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Rice-the staple food-Crop Establishment











How do we perform transplanting?

  • Similar to seedling broadcasting, the planting material for transplanting is seedlings.
  • Usually the seeds are pre-germinated in a nursery up to about 12-14 days.
  • 12-14 days old seedlings are removed from the nursery and planted in the field.
    • Unlike seedling broadcasting, seedlings are uprooted from the nursery, therefore devoid of any associated mud.
  • Planting could be done either manually or mechanically.
  • Each seedling/few seedlings per hill is carefully planted in rows.
  • The plant density in the field could be easily maintained.
  • Seedlings experience transplanting shock, which affects the seedling growth.
  • Transplanting could be practiced as rows or in a random manner.

How do we perform transplanting?

  • Similar to seedling broadcasting, the planting material for transplanting is seedlings.
  • Usually the seeds are pre-germinated in a nursery up to about 12-14 days.
  • 12-14 days old seedlings are removed from the nursery and planted in the field.
    • Unlike seedling broadcasting, seedlings are uprooted from the nursery, therefore devoid of any associated mud.
  • Planting could be done either manually or mechanically.
  • Each seedling/few seedlings per hill is carefully planted in rows.
  • The plant density in the field could be easily maintained.
  • Seedlings experience transplanting shock, which affects the seedling growth.
  • Transplanting could be practiced as rows or in a random manner.

Transplanting Shock

  • Resulted from root damages caused when seedlings are uprooted from nursery
  • Level of transplanting shock may vary with seedling age
  • Age class of the variety is also a factor to be considered.


  • Young seedlings have tender tissues and results higher damages.
  • But they can recover and regenerate quicker than older tissues.
  • If the variety has longer vegetative periods, they have adequate time to recover.

Age class

  • Varieties with longer age class have adequate time for root regeneration.
  • Perfect seedling age for transplanting is 12-14 days, however, it could be extended for long age classes.
    • 4-4 ½ month – could be uprooted up to 21 days.
    • 2 ½ to 3 month – strictly 12-14 days, should not go beyond 15 days.
    • If seedlings are grown in a dapog nursery – should not exceed 14 days.
    • Usually, transplanting is recommended for 4-4 ½ month varieties.

Transplanting Depth and Spacing

  • Perfect transplanting depth to obtain a maximum tillering would be 2-3 cm.
  • Transplanting depth should not exceed 4-5 cm.
    • no of tillers per plant obtained from transplanted rice could be reduced.
    • seedling internodes may go underneath of the soil.
  • 2-4 healthy seedlings should be planted per hill.
  • Spacing between planting hills vary with the age class.

Age class

Recommended spacing

Row transplanting

Random transplanting

Long age (4-4 ½ month)

20 x 15 cm2

30-35 hills /m2

Short age (3-3 ½ month)

15×15 cm2

35-40 hills /m2 

Ultra-short age (2½ month)

15×15 cm2