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ක්ෂේත්ර බෝග පර්යේෂණ හා සංවර්ධන ආයතනය
ප්රකාශන - කීට විද්යා අංශය
- කේ. එන්. සී. ගුණවර්ධන 2013. ක්ෂේත්ර බෝගවල කෘමි පලිබෝධ හා මයිටා හානිල සියවස ප්රකාශන, කෘෂිකර්ම දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, පේරාදෙණිය. 64pp.
- කේ. එන්. සී. ගුණවර්ධන, ඩබ්. එම්. කේ. ප්රනාන්දු, එච්.එන්. එස්. ප්රනාන්දු, කේ. ඒ. රේණුකා 2015 ක්ෂේත්ර බෝගවල රෝග පලිබෝධ හා පෝෂක ඌණතා හඳුනා ගැනීමේ අත්පොත. 64pp.
- Gunewrdena K.N.C, I.P.S.D. Wickramasooriya and Jayanthi K. P. (2016) Management of maize stem borer chilo partellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) using selected plant powders with insecticidal properties Tropical Agriculturist. Vol.165(1):31-39.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Madugalla, S. R. K (2014) Effect of different nitrogen fertilizer levels on stem borer (Chilo partellus Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) damage in maize Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 16:105-114.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Madugalla, S. R. K (2011) Efficacy of selected granular insecticides for the control of maize stem borer (Chilo partellus) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Tropical Agriculture Research and Extension. Vol. 14(1): 12-15.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. (2002). Assessment of yield loss caused by thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in chilli. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 4: 275 -280.
- Pathirana, M.G.S.P, Gunewardena, K.N.C., Hettiarachchi, B.I. ,Jayasinghe, D.G.K.D.P., Weerakoon, W. M.W. and Jang, B.Y.C. (2015). MIBO-1: A short duration big onion (Allium cepa L.) variety for the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 17: 97-100.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Gyun L.Y (2014). Integrated pest management of onion in Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Onion Seed Production and Crop Husbandry held in Colombo Sri Lanka 119-132
- Kumari, W.M.R., Gunewardena, K.N.C., Priyantha, M.G.D.L. Priyantha, Bandara, H.M.S. and Dissanayake, D.M.J.K. (2015). Performances of imported maize hybrids under local environmental conditions in Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 17: 350-354
- Gunewardena, K.N.C., Madugalla, S. R. K., Bandara, H.M.S. and Gunewardena, N.A.M. (2008). Efficacy of Emamectin benzoate and Metaflumizone for the control of onion caterpillar (Spodoptera spp.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 10: 315-321.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C., Madugalla, S. R. K., Bandara, H.M.S. and Gunewardena, N.A.M. (2008). Efficacy of Emamectin benzoate and Metaflumizone for the control of onion caterpillar (Spodoptera spp.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 10: 315-321.
- Kannangara, K.N., K.N.C. Gunewardena, H.N.S.Fernando and H.M.N.S. Herath(2017). Development of chilli hybrids through recombinant inbred lines In Proceedings of the National awards for excellence in agricultural research 2017, organized by Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy 26-28 pp
- B.M. K. SenarathnaMenike, K. N.C. Gunewardena, W. M. K. Fernando, W.M.W Weerakoon, A.M. perera, M.G.R.U.A Gamage, H.M.S. Bandara, A.M. Karunaratne, S.M.N.I.K.Saluwadana (2018) Development of open pollinated, high yielding, pests and disease tolerant chilli (Capsicum annum. L) promising lines with desirable quality. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 20:63-66.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C., W.M. K Fernando, B.M.K. Senarathne Menike, P.A.I. Sandharuwani and W.M.S.D.K. Wijerathne (2018). Screening of open pollinated chilli (Capsicum annum L.) Lines resistant for thrips and leaf curl virus (2018) Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 20:67-71.
- H.M.N.S. Herath, K.N.Kannangara, K.N.C.Gunewardena, W.M.K.Fernando, W.M.W. Weerakoon, A. M. Perera, H.M.S.Bandara, S.M.N.I.K. Saluwadana(2018). MICH HY 2: A high yielding chilli hybrid with wider adaptability for Sri Lankan farmers. A paper presented at the SLCARP International Agricultural Research Symposium, Sri Lanka, Council for Agricultural Research Policy, 13-14 August, 2018, Colombo Sri Lanka Page17
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. (2002). Effect of solar heating on bruchid (Coleoptera; Bruchidae) infestation and seed viability in pigeonpea, Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 4: 432-433.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. (2003). Chemical control and host plant resistance studies for pests in other field crops. In Fifty Years of Research, pp. 139-152. (Eds. P.B. Dhramasena, H. Samarathunga and and M.S. Nijamudeen), Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka.
