- Address : FCRDI, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : fcrdi@doa.gov.lk, fieldcropsmi@yahoo.com
- Telephone : +94 252 249132
- Fax : +94 252 249132
Field Crops Research and Development Institute
- Alahakoon, A.M.T.M, I. Wijayaraja, M. Piyarathne, D.A.U.D. Devasinghe, L.K. Weerasinghe, D.P. Kumarathunge, D.M.D. Dissanayake, T.A.B.D. Sanjeewa, W.C.P. Egodawatta, D.M.S. Duminda, R.A.A.S. Rathnayake, Malawiarachchi, S. Amarathunge, W.A.J.M. De Costa and N. Geekiyanage Seasonal variation of yield and physiological traits of cowpea cultivated in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. (2020). National Conference on Multidisciplinary Research – 2020 Virtual Postgraduate Symposium. 08th October 2020. Young Scientists’ Association (NIFS-YSA), National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hanthana Road, Kandy. 12p.
- Chandrasekara, P.W.I.M. P.C.U. Wanninayake, S. Hettiarachi, A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchi (2020). Potential of Panicum maximum root wash as a bio-fertilizer for mung beans. Proceedings of the National Conference on Multidisciplinary Research – 2020 Virtual Postgraduate Symposium 08th October 2020. 11p.
- Kumararathna, M.J.M.P., A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchci, W.M.W. Weerakoon, Won Byoung Chae, Myeong Cheoul Cho, A.M. Perera, Min-Kyeong Kim and Eun Young Yang (2020). The Current Status and Breeding Perspective of Major Vegetable Crops in Sri Lanka. The journal of Korean Society of International Agriculture. 32(1):24-30.
- A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchi, A. M. Perer1, M.J.M.P. Kumararathn1, N. H. M. S. Chithrapala and A.T. Sooriyaarachchi (2019). Pulses value chain development activities for achieving food and nutrition security and contributing to SDGs: Present Status, Challenges and Way Forward in Sri Lanka. Pandey, PR., Gaur, PM and Sajja, SB. (eds.). 2019. Pulses Value Chain Development for Achieving Food and Nutrition Security in South Asia: Current Status and Future Prospectes. SAARC Agriculture Centre. pp. 116-134.
- D N Sirisena, N R N Silva, K K K Nawaratne, Ananda Weerawarne, Dharsani Jayamanne, Amoda, Mayakaduwa, Upul Ratnayake, I T Karuneinadhan, Wasantha Malaviarchchi, Geethika Rupasinghe,, Thilak Munasinghe, Kusala Kumuduni, Thilini Roshima, Priyantha Weerasinghe (2019). Soil testing kits as an alternative to laboratory soil testing for soil pH, exchangeable K and available P in Sri Lankan soils. The 14thInternational conference of East and South East Asian Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS, 2019).
- Wanninayakea, P. C. U., P. N. Yapa, A. P. W. K. Malaviarachchi and R. P. Hettiarachchi. (2019). Effect of phosphorus fertilizers and soil amendments on cadmium accumulation in maize (Zea mays L.) seeds. International Research Symposium on Pure and Applied Sciences, 2019 Faculty of Science, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Ranawaka, R.P.M.U, A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchi and W.C.P. Egodawatta (2019). Screening of maize varieties for water logging tolerance at V9 growth stage on moderately drained soils. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Research Symposium- 04th April, 2019, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Puliyankulama Anuradhapura. p 81.
- Wanninayake, P. C. U., P. N. Yapa, A. P. W. K. Malaviarachchi, R. P. Hettiarachchi. (2018). Phosphorus and cadmium in soil, roots and seeds of maize (Zea mays L.) as affected by the application of phosphorus fertilizers and soil amendments. Applied Science Undergraduate Research Symposium, Mihinthale, Sri Lanka,19th December 2018.8p
- Abhayapala, R., Janendra De Costa, Wasantha Malaviarachchi, Aruna Kumara, Lalith Suriyagoda and Ramya Fonseka (2018). Exploitation of differential temperature-sensitivities of crops for improved resilience of tropical smallholder cropping systems to climate change: A case study with temperature responses of tomato and chilli. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. Vol. 261:103-114.
