Welcome to Seed Certification & Plant Protection Centre (SCPPC) - Gannoruwa

Seed Certification
Quality assurance of seeds and planting material and GAP farm certification.

Plant Genetic Resource Conservation
Exploration, Collection, evaluation, conservation, management and sustainable utilization of plant genetic resources of food crops and their wild relatives.

Plant Protection
Promotion of environment friendly, economically viable and effective pest management strategies to minimize the agricultural crop loss.

Plant Quarantine
Facilitation of international movement of healthy plant and plant products for the development of national agriculture and trade to improve biosecurity.

Pesticide Regulation
Management of pesticide to minimize the health and environment risk associated with the pesticide use.

Seed Certification & Plant Protection Center.
Achievement of agricultural development through quality control of seed and planting material facilitation of import/ export of quality plant and plant products, prevention of dangerous pests within the country, regulation of pesticides, conservation of genetic resources of agricultural crops and enforcement of seed, plant protection and control of pesticides acts for protection of local agriculture and environment to ensure food security of the nation.

Regulatory Functions
- Plant Protection Act No. 35 of 1999 to protect the agriculture and promote effective pest management strategies with least harm to the environment.
Control of Pesticide Act No. 33 of 1980 to ensure availability of high quality pesticide with least hazard to human health and the environment.
Seed Act No. 22 of 2003 to safeguard the farmers as well as the seed handlers for malpractices that would harm the seed industry.

Sub Units
There are five sub units comes under SCPPC
- Seed Certification Service
- National Plant Quarantine Service
- Plant Protection Service
- Office of the Registrar of Pesticide
- Plant Genetic Resource Center
Contact Us
- Address : Seed Certification & Plant Protection Center, Gannoruwa, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- Email : director.scppc@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 812 388044
- Fax : +94 812 388077
- Open : Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Closed on weekends and public holidays)