- Address : FCRDI, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : fcrdi@doa.gov.lk, fieldcropsmi@yahoo.com
- Telephone : +94 252 249132
- Fax : +94 252 249132
Field Crops Research and Development Institute
- Germplasm collection and evaluation in OFC
- Production of hybrids (Chilli, Maize & Onion)
- Development of open pollinated OFC varieties
- Marker assisted selection in OFC
- Development of haploids in chilli
- Development of ultra-short age varieties
- Inter-specific hybridization in chilli/onion
- Resistant breeding in chilli/mung bean/onion
- Development of climate smart OFC varieties
- Genetic improvement of landraces
- Quality improvement in OFC varieties
- Reduction of hard seeds content in mung bean
- Seed viability improvement of OFC with storage
- Improvement of keeping quality of onion and dry chilli
- Improvement of germination in soy bean
- Adaptability testing of new varieties
- Evaluation of biotic stresses due to water scarcity and high temperature
- Mitigation of low productivity on rain-fed farming environments
- Poor soil fertility management
- Development of agronomical packages for OFC to reduce the high cost of production
- Crop diversification for food security and economic stability in marginal lands
- Yield optimization of new improved varieties through appropriate agronomic practices
- Suitable crop combinations for different cultivation environments
- Management packages for specific cropping environments
- Integrated soil nutrient management systems for OFC
- Identification of crop resilience and development of adaptation measures for climate change
- Web based weather forecasting for crop advisories (with the collaboration of the Natural Resource Management Centre of the DoA and the Department of Climatology)
- Automation of irrigation systems based on soil moisture sensing (with the collaboration of the Engineering Division of the DOA)
- Building the Basis for Implementing the Save and Grow Approach – Regional Strategies on Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Intensification of Cropping Systems (FAO Project)
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of different types of mulching materials under sprinkler irrigation systems
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of Super Water Absorbents in crop production
- Integrated soil nutrient management systems
- Organic fertilizer research
- Development of fertilizer recommendations for OFCs
- Testing of different fertilizer packages
- Testing of commercial fertilizers and providing recommendations
- Performance study of slow releasing fertilizers and bio fertilizers
- Surveying of plant nutrients for mapping
- Soil fertility management
- Germplasm/variety screening of OFC’s for major diseases
- Development of disease forecasting model for major field crops diseases
- Development of Trichoderma based field application protocol to control field crops soil borne diseases
- Development of seed treatment rates for nursery disease control using Trichoderma based product.
- Fungicide efficacy testing trials for major field crops disease controlling.
- Identification of resistant/tolerant germplasm against pests
- Development of a weather-based pest forecasting models
- Testing of insecticides/plant extracts/botanicals for major pests in OFC
- Development of cultural/mechanical pest management strategies against major pests
- Evaluation of exotic hybrids for pests
- Development of integrated pest management packages
- Marker Assisted breeding to develop Quality protein incorporated maize line
- Marker Assisted breeding to develop Anthracnose resistant chilli line
- Marker Assisted breeding to develop Yellow mosaic resistant mungbean variety
- Genetic diversity study of 21 Chilli (Capsicum anumm) accessions
- Genotyping of Finger millet 73 accessions using SSR makers
- Genotyping of 26 Big Onion accessions using SSR makers
- Disease identification through molecular technique
- Application of barcoding techniques to identify disease
- Gene expression study for Chilli anthracnose resistance
- Optimization of protocol for plant regeneration eg .Chilli
- Embryo rescue culture for wide hybrids in Chilli
- Assessment of genetic purity of MI CHHY01 and MI CHHY02
- Assessment of genetic purity of MI Maize HY03 MI Maize HY04 and MI Maize HY05