- Address : P.O.Box 03,Seed Certification Service, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya
- E- Mail : scs@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 81 2388217
- Fax : +94 81 2388217

TP : +94 812 388217 E-Mail : scs@doa.gov.lk
SCS Head Quarters
The SCS opted for a de-centralized organization. At the head office in Gannoruwa ,the central administration can be found. In close collaboration with the other divisions of the Department of the Agriculture, inspections regulations are issued for Sri Lanka as a whole. Actual inspection, drawing of samples, seed testing etc. are done through the regional officers and seed testing laboratories. Total number of SCS Staff is about 491.
Field Inspectorate Section
Field inspections are the basis of seed certification procedure. The registration of the seed growers, (Government Farm, Contract farmers and private growers alike), inspection of the standing crop, using the set seed rules and standards, supervision of post-harvest operations with special attentions on quality control during machine processing and storage and representative sampling of seed lots for laboratory testing are the major responsibilities of the inspectors. For each region, housing, transport and office is made available. For these services a nominal fee will be charged.
After the seed lot has received the approval of the seed lab; it can be released. The SCS inspector or his assistant seal each and every seed container (e.g. gunny bag) and hang the official SCS label. Only bags which carry the SCS label and seal are guaranteed for the quality as mentioned in the seed rules.
Both labs carry out their tests according to ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) rules and regulations. Modern equipment is used and staff is trained abroad. A total of 24,000 Samples are tested per year.
Variety Section
This section of the SCS occupies itself mainly making an inventory and description of varieties of crops grown for seed in Sri Lanka. Their findings are published in the SCS handbook part 11 and include drawing of varieties and comparison tables with which the field inspectors can easily identify off-types in the field.
The main duties of this section are:
1. Breeder Seed Certification
2. DUS (Distinctness, Uniformity,Stability)Testing
3. Post control Testing
Above duties are enrolled of paddy, other field crops and vegetables.
Attended as resources persons for training and awareness programs and maintained the cold storage of the SCS are extra duties of this section.
The first seed health testing unit was established by the Seed Certification Service in March 2012 in Sri Lanka.
Perennial Crop Section
The SCS is certified grafted fruit plants belonging to the recommended varieties of department of agriculture.
This section occupies itself mainly
1. Registration of fruit plant nurseries.
2. selection and registration of mother plants
3. fruit plant labeling
4. Conducting awareness and training programs.
Data Management Section
This section accounted for collecting, processing, evaluation and keeping of data from the 24 regional units, 5 seed testing laboratories and 6 post control units situated in all around the island.
Training Division
SCS continued conduct training programs to enhance the knowledge of officers and seed handlers on production of quality seed sand planting materials.
Training Programs
Identification of varieties
Production of quality seed and planting materials
Controlling pest and diseases
Pruning and maintenance of mother plants
Awareness programs for import and export seed handlers
Seed testing
Awareness programs of implementation of seed act
SL-GAP Certification Division
- Sri Lanka Good Agriculture Practices (SL-GAP) Certification is for “Safe food and good health”
- This SL GAP certificate covers all the good agricultural practices from planting to produce at farm gate.
- SL-GAP Certification division mainly deals with
- Final auditing /Technical Inspection of GAP Farms.
- Awarding of SL-GAP Certificate for farms that meet the requirement of SL-GAP standard.
- Conducting awareness program.
- Preparation of new standard and relevant documents
- Up to now SL-GAP certificate covers
- Fruit & Vegetable (SLS 1523 part -1. 2016)
- Rice (SLS 1523 part -2. 2019)
Aluththarama OIC/Agriculture Instructor Mr. W.P.S.K.Karunarathna Seed Certification Service Aluththarama Tele/Fax : +94 55 2258294 Mobile: +94 78 5133132 E mail: scsalureo@gmail.com | Bataatha OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr. K.A.Chaminda Seed Certification Service Bataatha Tele/Fax : +94 472 226039 Mobile: +94 718 079958 E mail: scsbatreo@gmail.com | Bibila OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr. H.M.G.Jayathissa Seed Certification Service Bibila Tele/Fax : +94 552 265706 Mobile: +94 77 9355010 E mail: scsbibreo@gmail.com | Bathalagoda OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr. H.M.J. Deshapriya Seed Certification Service Bathalagoda Tele/Fax : +94 372 259241 Mobile: +94 7182 47694 E mail: scsbgdreo@gmail.com |
