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- Address : Palali Road, Thirunelvely, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : arsthirunelvely@gmail.com
- Telephone : +94 212 227502
- Fax : +94 212 227502
FCRDI Sub Unit
Agriculture Research Station (ARS), Thirunelvely was established in the 1950s to cater to the other field crops research & development needs of the Jaffna district of Sri Lanka. It is mandated to carry out research activities that are important at upland and to recommend new improved varieties, appropriate management practices and other development activities including supply of quality seeds at a regional level.
Further, ARS, Thirunelvely is also responsible to investigate problems encountered by farmers during cultivation in the district and recommend suitable remedial actions for these problems. ARS is also involved in applied and adaptive research activities, whereas adaptive research investigations are carried out in farmer’s fields with the participation of farmers. Also, institutionally strengthening the ARS will result in the provision of necessary advice on new improved and hybrid verities, agronomy, plant protection, soil fertility, and water management and to provide training to improve productivity and farmer income.
- Testing the adaptability of new improved varieties of other field crops, dry zone vegetables and fruits with pest, disease and drought resistance quality.
- Development of advanced plant protection strategies to minimize crop losses due to pest and diseases
- Development of improved agronomic practices to reduce the cost of production, to increase the productivity of agricultural lands and crops.
- Developing improved soil and water conservation methods and soil fertility management practices.
Our Mission
To upsurge the living standard of the farmers in the field crops segment and to guarantee national food security through the generation and facilitating the dissemination of technology necessary for priority field crops to cater for sustainable field crops production in Jaffna district and related agro-ecological zones.
- Solving field problems related to field crops:
Recommendations are given for field problems arose by the farmers after a field visit by relevant officers and laboratory investigations on pests, diseases, agronomic and physiological aspects, and soil problems related to field crops such as; maize, chili, onion, finger millet, green gram, black gram, cowpea, soybean, minor millet. - Providing breeder seeds of recommended varieties:
Provision of breeder seeds from the mother institution of FCRDI and other research institutions. Production and supply of certified seeds to meet the farmers’ demands from the Jaffna district. Such as Maize, soybean, cowpea, green gram, black gram, Groundnut. - Dissemination of technologies:
ARS conducted training, field days, demonstrations plots, radio programs, and newspaper articles related to OFC and other horticulture crops for farmers, university students,s and School students in Jaffna district.
- Soil Science Division – conducted soil improvement researches in other field crops collecting soil samples from farmers’ fields and provided fertilizer recommendations according to the results.
- Water Management Division – Conducted researches on the water use efficiency of legumes. Consulting with the regeneration of saline water in the coastal area of Jaffna peninsula.
- Entomology and Nematology Division – Conducted pest management related to chilli, onion and maize crops and plant pathogenic nematodes.
- Plant Pathology Division – Conducted disease management related to chilli, onion and maize crops and other regional mandated crops.
- Agronomy Division – Conducted researches on proper spacing, intercropping, pruning and training, weed management.
- Horticulture Division – Fruits and Vegetables: conducted many research and projects related to the horticulture crops especially in banana, grapes, mango and vegetable crops and yams.

Deputy Director of Agriculture (Research)
Agriculture Research Station
- +94 212 227502
- +94 713 056755
- balaghowrybala@yahoo.com
Contact Us
- Agriculture Research Station, Palali Rd, Kokuvil East, Thirunelvely
- Email : arsthirunelvely@gmail.com
- Telephone : +94 212 227502
- Fax : +94 212 227502
- Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Closed on weekends and public holidays)