- Address : Bathalagoda, Ibbagamuwa, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : rrdi@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 372 258561
- Fax : +94 372 259881
Rice-the staple food-Crop Establishment
Dapog Method

Nursery location
- Maintained on a flat surface.
- If low land paddy field is used, water supply/control has to be reliable.
- Should be about 1/20 of the transplantable land.
Construction of the seed bed
- Seed beds are constructed on impermeable material to avoid root penetration.
- banana leaves (mid rib removed)
- poly ethylene sheets / any flexible material
- cemented floors
- Seed bed is leveled, and the centre is raised slightly than the edges to facilitate water drainage.
Nursery maintanance
- To prevent uneven growth, germinating seeds should be
- splashed with water
- pressed down by hand or with a wooden flat board
- twice a day, both in the morning and afternoon
- up to 3-4 days
- Too much watering should be avoided.
- More frequent irrigation is necessary if seed were sown without the bedding.
Seed paddy
- about 125 kg/ha.
Seed preparation
- Soaked for 48 hours and incubated for 24 hours.
Nursery establishment
- Seed bed is covered.
- with burnt paddy husk or compost.
- about 1/4″ thick layer.
- Pre-germinated seeds are sown over the seed bed.
- uniformly.
- with a thickness of 2-3 seeds.
- at about a density of 700-1000 g/m2.
- The nursery can be transplanted in 12-14 days after germination of seeds.
- since the seedlings are small transplanting is difficult.
- very young seedlings from dapog nurseries are less prone to transplanting shock.
- For mechanical transplanting, nurseries should be compatible with transplanter (approx. about 1.2m wide).
Nursery location
- Maintained on a flat surface.
- If low land paddy field is used, water supply/control has to be reliable.
- Should be about 1/20 of the transplantable land.
Construction of the seed bed
- Seed beds are constructed on impermeable material to avoid root penetration.
- banana leaves (mid rib removed)
- poly ethylene sheets / any flexible material
- cemented floors
- Seed bed is leveled, and the centre is raised slightly than the edges to facilitate water drainage.
Nursery maintanance
- To prevent uneven growth, germinating seeds should be
- splashed with water
- pressed down by hand or with a wooden flat board
- twice a day, both in the morning and afternoon
- up to 3-4 days
- Too much watering should be avoided.
- More frequent irrigation is necessary if seed were sown without the bedding.
Seed paddy
- about 125 kg/ha.
Seed preparation
- Soaked for 48 hours and incubated for 24 hours.
Nursery establishment
- Seed bed is covered.
- with burnt paddy husk or compost.
- about 1/4″ thick layer.
- Pre-germinated seeds are sown over the seed bed.
- uniformly.
- with a thickness of 2-3 seeds.
- at about a density of 700-1000 g/m2.
- The nursery can be transplanted in 12-14 days after germination of seeds.
- since the seedlings are small transplanting is difficult.
- very young seedlings from dapog nurseries are less prone to transplanting shock.
- For mechanical transplanting, nurseries should be compatible with transplanter (approx. about 1.2m wide).

Dapog nurseries are more suitable for short aged varieties. However brfore transplanting, the field should be leveled well and free of water since the seedlings are very small.
Dapog nurseries are more suitable for short aged varieties. However brfore transplanting, the field should be leveled well and free of water since the seedlings are very small.