- Address : P.O.Box 03,Seed Certfication Service, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya
- E- Mail : scs@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 81 2388217
- Fax : +94 81 2388217

TP : +94 812 388217 E-Mail : scs@doa.gov.lk
SCPPC Sub Units
Seed Certification Service
The Seed Certification Service of the Department of Agriculture was formally established in 1979 with the assistance of the Netherland Government Aid program. However the DOA has provided the service of Seed testing since 1958 during said year 1758 samples of paddy were tested. A seed testing laboratory with an annual capacity of 5000 samples was established at Peradeniya in 1970.
The first field inspection and certification activity commenced with rice in 1980. This service was expanded to pulses in 1983, vegetable crops in 1984 and potato in 1986. Post control testing of these crops commenced parallely six fields assigned for the purpose at Gannoruwa PC1, Gannoruwa PC2, Mahailuppallama, Bataata, Karadiyannaru and Seethaeliya. The SCS over time has established 24 regional units around the country to facilitate the field inspectorate. Distinctness Uniformity and Stability (DUS) testing of new varieties an activity undertaken by the SCS commenced in 1984. Post control activities further expanded throughout the country by commenced new PC unit for Batatha and Karadiyanaru in 2015. SCS has far expanded from 2011 including Seed Act Implementation Unit and Certification of Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) since 2018.

Making seed and planting material available in plenty for safeguarding, maintenance of high standards and protection of genetic and physical purity of the seed and planting material.
- Certification of seed paddy.
- Certification of vegetable seeds.
- Certification of Other field crops.
- Certification of seed potato.
- Certification of fruit plant nurseries.
- Registration of fruit plant nurseries and mother plants of fruits.
- Certification of breeder seeds.
- DUS (Distinctness , Uniformity, Stability) Testing.
- Implementation of Seed Act 2003 no 22
- Certification of the quality of basic seeds of rice, vegetable, OFC, potato and planting materials before multiplication.
- Certification of the quality commercial seeds and planting materials of Rice, Vegetables, Other Field Crops (OFC).
SCS Fruit Mother Plants Location
The locations of these plants are mapped by GPS (Global Positioning System) technology. This will enable the nurserymen who involve in production of any grafted fruit plants in Sri Lanka to contact and obtain buds or scions from relevant mother plants through their owners.
By this map,
provides correct location, details including mother plant registration number, crop, variety and owners details (Name, Telephone no and Address)
Contact Us
Seed Certification Service, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya
General : +94 812 388217
General : +94 812 388217
Contact Us
- Seed Certification Service, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya
- scs@doa.gov.lk/scsdoa79@gmail.com
- +94 812 388217
- +94 812 388217
- Mon to Fri - 8.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. (Closed on weekends and public holidays)