- De Costa, W.A.J.M., K.M.R.D. Abhayapala, A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchi, J.B.D.A.P. Kumara, R.M. Fonseka, L.D.B. Suriyagoda and D.M. De Costa (2018). Impacts of climate-resilient and eco-friendly crop management practices on yields of a representative range of crops grown across a natural temperature gradient in tropical South-Asia. “Climate change and global sustainability: Action for bridging the gap” 2nd International Conference on Climate Change.15th -16th February 2018, Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Malaviarachchi, A.P.W.K., W.A.K. Karunathilake, R.A.C.J. Perera and M.S. Nijamudeen (2017). Threats and related research towards adaptation of Other Field Crops to climate change in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the workshop on present status of research activities on climate change adaptations. 06 November 2017. pp 21-29
- Gaydon, D.S., Balwinder-Singh, E. Wang, P.L. Poulton, B. Ahmad, F. Ahmed,S. Akhter, I. Ali, R. Amarasingha, A.K. Chaki,, C. Chen, B.U. Choudhury, R. Darai,A. Das, Z. Hochman, H. Horan, E.Y. Hosang, P. Vijaya Kumar, A.S.M.M.R. Khan, A.M. Laing, L. Liu, A.P.W.K. Malaviachichi, K.P. Mohapatra, M.A. Muttaleb,B. Power, A.M. Radanielson, G.S. Rai, M.H. Rashid, W.M.U.K. Rathanayake, M.M.R. Sarker, D.R. Sena, M. Shamim, N. Subash, A. Suriadi, L.D.B. Suriyagoda,G. Wang, J. Wang, R.K. Yadav, C.H. Roth. (2017). Evaluation of the APSIM model in cropping systems of Asia. Field Crops Research. Vol. 204:52–75
- Malaviarachchi, M. A. P. W. K., A. J. M. De Costa, J. B. D. A. P. Kumara,L. D. B. Suriyagoda & R. M. Fonseka. (2016). Response of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) to an Increasing Natural Temperature Gradient under Different Crop Management Systems. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. Vol 202. Issue 1:51-68. DOI: 10.1111/jac.12131
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K., W.A.J.M. De Costa, R.M.Fonseka, J.B.D.A.P.Kumara and L.D.B. Suriyagoda. (2015). Can seasonal temperature extremes alter the growth and yield of mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek)? an investigation with different agronomic management packages conducive for climate adaptation. Tropical Agriculturist. Vol 164 (In press)
- Malaviarachchi M.A.P.W.K., J.B.D.A.P. Kumara,A.J.M. De Costa, R.M. Fonseka and L.D.B. Suriyagoda (2014). Performance of mung bean across three agro-ecological regions representing a temperature gradient and under different crop adaptation systems. Symposium proceedings. Higher Education for the twenty first century (HETC) project. 7th and 8th of July 2014, Ministry of Higher Education , Sri Lanka. 99p.
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K. , A.J.M. De Costa , J.B.D.A.P. Kumara, R.M. Fonseka and L.D.B. Suriyagoda (2014). Response of mung bean to increasing growing season temperature in two agro-ecological regions under different agronomic management practices. Annual research sessions, University of Peradeniya.Vol 18. 24p
- Abhayapala, K.M.R.D., R.M. Fonseka, W.A.J.M. De Costa, A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchi, J.B.D.A.P. Kumara and L.D.B. Suriyagoda. (2014). Effects of increasing temperature on quality parameters of fresh tomato fruits grown in different agro-climatic regions in Sri Lanka. Annual research sessions, University of Peradeniya. Vol 18. 26p
- Rathnayake W.M.U.K and A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchci (2014). A Crop Simulation Approach to Determine Optimum Sowing Dates for Rainfed Rice Cultivation in the Intermediate Zone of Sri Lanka. Sac In: Monograph. The SAARC-Australia Project Developing Capacity in Cropping Systems Modelling for South Asia. Eds. D.S. Gaydon, Ibrahim Saiyed and C. Roth. pp 157-168
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K. and A.T. Sooriyaarachchi (2013). Cropping systems in dry zone; present status, potentials and challenges. Paper presented at the SAARC Workshop on Multiple cropping innovations for South Asia. 31 October-November 01 2013, Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka.
