- Amending the Summary Sheet for Data Submission for the Agro-pesticides Sub-committees (Form No: RP-2C)
- Regarding the Display of Approved Labels on Containers & Packages of Domestic, Public Health, Industrial Pesticides and Disinfectants
- Revised Guidelines on issuance of recommendations for import & permits to purchase methyl bromide
- පළිබෝධනාශක අලෙවිසැල් සඳහා වාර්ෂික අලෙවි සහතික ලබා දීම සහ ”කෘෂි රසායන අලෙවි හා තාක්ෂණ සහකාරවරුන්” (ASTA) පුහුණු කිරීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් වූ සංශෝධිත ගාස්තු
- පළිබෝධනාශක අලෙවිසැල්වලට පළිබෝධනාශක විකිණීම සඳහා සහතිකය නිකුත් කිරීම සම්බන්ධයෙනි.
- ව්යාජ/තත්ත්වයෙන් බාල කරන ලද/නීති විරෝධී පළිබෝධනාශක සම්බන්ධයෙන් බලයලත් නිළධාරීන් විසින් සිදු කරන විමර්ෂණවලදී සාම්පල ලබා ගැනීම සහ තොග තහනමට ගෙන රදවා තබා ගැනීම සඳහා පෝරම අංක ආර්.පී./එල්.පී./01 හදුන්වා දීම සම්බන්ධයෙනි.
- ව්යාජ/ තත්ත්වයයෙන් බාල කරන ලද / නීති විරෝධී පළිබෝධනාශක සම්බන්ධයෙන් බලයලත් නිළධාරීන් විසින් සිදු කරන විමර්ෂණවල දී සාම්පල ලබා ගැනීම සහ වාර්තා කිරීම සම්බන්ධවෙනි.
- Consideration of an Application for Correction in the Colour Band (Glyphosate 360 g/l SL from M/s P. T. Bioworld Biosciences Manufacturing Industries, Indonesia, Reg. No. N530000 & N53 Series)
- Review and Scrutiny of Establishment/ Company Registration & Competency of Sister Companies under Main Companies under the Control of Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980.
- Adoption of Pesticide Colour Band based on the WHO Recommended Clarification of Pesticides by Hazard (2019 Edition)
- ව්යාජ/නීති විරෝධී පළිබෝධනාශක අලෙවිය මැඩපැවැත්වීම සහ නීත්යාණුකූල අලෙවි යාන්ත්රණය සක්රීය කිරීම සඳහා අවශ්ය පියවර ගැනීම සම්බන්ධයෙනි.
- Market Availability of Insecticides Recommended against Planthoppers and Leaf folders in Paddv
- Waiver of Consigner/Shipper Indicating the Material Supplier/Country of Origin for Pesticides of EU Origin
- Incorporation of Country of Origin/Manufacture in the Product Labels as per the Consumer Affairs Authority Act No. 09 of 2003 (Gazette Extraordinary No. 2135/53 dated07.08.2019)
- Amendment of 90-day Rule on Importation of Technical Materials (TC), Technical Concentrates (TK) and Formulated Pesticides
- 90 days Rule on Importation of Technical Material (TC) , Technical Concentrate (TK) and Formulated Pesticides
- Consideration of an Application for Correction in the Colour Band (Glyphosate 360 g/l SL from M/s Asiatic Agricultural Industries (Pte.) Limited, Reg. No. N540000 & N54 Series)
- “Pest Control Services” as a Licensed Category under the National Environmental Act No. 47 of 1980
- Temporary Amendment of 90 days rule on importation of Technical Material (TC), Technical Concentrate (TK) and formulated Pesticides
- Submission of Complete Applications for Import of Pesticides Duly Signed & Stamped by Registrants-Form RP/2A
- Matters to be Referred to be Determined by the Pesticide Technical and Advisory Committee
RP/ AUO/ 01/ 2021
- Storage, Transport and Distribution of Illegal Pesticides within the Country by Parcel Courier Services- An Act of Violation of the Control of Pesticides Act No.33 of 1980
චක්රලේඛ/ආර්.ඕ. පී./පී.සී. එස්./2021/1
- Role of registered pest control service provides in controlling spreading of high-risk dengue vector mosquitoes
- Disinfection/ Hygienic Services as Regular Pest Control Activity under the Control of Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980
Re-evolution of Field Performance of Sulfonylurea Herbicides (Affected by Circular No. RP/2017/SU/1 dated 28.07.2018)
RP/2020/Label/Add-1 (Corrigendum)
- Pesticide Labeling Requirements Concerning Honey Bee Toxicity – Chlorantraniliprole & its formulations
Quality Assurance of Pesticides – Assessment of Toxicologically – relevant Impurities of Long-term Health Risks
- Streamlining the Marketing Mechanism of pesticides: Implementation of Decisions and Recommendations on Future Activities
- Issuance of “pesticides sales certificates” for sale of pesticides – Control of Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980 (Annexure)
Pesticide Labeling Circular 2019
- Introducing a New System of Pesticide Labeling on Mode-of-Action
- Consideration of Applications for Re-registration of Pesticides under the Control of Pesticides Act No.33 of 1980 as Amended by the Acts No. 06 of 1994 & No. 31 of 2011
- Strict Adherence of Product License Conditions: Import of Pesticides Registered under the Control of Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980
- Streamlining the Marketing Mechanism of pesticides: Implementation of Decisions and Recommendations on Future Activities
Registration of Pesticides: Technical Materials (TC) and Technical Concentrates (TK)
- Current Status and Future Actions in the Use of Glyphosate and Glufosinate Ammonium as non selective herbicides
- Record Keeping & Reporting of Information on Purchasing & Use of Restricted Pesticides
- Circular – Role of Registered Pest Control Service Provides in Controlling Transmission of High Risk Dengue Vector Mosquitoes
- Proposed Rules Guidelines for Supplemental Pesticides and “Me-too” Pesticide Registrants
- Guidelines for Registration of Household and All-purpose Disinfectants under the Control of Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980 (Provisional)
- Use of Chemical fumigants and restricted pesticides for controlling public health and nuisance pests.
