- Address : FCRDI, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : fcrdi@doa.gov.lk, fieldcropsmi@yahoo.com
- Telephone : +94 252 249132
- Fax : +94 252 249132
Field Crops Research and Development Institute
- Delpitiya, D.G.P.S., S.H.S.A. De Silva, R.A.C.J. Perera, P.G.T.L. Madumali, H.A.P. Jayalath and W.M.D.N. Weerasinghe. (2016). Effect of irrigation intervals on growth and yield of cluster onion in non-calcic brown soils. Tropical Agriculturist. 164.
- Hettigedara, H.M.P.T.K., M.A.P.W.K Malaviarachchi, R.A.C.J. Perera, W.M.W Weerakoon, S.P. Nissanka, U.R. Sangakkara, G.H.K. De Silva. 2016. Integrated soil management approach to enhance the growth and yield of chilli (Capsicum annuum). Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 18: 115-117.
- Hiranthika H.G.K, Vitharana U.W.A. and Perera R.A.C.J, 2015. Identification of Salinity Hazard Zones Using DUALEM-1S Proximal Soil Sensor. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions, Sri Lanka,5th and 6th November.Vol.19 pp18.
- Kumara, S.S., R.A.C.J. Perera, N.S. Abeysinghe and D.M. Jinadasa. 2010. Response of maize to High Grade Eppawela Rock Phosphate, Eppawela Single Super Phosphate and organic manure. Proceedings of the Second Annual Research Symposium, 4th June, 2010, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Puliyankulama, Anuradhapura.
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W K., M.S. Nijamudeen, D.M.J.B. Senanayaka, R.A.C.J. Perera and L. Amarasinghe. 2009. Climate change and other field crops production in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Abstracts of the First National Conference on Global Climate Change and Its Impacts on Agriculture, Forestry and Water in the Tropics, 10th – 11th September, 2009, Hotel Tourmaline, Kandy, Sri Lanka. 8 p.
- Nijamudeen, M.S. and R.A.C.J. Perera. 2014. Irrigation water requirement of hybrid maize in Reddish Brown Earth soils of Sri Lanka. 12th Asian Maize Conference and Expert Consultation on maize for food, feed, nutrition and environmental security. 30th October to 1st November 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. p 103.
- Nijamudeen, M.S., R.A.C.J. Perera and N.R.A. Nawarathna. 2015. Irrigation water requirement of hybrid maize grown on rhodustalfs in Sri Lanka. Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. Plant Genetic Resource Center (PGRC), Gannoruwa, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. 17: 80-84.
- Nijamudeen, M.S., R.A.C.J. Perera, M.A.P.W.K. Malaviarachi and K.A. Renuka. 2018. Modified alley cropping as a climate adaptive system to improve the productivity of irrigated uplands. 5th International conference on Agriculture 2018. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Pp 46.
- Perera, R.A.C.J. Irrigation methods in other field crops cultivation. Saubhagya, Seed Producers’ Association of Sri Lanka. Vol. XVII: 26-29.
- Perera, R.A.C.J., M.D.M. Gunawardhana, S.H.S.A. De Silva and N.R.A. Nawarathne (2014). Optimum interval of irrigation for green chilli grown in Reddish Brown Earth Soils (Rhodustalf). Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 16: 303-307.
- Perera, R.A.C.J., U.W.A. Vitharana and N.R.A. Nawarathne. 2015. Elucidation of spatial variability of salinity in soils in a rice – other field crops cropping system using proximal soil sensing. Tropical Agriculturist 163: 59-73.
- Perera, R.A.C.J., U.W.A. Vitharana and N.R.A. Nawarathne. 2017. Spatio-temporal variability of the quality of the irrigation water in a rice-other field crops cropping system in the Mahaweli system ‘H’ of Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture, Vol. 19: 267-286.