- Address: Grain Legumes and Oil Crops Research & Development Centre, Angunakolapelessa
- E- Mail : glordc@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 472 228336
- Fax : +94 472 228204
Grain Legume and Oil Crops Research and Development Centre
Grain Legume and Oil Crops Research and Development Centre (GLORDC) is located in DL1b agro-ecological zone of Southern Dry zone in Sri Lanka. The Centre is functioning under Field Crops Research and Development Institute, Maha-illuppallama. The Research and Development programs of the center mainly focus on two main crop groups; Grain Legume and Oil Crops while fruits and vegetable programs are also undertaken considering their regional importance. GLORDC is working with our satellite Agriculture Research Station at Weerawila which is located in DL5 agro-ecological region, the programs are planned based on both national and regional needs in the thematic areas of Crop Improvement, Agronomy, Plant Protection, Soil Science, Water Management, Food Science and Plant Tissueculture.

- Development of improved high yielding Oil Seed crops and Grain Legumes adaptable to irrigated and rainfed environments of Dry Zone of Sri Lanka.
- Development of plant protection strategies to minimize crop losses due to insect pest, diseases and weeds.
- Development of improved agronomic practices to raise crop and land production while reducing the cost of production
- Development of improved soil and water management and conservation methods for the Dry Zone crop growing environment
- Testing of adaptability of new improved varieties and technologies.
- Development of technologies to minimize the post-harvest losses and value addition of Grain Legumes and Oil Crops (GLOCs)
- Varietal improvement and development of agronomic packages for regionally important fruits and vegetables grown in Dry Zone of Sri-Lanka
The mandate of Grain Legume and Oil Crops Research and Development Centre (GLORDC), Angunakolapelessa is to generate new varieties and technologies on Grain Legume and Oil crops, to take initiative steps to popularize the varieties and to disseminate technologies to all the stake holders.
Services offered
- Production and supplying breeder seeds and basic planting material of released varieties of OFCs, Vegetables and Fruits.
- Soil testing and recommending site specific fertilizer application.
- Collection and providing meteorological data.
- Consultation on pest / disease control and diagnostic services.
- Dissemination of technology generated through research to the field officers, farmers and other interested groups through training, demonstration
Achieve national prosperity through excellence in Grain Legume and Oil Seed Crops.
Be the national centre for achieving economic re-vitalization of the farmers in the Grain Legume and Oil Seed Crops sector and to assure national food security through generation, development and dissemination of technology necessary for priority Grain Legume and Oil Seed Crops to cater to sustainable and comparative field crops production in Sri Lanka.
Grain Legumes & Oil Crops










Gaminie Abeywickrama
Additional Director
OIC, PQS, Rajapaksha International Airport, Mattala
- +94 472 228336
- +94 472 228204
- +94 718 181717
- add.glordc@doa.gov.lk
- gaminieaw@gmail.com

Gaminie Abeywickrama
Additional Director
OIC, PQS, Rajapaksha International Airport, Mattala
- +94 472 228336
- +94 472 228204
- +94 718 181717
- add.glordc@doa.gov.lk
- gaminieaw@gmail.com
Horticulture Division - Vegetables
D. Weerasekara
Principal Agriculture Scientist - Plant Breeding (GL&OC)
- +94 472 228336
- +94 718 082943
- weeratangalle@yahoo.com
Agronomy Division
D.A. Shirani
Principal Agriculture Scientist - Agronomy (GL&OC)
- +94 472 228336
- +94 719 242582
- shirani_da@yahoo.com
Soil Science Division
U.A.J. Ratnayake
Principal Agriculture Scientist - Soil Science (GL&OC)
- +94 472 228336
- +94 714 422748
- udaya.ratnayake2015@gmail.com
Plant Breeding Division -Oil Crops
Y.P.J. Amarasinghe
ADA (Research)
- +94 472 228336
- +94 702 614986
- priyajayantha@gmail.com
Plant Breeding Division- Grain Legumes
B.N. Samaranayake
ADA (Research) Plant Breeding / Grain Legume
- +94 472 228336
- +94 714 492725
- bsnalin@gmail.com
Horticulture Division - Fruits
W.A. Wijithwarna
ADA (Research) Plant Breeding / Fruit Crops
- +94 472 228336
- +94 715 343086
- wijithaagric@yahoo.com
Food Science & Post Harvest Technology Division
I.R. Liayanage
ADA (Research) Food Technology
- +94 472 228336
- +94 714 948898
- ishani.rathnayaka@gmail.com
Socio Economic Division
N.P. Liyanage
ADA (Economic )
- +94 472 228336
- +94 718 425015
- nplagriecon.doa@gmail.com
Contact Us
- Address : Grain Legumes and Oil Crops Research & Development Centre, Angunakolapelessa
- Email : glordc@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 472 228336
- Fax : +94 472 228204
- Open : Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Closed on weekends and public holidays)