
RRID- Bathalagoda LOGO

RRDI Rice Varieties

Bg 357

Variety name : Bg 357
Year of release : 1997
Pedigree : Bg 797/Bg300//85-1580/Senerang M-17
Average yield : 5.8 t/ha
Maturity : 103 – 105 days
Plant height : 56.0 cm
Basal leaf sheathcolour : Green
Recommendation : General cultivation

Grain Quality Characteristics

Brown rice recovery 79.00%
Milling recovery 71.00%
Head rice recovery 59.10%
Amylose content High
Gelatinizationtemperature  High-Intermediate
1000 grain weight 22.6 g
Grain shape Long Medium
Pericarp colour White
Bushel weight 20.2 kg
Buff colour presence No

Reaction to Pest and Disease

BlastBacterial Leaf BlightGall MidgeBrown Planthopper
Moderately Resistant/ Moderately SusceptibleModerately ResistantResistantModerately Resistant

Grain Quality Characteristics

Brown rice recovery 79.00%
Milling recovery 71.00%
Head rice recovery 59.10%
Amylose content High
Gelatinizationtemperature  High-Intermediate
1000 grain weight 22.6 g
Grain shape Long Medium
Pericarp colour White
Bushel weight 20.2 kg
Buff colour presence No

Reaction to Pest and Disease

BlastModerately Resistant/ Moderately Susceptible
Bacterial Leaf BlightModerately Resistant
Gall MidgeResistant
Brown PlanthopperModerately Resistant