- W.M.K. Fernando M.S. Nijamudeen, K.N.C. Gunewardena, W.M.S.D.K. Wijerathne, and D.M.K. Dissanayake(2018). Status of chilli leaf curl virus and pest population dynamics with varying micro environment under different shade levels, A paper presented in 5th International Conference on Agriculture (AGRICO), 16-17 , August, 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Madugalla, S. R. K (2013). Efficacy of Seed Treatment with Thiamethoxam 70% WS for the Management of Leaf Curl Complex in Chilli. Plant Protection Industry Journal 7: 20-24
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Madugalla, S. R. K (2010)Pests of chilli, Saubhagya, Seed Producer’s Association of Sri Lanka. Vol. 16: 41-44
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Madugalla, S. R. K(2010) Management of Cowpea Pests, Saubhagya, Seed Producer’s Association of Sri Lanka. Vol. 17:21-26
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and PriyanthaM.G.D.L. (2010) Pests and Diseases of Fingermillet, Saubhagya, Seed Producer’s Association of Sri Lanka. Vol. 16:19-21.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Madugalla, S. R. K(2011) Identification and Management of Pests in Blackgram, Saubhagya, Seed Producer’s Association of Sri Lanka. Vol. 18:10-15.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Madugalla, S. R. K(2011) Pests of Soybean, Saubhagya, Seed Producer’s Association of Sri Lanka. Vol. 19:30-32.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Madugalla, S. R. K(2012) Cultivation of field crops by reducing pest problems, Saubhagya, Seed Producer’s Association of Sri Lanka. Vol. 20:23-32.
- Galanihe, L. D., Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Priyantha M. G. D. L. (2003). Plant Protection Research in Field Crops. In Plant Protection Research, Proceedings of a Workshop on Status and Future Trends in Plant Protection Research in the National Agricultural Research System, pp. 32-43. (Eds. H.P.M. Gunasena and S. M. P. Chandra Padmini), Council for Agricultural Research Policy. Sri Lanka.
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. (2014). Fate of Pesticides in the Environment Plant Protection Industry Journal 8: 30-32
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. , S.M.A.O. Nadeeshani and P.A.I. Sandaruwani (2019) Strategies for sustainable management of Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Sri Lanka
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. and Pushphakumari S. (2013)“How to do a pest risk analysis” presented during international training of trainers for plant quarantine officers – Improving quality and safety of fruits and vegetables held in Negombo, 2013 organized by World Trade Organization
- Pathirana, M.G.S.P, Hettiarachchi, B. I., Gunewardena K.N.C. (2015) Family selection , yield evaluation and adaptability testing of common bulbing onion (Allium cepa L.) in Sri Lanka. Presented during the 7th international symposium on edible Alliaceae held in 21-25 May, Nigde, Turkey
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. (2012). New insecticides for the control of maize stem borer, AGTEC, Technical Newsletter, Department of Agriculture,Vol. 13(2)
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- මුුං වගාවේ පලිබෝධ – දිවයින 2012.11.13
- සෝයාබෝංචි වගාවේ පලිබෝධ හානි – දිවයින 2012.09.14
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- නිෂ්පාදනය ඉහළ නංවන්න පසු අස්වනු නාස්තීය අවම කර ගන්න – දිවයින 2009.09.22
- Gunewardena, K.N.C. (2006). New insecticides for the control of chilli leaf curl complex, AGTEC, Technical Newsletter, Department of Agriculture,Vol.6 (3)
- ලොකු ලූණු වගාවේ පලිබෝධ පාලනය – 1997 දිනමිිණ
- Controlling the corn borer – 1997 Daily News
- පැලමැක්කා මර්දනය මිරිස් වගාවේ සාර්ථක අස්වැන්නකට මගක් – 2002 මාර්තු සණස
- මිරිස් කොල කොඩවීම හඳුනා ගැනීම හා පාලනය – අරුණ 2003 ජූනි
- බී ලූනු වගාවේ බල්බ මයිටා හානිය 2015 AGTEC, Technical Newsletter, Department of Agriculture,Vol.3
- Gunewardena, K.N.C., W.M. K. Fernando,W. M. P. N. Dilusha,M. T. Gunesena and M. A. R. A. Mandanayake 2016. Plant protection achievements and future directions in legume crop production in Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Legumes for a healthy Nation held in Field Crops Research and Development Institute, Mahailluppallama
- R.Samarasekara, R.YBaragamaarachchi, N.M.K.Karunarathna, O.V.J.S.D.weerasena, K.M.D.W.P.Nishantha, M.A.R.A. Mandanayake. 2016 Evaluation of insecticidal activity of Srilankan Bassilus thurengiesis against Plutella xylostella and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis. Proceedings of the 72nd annual sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Colombo, 10-12 December 2016, 31-32.
