundnut were given more emphasis, however remoteness and other difficulties led to close down the station in 1919.
The research history of Mahailluppallama dates back to the year 1903 in which field experiments were initiated aiming to identify suitable economic crops for dry zone rain fed conditions. Cotton, Sisal, Tobacco and Groundnut were given more emphasis, however remoteness and other difficulties led to close down the station in 1919. Research Programmes were then operated at Vavuniya and Anuradhapura (1926), Kurundakulama (1938), Relapanawa, Olukaranda and Makalanagama(1949).
In 1950 a fully equipped research station was established at Mahailluppallama and many research findings have been reported since then. The station was renamed as Field Crops Research and Development Institute in 1994 and entrusted the responsibility of conducting research programs on field crops.
The institute is located at Mahailluppallama 35 km south of Anuradhapura in the North Central Province in the low country (138 m above MSL) dry zone (DL). The average annual rainfall is 1000-1500 mm and the temperature is around 27ºC throughout the year. The soils are Reddish Brown Earths (RBE) in upper slopes associated with Low Humic Gley (LHG) in valley bottoms.

To achieve economic revitalization of the farmers in the field crops sector and to assure national food security through generation and facilitating the dissemination of technology necessary for priority field crops to cater for sustainable field crops production in Sri Lanka.
To conduct research and development programs on field crops aiming at developing new technology, and facilitating the technology dissemination for enhancement of production and productivity in the field crop sector. Field crops include condiments (chilli and onions), grain legumes (mungbean, cowpea, blackgram, pigeon pea and chickpea), oil seed crops (groundnut, soybean, sesame and sunflower) and non-rice cereals (maize, sorghum, finger millet and other millets).
At regional level responsibility extends to crops such as fruits, vegetables, rice etc. to deal with problems specific to the region. Programs are conducted under various disciplines such as crop improvement, agronomy, plant pathology, entomology, weed science, cropping systems, soil and water management, horticulture and technology adoption research (economics, adaptive research, participatory research etc.).
Institutional Goals
- Increased productivity and profitability of OFC farming
- Availability of quality produces
- Resource conservation and eco-friendly OFC farming
- To make available demanding OFC varieties for stakeholders
- To make available associated technologies for high productivity, profitability and sustainability with emphasis on climate change mitigation / adaptation / escape
- To minimize post-harvest losses and enhance value addition
- To assure availability of quality seeds for stakeholders

- There are nine (9) main divisions and six (6) sub divisions comes under FCRDI,
- Plant Breeding Divisions
- Chilli
- Coarse Grains
- Onion
- Soybean & Cowpea
- Mungbean & Blackgram
- Vegetables
- Agronomy Division
- Soil & Water Management Division
- Soil Science Division
- Biotechnology Division
- Entomology Division
- Plant Pathology Division
- Weed Science Division
- Horticulture Division
- Plant Breeding Divisions

Sub Units
- There are Eight (8) sub units comes under FCRDI,
- Grain Legume & Oil Crops Research and Development Centre – Angunakolapelessa
- Regional Agriculture Research & Development Centre – Kilinochchi
- Regional Agriculture Research & Development Centre – Aralaganwila
- Regional Agriculture Research & Development Centre – Karadiyanaru
- Agriculture Research Station – Thirunelvely
- Farm Mechanization Research Centre – Mahailluppallama
- Adaptive Research Station – Weerawila
- Adaptive Research Centre – Vavuniya
Contact Us
- Address : Field Crops Research and Development Institute, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka
- Email : fcrdi@doa.gov.lk, fieldcropsmi@yahoo.com
- Telephone : +94 252 249132
- Fax : +94 252 249132
- Open : Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Saturday & Sunday Closed)
Address : Field Crops Research and Development Institute, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka
Email : fcrdi@doa.gov.lk, fieldcropsmi@yahoo.com
Telephone : +94 252 249132
Fax : +94 252 249132
Open : Mon to Fri – 8.30am to 4.15pm (Saturday & Sunday Closed)