NPPO Jordan visits Sri Lanka for Certification of VHT facility of NPQS, Katunayake
Sri Lanka warmly welcomes the official delegations from NPPO, Jordan.
Three member technical delegations from Jordanian ministry of Agriculture visit Sri Lanka on 07th December 2021 to 10th December 2021 to certify Vapour Heat Treatment (VHT) facility at National Plant Quarantine Service (NPQS) in order to find out the possibility of exporting fresh mangoes from Sri Lanka to Jordan. This visit is facilitated by her excellency ambassador of Sri Lankan embassy in Amman, Additional Director General export development board Sri Lanka, Lanka Fruit & Vegetable Producers, Processors and Exporters Association Sri Lanka, Agro Enterprise Development and Information service Department of Agriculture and National Plant Quarantine Service Sri Lanka.
During this visit the delegations will inspect the VHT facility at National Plant Quarantine Service and also witness the commercial mango and pine apple cultivation in Sri Lanka. The ultimate objective of this visit to get the VHT facility certified by ministry of agriculture Jordan. So that Sri Lankan fresh mango can be exported into Jordan. EDB officials, officials from Lanka Fruit & Vegetable Producers, Processors and Exporters Association, NPQS scientists and good agriculture practices officials will engage with the delegation to come up with the recommendation and way forward towards the exportation of Sri Lankan mangoes to Jordan