NPQS Treatment Technology Division
- To reduce the risk of introducing pests & diseases into the importing country.
- When imports & exports, any agriculture material should be free of pests & diseases in accordance with International plant protection convention.

Physical Treatment | Chemical Treatment |
1. Heat Treatment. | 1. Chemical Spraying. |
2. Cold Treatment. | 2. Chemical Dipping |
3. Hot water Dipping Treatment. | 3. Fumigation. |
4. Air Heat Treatment. |
- To reduce the risk of introducing pests & diseases into the importing country.
- When imports & exports, any agriculture material should be free of pests & diseases in accordance with International plant protection convention.
- Fumigation is a method of pest control that completely fills an area with gaseous pesticides.
- Fumigation is a method of using a lethal gas to exterminate pests within an enclosed space.
- A Fumigant is any volatile, poisonous substance used to kill insects, nematodes, and other animals.
- Sheeted Container fumigation
- Stack fumigation
- Pressure tested container fumigation
- Chamber Fumigation
- Unsheeted Container
- Choosing a fumigation agency, who is holding valid license.
- Inform the fumigation agency before commencing the treatment, about the quarantine treatment requirements of the commodity.
- Package conditions and specific market requirements.
- Ensure sufficient time is available to perform treatments to meet the quarantine requirements.
- Be technically competent to perform relevant treatment to meet the quarantine requirements.
- Advise the client about the time requirements for successful treatment of consignment.
- Inform the client of any other factors that affect treatment of commodity such as impervious package or sportive nature of commodity.
- Ensure adopting right fumigation practices and follow safety precautions, while undertaking treatment operations.
- Ensure not to undertake fumigation in forbidden places or of forbidden commodities.
1. Foodstuffs a. Butter, lard and fats b. Full fat soybean flour, whole wheat flour, c. Nuts with high oil content or other foodstuffs containing reactive sulfur compounds d. Bone meal | 2. Leather Goods (Particularly kid or other leather goods tanned with sulfur processes.) |
3. Woolens | 4. Viscose rayon Thoserayons processed or manufactured by a process in which carbon disulfide is used. |
5. Photographic chemicals (Not camera film or X-ray film) | 6. Paper a. Silver polishing papers. b. Certain writing and other papers cured by sulfide processes. c. Photographic prints and blue-prints stored in quantity d. “Carbonless” carbon paper. e. Blueprint papers |
7. Rubber Goods a. Sponge rubber b. Foam rubber, as in rug padding, pillows, cushions, mattresses, and some car seals c. Rubber stamps and other similar forms of reclaimed rubber | 8. Vinyl |
9. Furs | 10. Feathers |
11. Charcoal, cinder blocks and activated carbon | 12. Horsehair articles |
13. Oil artworks | 14. Sulphur-based paint |
15. Cellophane | 16. Polystyrene packaging and containers |
17. Perishable plant products including fruit and vegetables | 18. Live plants, bulbs, seeds |
- Need free air space for placing monitoring tubes.
- (All the AFAS fumigation must be monitored during the fumigation period.)
- Need free air space for placing a fan.
- (All the AFAS fumigation must be circulated the gas until effectively distributed throughout the enclosure.)
- Timber or Timber products
– must be at or below 200mm thickness.
– must be fumigated before any surface coating.
– if coated at least must have one uncoated surface and a maximum thickness of 100mm from the uncoated surface.
- Handicraft
- – If coated, must be uncoated with fulfill the above mentioned theory.
- Should be fumigated before coating.
- Never exceed the relevant recommended dosage for food item.
as well as
- Never exceed the relevant exposure period for food item.
- If you want to apply a can for little food consignment (LCL) to avoid overdose application you can expand the enclosure until received relevant
- What is the target of the fumigation?
- (commodity + packing/packing only)
If commodity + packing
- Commodity must not be wrapped in impervious materials allow to reach the Methyl bromide.
- If wrapped the commodity in impervious material your consignment will be certified only for packing.
01). Permeable materials
Ex:- Gunny bags , Polypropylene bags made of thin layer
02).Impermeable materials
Ex:- Aluminum foil , Thick polythene , plastic wrapping
- Fumigate the commodity prior to packing.
- Put the cuts on the packing material allow the Methyl bromide to reach the target commodity.
- Perforation on the packing material.
- Using permeable packing materials.
5. Open the packing when fumigate.
Item | Dosage(g/m3) | Duration (hrs) |
Wooden Items | 48 | 24 |
Coir Products | 48 | 24 |
Cerbera seedlings | 32 | 02 |
Powdered Herbs | 35 | 03 |
Cut Flowers (Carnations) Food stuff Dried fruits Leafy vegetable | 24 80 24 32 | 2½ 48 24 02 |
- Treated wood use as dunnage may not be cut to final length until consignment loading
- Shippers should ensure that all dunnage is treated and displays the mark.
- Marks are clear and legible.
