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- Address : Bathalagoda, Ibbagamuwa, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : rrdi@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 372 258561
- Fax : +94 372 259881
RICE IN SRI LANKA - Rice Diseases
Field history
Learning from past is important!
Keeping records on the crop variety grown, last year/ last season, rate and kind of fertilizers used, pesticides applied, and tillage programs as well as any pest damage will assist predicting any impact continued from last crop cycle. In addition, it will be a precedence for current situation

Fields used to grow vegetables
If rice is planted on fields where vegetable crops were planted in the previous season might get comparatively more diseases (e.g.-blast, sheath blight and bacterial leaf blight). Rich residual plant nutrients remain from the previous season might result a luxurious growth in rice (this season), which might support diseases to establish easily.

Field problems recorded last year
Paying attention to growing conditions and records on occurrence and distribution of similar field problems or unrelated symptoms from last year/growth season might provide a basis for the diagnosis. Such information would suggest if the field problem is a new occurrence or a reappearance of seasonal occurrence.

Year’s management procedures
Any management procedure applied within this season could also be used to understand the field problem observed. This may help to decide whether any common crop and soil fertility management practices are required to manage the problem. In a way, the field problem might have resulted from an improper field practice (leaf browning caused due to herbicide toxicity). On the contrary, any such error could be corrected along with the recommendation given to cure the field problem.
Fields used to grow vegetables
If rice is planted on fields where vegetable crops were planted in the previous season might get comparatively more diseases (e.g.-blast, sheath blight and bacterial leaf blight). Rich residual plant nutrients remain from the previous season might result a luxurious growth in rice (this season), which might support diseases to establish easily.
Field problems recorded last year
Paying attention to growing conditions and records on occurrence and distribution of similar field problems or unrelated symptoms from last year/growth season might provide a basis for the diagnosis. Such information would suggest if the field problem is a new occurrence or a reappearance of seasonal occurrence.
Year’s management procedures
Any management procedure applied within this season could also be used to understand the field problem observed. This may help to decide whether any common crop and soil fertility management practices are required to manage the problem. In a way, the field problem might have resulted from an improper field practice (leaf browning caused due to herbicide toxicity). On the contrary, any such error could be corrected along with the recommendation given to cure the field problem.