- Address : FCRDI, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : fcrdi@doa.gov.lk, fieldcropsmi@yahoo.com
- Telephone : +94 252 249132
- Fax : +94 252 249132
Staff Officers of FCRDI
Ms. K.N.C. Gunewardena
Principal Agriculture Scientist (Entomology)
- +94 252 249100
- +94 718 157484
- nishanthigun@yahoo.com
Dr. M.S. Nijamudeen
Principal Agriculture Scientist - Soil and Water Management (Soil Fertility)
- +94 714 456677
- msnija66@yahoo.com
Dr. T. Karunainathan
Deputy Director (Research)
- +94 713 056755
- tkarunainathan@yahoo.com
Dr. M.A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchi
Principal Agriculture Scientist - Agronomy
- +94 718 156803
- wmalavi@yahoo.com
Dr. K.N. Kannangara
Principal Agriculture Scientist - Plant Breeding (Chilli)
- +94 774 072432
- kannangara65@yahoo.com
Mr. R.A.C.J. Perera
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Soil and Water Management
- +94 759 749188
- chamilapere@yahoo.com
Dr. R.L.Senanayake
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Agronomy
- +94 759 749187
- ravisena@gmail.com
Ms. M.J.M.P. Kumararathna
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Plant Breeding (Mungbean and Blackgram)
- +94 765 762702
- priyanthikumara@yahoo.com
Ms. W.M.K. Fernando
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Plant Pathology
- +94 715 343644
- menukrisha@yahoo.com
Ms. M.A.R.A. Mandanayake
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Entomology
- +94 762 726988
- ra.mandanayake@gmail.com
Ms. H.M.S.N. Herath
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Plant Breeding (Chili)
- +94 779 907891
- shalikahmsn@gmail.com
Mr. B.I. Hettiarachchi
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Plant Breeding (Onion)
- +94 776 948961
- buddhikaihetti@gmail.com
Mr. D.C.M.S.I. Wijewardena
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Plant Breeding (Coarse Grain)
- +94 759 749186
- susantha.indi@gmail.com
Ms. N.H.M.S. Chithrapala
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Plant Breeding (Cowpea and Soybean)
- +94 714 471408
- madusajani@yahoo.com
Ms. H.M.P.T.K. Hettigedara
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Agronomy
- +94 759 749195
- hettigedara64@yahoo.com
Ms. W.A.R. Dhammika
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research) - Plant Breeding (Bio Technology)
- +94 713 541760
- dhammikamuna@gmail.com
Mr. W.A.S. Vijitha Kumara
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Development)
- +94 759 749196
- vijithakumara25@gmail.com