- Request of Upgrading the Scope of Analysis in order Complement Authorized Pesticides in Sri Lanka
- Submission of Filling & Registration Fee to the Office of the Registrar of Pesticides: Control of Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980
- Stewardship Initiatives and Mandatory Requirement for Personal Protective Equipment in Sri Lanka
- REGULATIONS made by the Minister of Agriculture under section 26 read with section 20 of the Control of Pesticides Act, No. 33 of 1980.
Notify the order to rescind that published in Gaz. Ex. No. 1937/35 of 23.10.2015 on the advice of the Pesticides Technical & Advisory Committee
Regulations made under the Control of Pesticides Act, control of Pesticides Regulations (Time Limits) of 01 of 2017
Order made to cancel every license issued in respect of Pesticides containing the active ingredients namely Carbofuran, Carbaryl and Chlorpyriphos.
Order made to declare the Lists of approved General Pesticides, Domestic Pesticides and Restricted Pesticides
Order to cancel every licence issued in respect of pesticides containing the active ingredient Glyphosate
Order to prohibit use or sale the pesticides containing Glyphosate etc. in the Districts of Anuradhapura etc.
Order to Declare that every licence issued in respect of pesticides of containing the active ingredients such as alachlor etc. shall be cancelled
Control Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980 Appointment of Dr. Nimal Kumarasinghe & other 4 Persons to the Pesticides Technical & Advisory Committee for a period of 3 years w.e.f. 05.07.2011
- Amendment to the control of Pesticide Regulations (Sales & Supply) No. 1 of 1999 published in the Gaz. Ex. No. 1113/15 of 05.01.2000
- Regulations made by the minister of agriculture and land under section 26 of the control of pesticides act no 33 of 1980, as amended by the act, No. 06 of 1994
Regulations (Drafts)
- Control of Pesticides Act. No. 33 of 1980 – Order under Section 11 (Government Notification – draft)
- Control of Pesticides Act, No. 33 of 1980 – Order under Section 11 ( Cyromazine revoke – draft )
Control of Pesticides Act, No. 33 OF 1980 Order under Section 11 (Glyphosate revision – draft)
Control of Pesticides Act, No. 33 OF 1980 – Order under Section 11(MCPA 40% regulation – draft)
Control of Pesticides Act, No. 33 OF 1980 – Order under Section 9 (New registered pesticides – draft)
- List of Pest Control Service Institutions Licensed under the Control of Pesticides Act (Authorized as of December 20, 2023)
- List of banned and severely restricted pesticides in Sri Lanka with the year of implementation and the year of legal declaration
- List of Registered Pesticides
- Approval of Advertisements on Pesticides
- Committee Recommendation on Registration of Biopesticides
- Guidelines for Authorized Officers
- Guidelines for Officers authorized to institute and Conduct prosecutions
- Bio Pesticides Guidelines
- Maintenance of Stock Record & Details of Marketing on All Restricted Pesticides
- Guidelines for Application for Registration of Individual/Corporate Institutions to Engage in
Pesticide Importation,
Distribution,Offer for Sale and Sale in Sri Lanka (Control of Pesticides Act No. 33 of 1980 )
- Application for obtaining Approval to start a New Pesticides sales outlet with Guidelines (RP–5-C)
Application for ASTA training with Guidelines
- Pesticides Company Registration (Application – RP/RC-General 01)
Application for New Registration of pesticides
Application for Pesticide Re-registration (New- RP/RE-REG/ General/ 01)
- Application for suitability for the registration of mosquito coil/mat
- Application for register as a Pesticides Seller with Guidelines (RP-05-A)
- Application for register as a Pesticides Seller with Guidelines (RP-05-B)
Application for suitability for the registration of mosquito coil/mat
- Check list – Agro Pesticides
Application for experimental use of Pesticides. (to be furnished by Researcher)
- Application for Pest Control Service Licence
- Application for Renewal of Pest Control Service Licence
Pesticide Re-registration Application New 2019 09 24
- Summary Sheet for Data Submission for the Pesticides Subcommittees (DPHS/IPS)
- Data Submission for the Agro Pesticides Subcommittee (Form No. RP-2C)
- Form a application for experimental use of pesticides company
- Form b application for experimental use of pesticides researcher
1980 අංක 33 දරන පළිබෝධනාශක පාලනය කිරීමේ පනතට පටහැනිපළිබෝධනාශක සාම්පලවල ලබා ගැනීම සහ තහනමට ගෙන රඳවා තබා ගැනීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් විමර්ෂණය කිරීමේ විස්තර සඳහන් පෝරමය
- Application form for Pest Control Course 2025
- කෘෂිරසායන අලෙවි හා තාක්ෂණ සහායක (Agrochemical Sales & Technical Assistant – ASTA) වෘත්තීය සඳහා, පුර්ව ඉගෙනීම හඳුනා ගැනීම (Recognition of Prior Learning -RPL) යටතේ, ජාතික වෘත්තිය සුදුසුකම් – 4 මට්ටම (National Vocational Qualification – Level 4) සහතිකය ලබාගැනීම සඳහා අයදුම්පත්රය.
- Checklist for Evaluation of Bio-pesticides