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SCPPC Sub Units
Plant Protection Service
Strengthen, re-organization and implementation of Plant Protection activities under plant protection Act No. 35 of 1999 at national level
- Reviewing and amendment of relevant provisions of Plant Protection Act and Regulations
- Amendment of Plant Protection Act to cover broader applications
- Revision and updating of regulations
- Empowering of authorized officers and stakeholders on relevant provisions of Plant Protection Act
- Authorized Officer administration
- Officer training on Plant Protection Act
- Awareness creation on Plant Protection Act
- Implementation of relevant provisions of Plant Protection Act
- Prevention of introduction and spreading and eradication of invasive weeds
- Implement regulations for prevention, control and eradication of diseases
- Development of implementing plan for the activities of plant protection act Island wide.
- Reviewing and amendment of relevant provisions of Plant Protection Act and Regulations
Implementation and promotion of Integrated Pest management (IPM) / eco-friendly pest management programs for rice, vegetables, fruits, other field crops and home gardens
- Coordination and strengthening of IPM activities with stakeholders
- Awareness programmes for extension staff and farmers
- Conducting field demonstrations
Identification and management of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) island wide
- Mass rearing of biological agents
- Aquatic weed (salvinia and water hyacinth) control
- Terrestrial weed (parthenium, alligator weed, giant mimosa etc.) control
Establishment of a pest surveillance and forecasting system for major pest and diseases island wide.
- Timely generation of pest information and advisory through stakeholder networking
- Pest surveillance (Investigation, data collection, mapping and updating data base)
- Pest forecasting, management, recommendation and dissemination
- Timely generation of pest information and advisory through stakeholder networking
Co-ordination and technology dissemination for Permanent Crop Clinic Program (PCCP)
- Coordination of training extension officers as plant doctors to implement island wide plant clinics to farmers to promote IPM and use organic fertilizer
Co-ordination and technology dissemination for management of vertebrate (rodent) pest damage in agriculture
- Awareness programmes for extension staff and farmers
- Conducting field demonstrations