
RRID- Bathalagoda LOGO

Rice-the staple food-General information

General Information

Present status in-brief (statistics of 2022/23)

Land use

occupies ~29% of the total cultivated area

Extent of cultivation

Maha (approx. 812,601 ha) and Yala (approx. 505,076 ha) – annual total of 1,317,677 ha

Average annual yield

3.68 million Tons (Self- sufficient of the annual domestic requirement 2022 Yala & 2022/23 Maha)


Provides livelihood for 2.1 million farmer families island-wide

Cost of production

per 1 kg rice, Rs.81.73 (irrigated systems) to  Rs. 84.61 (rain-fed systems) (2022/23 Maha)

Main cost factors

labour (32%), machineries (30%) and inputs (38%) (in irrigated cultivation systems 2023 Yala Season)

Per capita consumption

around 1112.3 kg / year (depends on the comparative prices of rice, bread and wheat flour)

Nutritional supplement from rice

fulfils 45% calorie and 40% protein requirement of an average Sri Lankan

Major challenges

improving productivity to maintain self-sufficiency

 and to feed the increasing population

improving quality of produce (physical and chemical including rice with health benefits)