Evaluation of different weed management practices in machine transplanted rice cultivation
Current status of herbicide-resistant weeds in wet seeded rice in Sri Lanka
Herbicides for rice cultivation under limited irrigation
Effect of Elevated temparature on weed seed gemination in soil seed bank of paddy fields
Weed management practices adopted by paddy farmers A case study in Rajarata Tract 09, Anuradhapura District
Bispyribac Sodium-Resistant Sedges in Rice Fields of Sri Lanka
Weed Competitive Rice Germplasma; Towards Minimizing herbicide usage in future
Does Phytotoxicity of MCPA affect rice crop yield
Grain Discoloration disease complex of paddy
Study on the effect of Glyphosate on soil microbial density of rice fields in Sri Lanka
Evaluation of bacterial Leaf Blight Ressistant Lines in rice(Oryza Sataiva L.) in the Low country wet zone, Sri Lanka
Ld 368 A newly recommended red samba variety from rice research station,Labuduwa,Sri Lanka