- Mandanayake M.A.R.A., M.G.D.LPriyanntha, A.P.Bentota, U.G.A.I.Sirisena, A.M.K.R.Bandara, U.C.Kahawattha.2016.The effect of flowering plants to enhance natural enemy population in paddy field. Annuls of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 18: 177-180
- R.M.U.S.Bandara, A.P.Bentota, R.S.K.Keerthisena, A.S.K.Abeysekara, M.A.R.A.Mandanayake, W.M.U.B.Wickrama, H.M.M.K.K.H.Dissanayake 2016 Weed floral diversity under intensive rice cultivation at rice research farm,Batalagoda. Annuls of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, 18: 288
- M.A.R.A. Mandanayake,U.G.A.I. Sirisena, A.M.K.R. Bandara,A.P.Bentota, K.S.Hemachandra, H.L.K. Liyanage, W.M.U.K Rathnayake ,U.C. Kahawaththa. 2015. Analysis of Temporal Variation Of Insect Pest Populations of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) and Their Relationshp with Meteorological Variables in Batalagoda, Sri Lanka. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. 17: 58-63.
- Mandanayake, M.A.R.A., Amarakoon, A.M.A., Sirisena, U.G.A.I., Hemachandra, K.S., Michael R. Wilson and Kahawaththa, U.C., 2014. Occurrence of Leptocorisa acuta (Thunberg) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) in Sri Lanka. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. 16: 323-326.
- M.A.R.A. Mandanayake, K.M.H.G.N.S.B. Kekulandara, H.N.P. Wijayagunasekara, A. Balasuriya and U.C. Kahawaththa. 2013. A comparative Study on Arthropod Faunal Diversity in Organic and Conventional Rice Agro-ecosystems at Batalagoda, Sri Lanka. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. 15: 162-174.
- K.P.O.S.Jayathilaka.,N.S.Kottearachchi,D.S.Kakulandara,M.A.R.A. Mandanayake. 2015.Progress towards marker assisted selection of rice lines for aroma and BPH resistance,Tropical Agriculturist.162: 42-62
- Sirisena, U.G.A.I., Mandanayake, M.A.R.A, Watson, G.W., Wijayagunasekara, H.N.P and Hemachandra, K.S. 2013. Potential Pest of Rice Brevennia Rehi (Lindinger) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Sri Lanka. P.35-36 In: Jinadasa, D.M.,Balasuriya, A.,Senanayake, N., Amarasekara, M.G.T.S., Ginigaddara, G.A.S., Ranadheera, R.D.C.S., Egodawatta,W.C.P and Gunarathne, M.H.J.P. (Eds) Proceedings of 3rd Annual Research Symposium, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 7th February 2013. ISSN 2235-9710.
- L.H.D.S. Lakshman, H.N.P. Wijayagunasekara and M.A.R.A. Mandanayake. 2013. Some Parasitoids of Rice Pests Collected from Insecticide-Free Rice Fields in Sri Lanka. P. 253-256. In: Wijeratne, W.M.M.P., Wanniarachchi, S.D., Kumara, W., Atapattu, N.S.B.M., Ratnasekara, D., Ranatunga, N.P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2013, 28th November 2013, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. ISSN 1800-483
- C.H. Piyasiri, T.K. Illangakoon, R.S.K. Keerthisena, A.P. Bentota, W.M.W. Weerakoon, Y.B. Iqbal, S. P. Rebeira, K.R.D. Gunapala, S.G. Sarathchandra, M.A.R.A. Mandanayake And J.M.N.P. Somarathne 2017, evaluation and characterization of promising exotic aerobic rice lines, Annuls of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture-Short communication