NPQS Entomology & Nematology Division
The Entomology Division is responsible for detection of plant insect pests and nematodes in quarantine importance using available active techniques such as visual examination, sieving, and microscopic identification to prevent the introduction of non-indigenouspests intothe country or to intercept and eradicate them before they can be wider spread and establishedwhile facilitating safe global trade in agriculture by assisting the producers and exporters through technical competent and reliable entomological reports enable to issue phytosanitary certificate to meet the requirements of trading partners.Hence the plant quarantine entomology provides the first line of defense in pest surveillance that is preventing the entry of exotic pests into Sri lanka and protects Sri Lanka’s border from the invasion of insect pests and nematodes.

- Facilitate for issuing phytosanitary certificate through providing entomological test report.
- Facilitate import clearance through providing entomological test report
- Testing of special samples for specified pests from export related plant products for facilitation of export.
- Providing technical guidance to produce pest free export produce
- Trade facilitation through conducting entomological researches.
- Provide training and awareness programs for farmers, agriculture students, government and private sectors importers, exporters and other related stakeholders
- Preventing the entry, establishment and spread of foreign pests into the country by conducting laboratory tests for destructive insect pests and plant parasitic nematodes species on imported plants and plant products.
- To facilitate the export of pest free plant products by conducting laboratory tests on insect pests, plant parasitic nematode species, mite species, snails and slugs of exported plants and plant products to meet the phytosanitary requirements of the importing
- Providing knowledge required for the export of plants and plants products.
- Nursery ispecting, sample collection and testing of export plants and plants products for Insect Pest, Phytophagous Mites, Plant Parasitic Nematodes, Snails and Slugs to the fulfilment of phytosanitary requirements of importing country and issuing the test reports.
- Imported commodity inspection , sample collection and testing of import and intercepted plants and plant products for Insect Pest, Phytophagous Mites, Plant Parasitic Nematodes, Snails and Slugs and issuing the test reports
- Certification of export production sites for fulfilling the import conditions ofrelavant countries. (Export foliage plants nurseries for South Korea, fruit and vegetable fields for EU countries …etc.)
- Inspection, sampling and laboratory testing of imported seed potatoes for Insect Pests and Plant Parasitic Nematodes and issuing the test reports
- Mass rearing of fruit flies and maintaining the Insect reference collection of entomology division
- Post entry quarantine activities
- Conducting soil survey to early detection of Plant Parasitic Nematodes contaminates in export foliage to minimized the export rejection at the testing stage
Contact Us
- Head of the Division : Mrs. IK Warshamana
- Designation : Assistant Director of Agriculture (Res)
- Email :
- Telephone : +94 11 225 2028/29 - Ext :115
- Mobile : 0094 776263100
- Open : Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Closed on weekends & public holidays)