NPQS Weed Science Division
The weed science division of the national plant quarantine service was established in 1999 as one of the major technical division in the institute.
The main function of the division is to carry out official phytosanitary certification activities related to weed (including their seeds) and soil contaminations

- Testing of soil ,weeds and their seeds contaminations of the (plant and plant origin) export ready and imported commodities.
- Perdicting the potential invasivness of plants/ seeds which are requested to be imported
- Surveys and surveillance on weeds that have been introduced unintentionally or illegally to understand the biological and ecological status of weeds, reporting their present status and developing management options for those weeds
- pre import risk analysis, improvement of import phytosanitary condictions and perform post entry quarantine studies of plants that are regulated to import (due to their potential invasiveness) when they imported for scientific studies
- Conducting training (inhouse and inplant training ) and awareness programs for acadamia, government officers and stakeholders
Main objective of the division is certifying and assuring “soil ,weeds and their seeds” contaminations are free from (plant and plant origin) export ready and imported commodities
- Updating the Quarantine Weed list
- Development of keys for identification of weeds.
- Maitaining a reference collection of weeds and their seeds
- Maitaining a reference collection of quarantine weed seeds
- Taxonomic identification of plants that are imported to sri lanka
- Research on problematic issues
- Conducting exhibitions and educate the community
Contact Us
- Head of the Division : Mrs. LHRM Gunasinghe
- Designation : Assistant Director of Agriculture (Dev)
- Email :
- Telephone : +94 11 225 2028/29 - Ext :212
- Mobile : 0094718007377
- Open : Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Closed on weekends & public holidays)