- Small pieces without incomplete mark should not be used for dunnage
- Should apply the mark along the entire length at very short intervals
Information to be filled | Instructions |
Type of Forms | Please submit the completed forms in Microsoft Word format only. Do not submit it as PDF or scanned picture formats. |
(01.) Contact details of the relevant. | This is very important if we need to clarify any information in your form or to obtain any further important information. |
(02.) Consignee | . Include the address of the consignee. Country of destination is compulsory and port of destination is not enough. If you request fumigation for empty pallets please give the list of countries. (roughly) |
(03.) Target of the fumigation | You shall be mentioned here clearly *if “packing” only – please specify the name of packing. Ex ;-wooden pallets or wooden boxes etc…. *if “cargo only” – please specify the nature of commodity. Ex:- foodstuff or coir bricks or cinnamon etc… *if “cargo + packing ” – please specify the nature of cargo and packing. Ex:- wooden pallet + coir grow bags etc…. |
(04.) Volume | Please specify the volume in cubic meters is compulsory as bellow. – Set of pallets as a stack – volume of the enclosure. – pallets in a chamber or container – inside volume of the chamber – cargo loaded pallets – volume of the enclosure as 20ft/40ft – cargo packed into a container – volume of the container as20ft/40ft – Under sheet – volume of the enclosure. |
(05.) Purpose of fumigation | Mark on the relevant box is compulsory. |
(06.) Type of fumigation | Depend on country requirement. Example:- Australia – AQIS |
(07.) Dose and Exposure period | When fumigate the commodity or packing “dose and duration” should be according to the import permit issued by the country of destination or according to the international regulations and standards. |
(08.) Enclosure of fumigation | -Container fumigation is recommended for new containers only. The old containers to be fumigated under a sheet. -Stack fumigation : – It is depend on requirement of exporter. |
(09.) Date of fumigation | Proposed date of fumigation. |
(10.) Date of degassing | Date of fumigation + Exposure period. (This date will be decided on date of start of the fumigation and exposure period of the fumigation.) |
(11.) Official Recommendation | If there is any defect on your dose and exposure period, we will be mentioned here recommended correct dose and duration. |
Email address for submit the completed form. | |
Further information | 011-2252028>> Treatment Technology Division, National Plant Quarantine Service,Katunayake. 071-8036053-Ranjith Wijesinghe. |
For online approval;
- Client has to make a request from the National Plant Quarantine Service
- Follow the instructions before filling the request
- When filling the request Client should be select the treatment service provider and send the request to as Ms Office Word format application form 5 days prior to the export date.
- Approval will be given to relevant treatment provider, as proposed by the Importer/Exporter in his application
- Treatment conditions are recommended with the approval
- Treatment will be performed by the treatment service provider
- Treatment service provider will issue the treatment certificate
- (Note: If the treatment needs to be mentioned on a phytosanitory certificate, fumigation activity will be inspected by a plant quarantine officer)
- Sharing technical information of biosecurity treatment measures of import and export requirements to industries
- Regulate Methyl Bromide usage for Quarantine & pre shipment activates
- AFAS (Australian fumigation Accreditation Scheme) fumigation training, accreditation, supervision & auditing
- Registration and standardization of treatment providers under ISPM 15 (International standards For Phytosanitary Measures -15)
- Development of standards on VHT (Vapor Heat Treatment)
- Feasibility testing of new fumigants to introduce as quarantine treatments
- Providing fumigation facility for small & intercepted commodities
- Awareness programs for various stakeholders
- To eliminate 100% pests in a commodity (zero tolerance policy in plant quarantine for pests)
- To prevent the movement of pests into areas where they are not already established. Treatments are directed at elimination of pests associated with Imports and provide pest sanitation for exports
- Assessment and corrective actions taken place in the critical point of the industry
- Provide quarantine treatment standers for import permit & intercepted issues.
- Daily basis Online approval for usage of Methyl Bromide fumigations for quarantine purposes (as Sri Lanka is signatory to the Montreal Protocol)
- Supervision of cargo fumigation done by private fumigators to fulfil the requirement of the importing country
- Examine the record keeping of private treatment providers’ for usage of MB
- Reporting the MB usage for quarantine purposes to the Ozone unit
- Annual auditing of AFAS accredited treatment providers
- Inspection of ISPM 15 related treatment providers (facility, suitability & performance )
- Research activity’s on mangoes under VHT (Vapor Heat Treatment)
- Conduct efficacy trials for new fumigants
- Facilitate Methyl bromide fumigation for small-scale & intercepted commodes at National Plant Quarantine premises
- Conduct Training sessions on Diploma / Undergraduate students , technicians & vireos stakeholders
Contact Us
- Head of the Division : Mrs.WLC Wijayasundera
- Designation : Assistant Director of Agriculture (Dev)
- Email :
- Telephone : +94 11 225 2028/29 - Ext :118
- Mobile : 0094718288284
- Open : Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Closed on weekends & public holidays)