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K., A. J. M. De Costa, R.M. Fonseka, J. B. D. A .P Kumara, K.M.R.D. Abhayapala and L.D.B. Suriyagoda (2013). Response of maize to a temperature gradient simulating long term climate change under different soil management systems. Tropical Agriculture Research Vol. 25(3): 327-344
- Kumara, J. B. D. A. P., L. D .B. Suriyagoda, W. A. J. M. De Costa and A. P.W. K. Malaviarachchi (2014). Modelling Canopy Development, Biomass and Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) under Optimal Management Tropical Agriculture Research. 25(2):214-227.
- Rathnayake, W.M.U.K., D.N. Sirisena and A.P.W.K.Malaviarachchi (2013). APSIM-Oryza model to analyze the yield gap of rice under moisture and nitrogen stress. ASDA Vol 15: p 409.
- Ekanayake, R.T., A.P.W.K.Malaviarachchi, P.S.G.Upashantha, R.M.Fonseka and R.M. Ranaweera Banda (2011). Optimum seed rate and Nitrogen requirement for broadcast Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) grown on rain-fed uplands. Proc. Annual Congress. Tropical Agricultural Research. Vol 22. Number 2. Pp 165-171.
- Weerakoon, W.M.W., S.N. Jayawardana, J.B.D.S. Kahandawala, A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchi, S.C. Wanigasoriya and A.H.G. Mithrasena (2010). Meeting challenges to bridge the yield gap of direct seeded rice cultivation in Sri Lanka. Abstracts of Papers, Rice Congress 2010. Plant Genetic Resources Centre Gannoruwa 2nd-3rd December 2010. Pp 24-25.
- Rathnayaka, E., M.A.P.W.K, Malaviarachchi and N. Senanayake (2010). Growth and yield of commercial hybrid maize (Zea mays L) varieties under dry zone rainfed conditions. Proceedings of the second Annual Research Symposium- 04th June, 2010, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Puliyankulama Anuradhapura. p 21.
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K., P. Jayasiri and D.M.G.Ethakade (2009) Response of Nitrogen on Hybrid Maize grown at high plant density under supplementary irrigation. Tropical Agriculturist. Vol 157, (2008 & 2009):65-74
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K., S.Nijamudeen, D.M.J.B.Senanayaka, R.A.C.J.Perera and L. Amarasinghe (2009). Climate change and other field crops production in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Abstracts of the First National Conference on Global Climate Change and its Impacts on Agriculture, Forestry and Water in the tropics, September 10-11, 2009, Hotel Tourmaline, Kandy, Sri Lanka. 8p (Proceedings in Press)
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K.,M.H. Rathnayake and J.A.C.K.Jayasinghe (2008). Fertilizer management of big onion in major growing areas of the dry zone. Tropical agriculturist. Vol 157, (2008 & 2009):87-89
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K.,D Lesly, S.N.Jayawardane and D.M.G.Ethakade (2008). Potential of maize (Zea mays L.) and chilli (Capsicum annum) intercropping under supplementary irrigation. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. Vol 10: 97-104
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K, P.Jayasiri and D.M.G.Ethakade (2008). Effect of plant density and nutrient management on hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) Grown on rain-fed uplands. Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. Vol 10:105-116.
- Malaviarachchi M.A.P.W.K., M. Karunarathne and S.N.Jayawardena (2007). Influence of plant density on yield of Hybrid Maize (Zea mays L.) under supplementary irrigation. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya. Vol 3.No 2:58-66
- Malaviarachchi M.A.P.W.K., A. Renuka, A.M.Senevirathne and W.M.U.K. Rathnayake (2007). Soil nitrogen requirement, spacing, irrigation and weed management on chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) productivity on Reddish Brown Earth soils (Rhodustalfs). Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. Vol 9:249 -254.
