- Address : P.O. Box:52, Sarasavi Mawatha, Peradeniya
- E- Mail : scs@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : (+94) 0812388355, (+94)0812389980
- Fax :(+94) 0812388355, (+94) 0812389980
Division of Agro Climatology and Climate Change
Collection quality control and compilation of agro-meteorological data accurately.
Analysis of data to produce agro meteorological data accurately.
Maintenance of agro-meteorological observation system in the country.
Rapid dissemination of Agro- met information of Agricultural information to the stakeholders to electronis and printed media.
Conduct research agro-climate, climate change and agro ecology in SriLanka.
- Address : Natural Resources Management Center, P.O. Box:52, Sarasavi Mawatha, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- Email : nrmcdoa@sltnet.lk
- Telephone : (+94) 0812388355, (+94)0812389980
- Fax : (+94) 0812388355, (+94) 0812389980
- Open : Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Saturday & Sunday Closed)
Useful Links
Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy(CARP)
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