- Address : Bathalagoda, Ibbagamuwa, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : rrdi@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 372 258561
- Fax : +94 372 259881
RRDI Sub centers
Rice Research Station - Labuduwa
Labuduwa Research Station is one of the satellite station of Rice Research and Development institute, Bathalagoda. It is located at Labuduwa, Akmeemana of Galle District. Command Area of the station is wet zone rice field belongs to WL1 and WL2a agro ecological zones. RRS, Labuduwa is the main rice breeding Station of Low Country Wet Zone of Southern Province of Sri Lanka. From 1971 up to now the station has released eight rice verities belongs to different age classes namely Ld 66 (1971), Ld 356 (1994), Ld 365 (2008), Ld 368 (2011), Ld 408 (2010), Ld 371(2014), Ld 253(2016). Presently station is contributed for the national seed production by providing breeder seeds of five released varieties Ld 365, Ld 368, Ld 408, Ld 371 and Ld 253. Further research on improving the productivity and pest diseases tolerance, abiotic stress tolerance and quality of rice is going on. Apart from the breeding research, plant protection and soil and agronomy research carried out with respect to the problems associated with pest and diseases, soil and climate conditions of the low country wet zone. Meteorological data collection and dissemination of knowledge with respect to all the disciplines rendered through publications, training of graduate, diploma and school students, field days, radio programs ect. Solving of farmer problems and educating extension officers related to new technologies carried out frequently.
Mandate of the Center is to develop high yielding rice verities for high potential mineral soils of the low country wet zone rice lands and generation and dissemination of related technologies.
Released Ld 371 – 3 ½ Months White Samba 2014
Released Ld 253 – 88 Days White Long Grain Quality rice variety 2016
“Govivedaduru” – e-Pest Surveillance System to solve farmer problems related to rice cultivation.
- Breeding Division
- Plant Protection Division
- Soil and Agronomy Division
Research & Publications
Incorporation of thrips tolerant characteristic to improved rice varieties by using resistance parent Dhanala. SSD method was used to advance the subsequent generations and advanced breeding lines evaluation under late Planting conditions for natural infection of thrips.
- Development and dissemination of improved varieties and related technologies to increase productivity for national prosperity.
- To introduce high yielding, pest disease resistance & quality rice varieties for the law country wet zone.
- To generate new technologies to management of rice pest, disease & weeds.
- To generate new technologies of soil science & agronomy for increment of yield.
- Improving the new rice varieties for climate issues (flooding, salinity ect.)
- Breeder seed production and released rice varieties Ld 365, Ld 368, Ld 408, Ld 371 and Ld 253.
- Carrying out research on Plant Protection and Soil and Agronomy and disseminate knowledge to extension officers and farmers.
- Solving farmer problems related to rice cultivation.
- Provide training programs for Post Graduate, Under Graduate and Diploma students.
- Recording of meteorological data and provide data to the NRMC division of the DOA.
- Trainings to visiting students on rice cultivation, climate and meteorological data collections.
- Dissemination of knowledge by publication field days radio programmed etc.
- +94 912 244345
- +94 712 537465
- withanamcm@yahoo.com
- +94912244345
- Rice Research Station, Labuduwa
- Email : labuduwariceresearchstation@gmail.com
- Telephone : +94 912 244345
- Fax : +94 912 244345
- Open : Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Saturday & Sunday Closed)