Appeal should be submitted to Director General of Agriculture (DGA) within 24 hours after notification of the rejection of the consignment (PQ Form 05).

6 member Subcommittee has been appointed by Director General of Agriculture as follows.

  • Principle Scientist – Plant Quarantine
  • Additional Director – Seed Certification Service
  • Additional Director – Plant Genetic Resources Centre
  • Pathologist – Horticultural Crop Research and Development Institute
  • Entomologist – Fruit Research and Development Institute, Horana
  • Additional Director – Centre for Sustainable Agriculture Research and Development , Makandura

♦ DGA will appoint 3 members out of above 6 as per the relevancy of the issue.

♦ DGA will be given responsibility to review the appeal and make a decision as earliest as possible.

♦ If the decision is not in favour of the importer, he/she can appeal to the Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture within  72 hours

♦ The Appeals Panel shall consist of three members appointed from a panel of fifteen persons consisting of scientists who are qualified in the fields of Entomology, Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Mycology, Virology or Nematology who shall be appointed by the Secretary.

♦ The Secretary shall appoint one of the appointed members to be the Chairman of such Appeals Panel

♦ The Appeal panel shall be appointed within two days and shall deliver its decision within seven days after the receipt  of the appeal by the Secretary. The decision of the Appeal Panel shall be final and conclusive and shall be communicated immediately by the Secretary to the appellant and the Director-General or the authorised officer.