Company registration in ePhyto system
In present Sri Lanka is exchanging ePhytos with 04 countries. Those are New Zealand, USA, Chile and Argentina. Testing ePhytos are exchanging with EU countries and in near future ePhytos will be exchanged with them.
Also NPPO Sri Lanka is looking forward to add other countries also for this system and there by manual issuing of phytosanitary certificates can be curtailed in regular manner.
Therefore, it is mandatory to register all exporters in the GeNS immediately.
Therefore please submit the duly completed application with the business registration copy, ID copies of all company users to Application can be downloaded from exporter details of the NPQS website (Download Section).
The online registration link will be sent after receiving of the application and the relevant documents.
Feel free to contact Ms MPM Senarathne, ePhyto Project Manager (011 594 9 899 and for more clarification on GeNS registration.