Murunkan OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mrs. Bhanusha Seed Certification Service Murunkan Tele/Fax : +94 24 2224592 Mobile: +94 759750432 E mail: scsmurreo@gmail.com | Colombo OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mrs. H.L.B.S. Ranasinghe Seed Certification Service Colombo Tele/Fax : +94 112 081176 Mobile: +94 70 7120104 E mail: scscmbreo@gmail.com | Hingurakgoda OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr A.M.G. Cyril Seed Certification Service Hingurakgoda Tele/Fax : +94 272 246319 Mobile: +94 718 413501 E mail: scshinreo@gmail.com | Jaffna OIC/AMO Mr. A. Ramanitharan Seed Certification Service Jaffna Tele/Fax : +94 21 2227502 Mobile: +94 77 7781110 E mail: maramanitharan@yahoo.com |
Kanthale OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr.D.M.A.Senanayake Seed Certification Service Kanthale Mobile: +94 75 4614276 Tele/Fax : +94 26 2234314 E mail: scskanreo@gmail.com | Kundasale OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr. D.R.J.K. Senadheera Seed Certification Service Kundasale Tele/Fax : +94 812 422142 Mobile: +94 714402552 E mail: scskunreo@gmail.com | Labuduwa OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr. Buddika Wasntha Seed Certification Service Labuduwa Tele/Fax : +94 912 243051 Mobile: +94 714 160715 E mail: scslbdreo@gmail.com | Ampara OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr.I.D.D.P.K.Parera Seed Certification Service Ampara Tele/Fax : +94 632 223870 Mobile: +94 71 8156463 E mail: scsmalreo@gmail.com |
Nikaweratiya OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr. B.T.C.Rohan Jayarathna Seed Certification Service Nikaweratiya Tele/Fax : +94 37 2260309 Mobile: +94 71 4460733 E mail:scsnikawaratiya@gmail.com | Palmadulla OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr.V.P.P.Abeyrathna Seed Certification Service Palmadulla Tele/Fax : +94 45 2274163 Mobile: +94 71 8151417 E mail: scspalreo@gmail.com | Palvehera OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Ms.C. Wasanthi Gunasekara Seed Certification Service Palvehera Tele/Fax : +94 66 2284138 Mobile: +94 71 4001428 E mail: scspelreo@gmail.com | Polonnaruwa OIC/ Agriculture Instructor Mr. D.A. Sarath Kumara Seed Certification Service Polonnaruwa Tele/Fax : +94 27 2222119 Mobile: +94 70 7579444 E mail: scspolreo@gmail.com |
Seethaeliya OIC/PA Mr. W.M.R.B. Wijesekara Seed Certification Service Seethaeliya Tele/Fax : +94 522 222867 Mobile: +94 71 4195438 E mail: scssiereo@gmail.com | Mathugama OIC / Agriculture Instructor Mr. Mahesh Rathnapala Seed Certification Service Mathugama Tel/Fax: +94 34 2248588 Mobile: +94 712 838853
| Vauniya OIC / Agriculture Instructor Mrs. K. Banusha Seed Certification Service Vauniya Tel/Fax: +94 24 2224592 Mobile: +94 75 9750432
| Paranthan OIC / Assistant Director of Agriculture (Dev) Mr. S. Sevakumar Seed Certification Service Paranthan Tele/Fax: +94 212 280270 Mobile: +94 77 5289551 Email:dhanaranjani17@gmail.com |
Karadiyanaru OIC Mr. M.F.M. Nafees Seed Certification Service Karadiyanaru Tele/Fax : +94 65 2056008 Mobile: +94 772352561 Email: raguwaran6@gmail.com | Mahailuppallama OIC Mr. B.C.M.A.Gamage Seed Certification Service Mahailuppallama Tele/Fax : +94 25 2249260 Mobile: +94 714 495417 Email: scsmilreo@gmail.com | Matara OIC/Agriculture Instructor Mr. R.K.A. Rathnakumara Seed Certification Service Matara Tele/Fax : Mobile: +94 718 149561 Email: scsmatreo@gmail.com | Rikiligaskada OIC/Agriculture Instructor Mr. A.M.A.G.S.Abeykoon Seed Certification Service Rikiligaskada Mobile: +94 71 3255841 Email: |
Aluttarama OIC/Assistant Director (Development) Mrs. R.A.I.S.Ariyarathna Seed Testing Laboratory Aluththarama Tele/Fax : +94 553 590289 Mobile: +94 71 8061955 E mail: scsalustl@gmail.com | Bataata OIC/Assistant Director (Development) Mr. S.D.W. Gunasekara Seed Testing Laboratory Bataatha Tele/Fax : +94 473 489280 Mobile: +94 716508560 E mail: scsbatstl@gmail.com | Peradeniya OIC/Assistant Director (Development) Mr. Janaka Samaranayaka Seed Testing Laboratory Peradeniya Tele/Fax : +94 81 2388142 Mobile: +94 70 3975277 E mail: scsganstl@gmail.com |
Mahailuppallama Assistant Director (Development) Mrs. H.S. Senavirathna Seed Testing Laboratory Mahailuppallama Tele/Fax : +94 252 249135 Mobile: E mail: scsmilstl@gmail.com |
Paranthan Assistant Director (Development) Mr S.Selvakumar Seed Certification Service Paranthan Sri Lanka Tele : +94 212280270 Mobile: +94 775 289551 E- mail : dhanaranjani17@gmail.com |
After certification all accepted lots belonging to the registered seed class or of a higher generation are sampled for post control exercises. This sample is grown out on one of the SCS trial fields. During the growing season they are assessed and the information is passed on to the field inspectorate. The certified and standard seed lots are sampled and planted out on an at random base. The results are used for the internal checking of the SCS inspection and testing service.
Assistant Director of Agriculture (Research)
Mrs. K.T.M.S. Perera
Seed Health Testing and Research Unit
Mobile: +94 713 719420
E mail: sudarshani_2006@yahoo.com