- Address : Bathalagoda, Ibbagamuwa, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : rrdi@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone :(+94) 037-2258561
- Fax :(+94) 037-2259881
RRID Research
- Conducting and coordinating National Rice Variety Testing Program (NCRVT)
- Coordinating VAT and LSVAT trials
- Farmer participatory research on best management practices
- Adaptation and mitigation practices for biotic stresses
- Observation and giving solutions for farmer field agronomic problems
- Conducting Training and awareness programson agronomic aspects of rice
- Release of Bg 251, the first drought tolerant rice variety in Sri Lanka
- An agronomic packages for mechanical transplanting of rice
- An improved agronomic package for flooded – direct seeded rice to minimize herbicide usage.
- Introduction of short age (98-100 days) drought tolerant rice line, IRDTN 7-11 medium age rice lines, Zhonghua (103-107 days) and Aeron 9-3 (100-103 days)
Research & Publications
Testing of promising rice lines in low county intermediate zone – (NCRVT )…