- Malaviarachchi, M.A.P.W.K. (2003). Cropping system development research at Fifty years of research, Field Crops Research and development institute, Department of Agriculture Sri Lanka. Eds. P.B.Dharmasena, H.Samarathunga and M.S.Njamudeen. pp:195-202
- Lesly, W.D., A. P.W. K. Malaviarachchi, S. N. Jayawardena and M. J. M. P. Kumararathna (2002). Farmer management practices on the productivity of big onion cultivation in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka department of Agriculture Vol. 4: 385-392
- A.P.W.K. Malaviarachchi. (2013). Drought: The most challenging natural threat in dry farming. Crop Life. Sri Lanka Plant Protection Industry Journal. Vol 7:88-90
- වියළි ඉරිතලාගිය පොළොවට නව බලාපොරොත්තුවක් – කෘෂිකර්ම දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව 2017 (හැඳින්වීමේ පරිච්ඡේදය සහ 5 වන පරිච්ඡේදය)
- කාබනික ගොවිතැන ලෝක සම්මත කෘෂි රටාවකි. දිවයින, 2016-11-15
- පරිසර හිතකාමී ගොවිතැන් ක්රමයකට හුරුවෙමු. ලක්බිම, 2006-05-31
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- වියලි කලාපයේ ගොවිතැන සරුසාර වන්නට නම්. දිවයින
- මිරිස් වගාවට පොහොර යොදෙන්නේ මෙහෙමයි. ගොවිකම් සඟරාව, 2008-12-17, 42 කාණ්ඩය 2 කලාපය
- කුඹුරු ඉඩම් වල සරුවට වැවෙන රනිල බෝග. දිවයින, 2009-02-17
- සරුසාර බඩඉරිගු වගාවක් සදහා. ගොවිකම් සඟරාව, 42 කාණ්ඩය 2 කලාපය
- නියඟය අභියෝගයක් නොවන්නට නම්. සෞභාග්යා, 2011, 19 කලාපය
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- දේශීය ආහාර සුරක්ෂිතතාවය සඳහා මැද කන්නයේ වගාව. දිවයින, 2010
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- Kodithuwakku, P.R, Egodawatta, W.C.P., Senanayake, R.L., Weerakoon, W. M.W., (2013). Responses of exotic open pollinated maize varieties to crowding and nitrogen. Orally presented at Undergraduate Research Symposium of Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, July 31, 2013
- Bandara, P.G.C.S., Senanayake, R.L., Egodawatta, W.C.P., (2014). Releasing nitrogen and potassium by decayed leaves of purple yam (Dioscorea alata) to succeeding crops. Orally presented at the 6th Annual Symposium of Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, July 2, 2014
- Senanayake, R.L., Frossard, E., Weerakoon, W.M.W., Sangakkara, U.R., Nissanka, S.P., Herath, N.K. (2015). Effect of N and K mineral fertilizers on growth and yield of water yam (Dioscorea alata). Orally presented at the Annual Symposium of the Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka, September 3-4, 2015
- Senanayake, R.L., (2015). N and K for sustainable tuber yields in water yams (Dioscorea alata). Published in Govikam Sangarawa (Sinhala), vol. 46 – Technical Bulletin published by Department of Agriculture
- Senanayake, R.L., 2015. Changing fruit shape of water melon using wooden boxes. Annals of Sri Lanka, Department of Agriculture 2015. 17: 372
- Senanayake, R.L., Frossard, E., Weerakoon, W.M.W., Nissanka, S.P., Herath, N.K., (2016). Growth and yield variation of water yam under different levels of N & K mineral fertilizers (Dioscorea alata). Poster presented at the World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops. Nanning, Guangxi, China, January 18- 22, 2016
- Senanayake, R.L., (2016). Potentials of water yam cultivation in Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. Published in Govikam Sangarawa (Sinhala), vol. 46, No 1 – Technical Bulletin published by Department of Agriculture
- Frossard, E., B.A. Aighewi, S. Aké, D. Barjolle, P. Baumann, T. Bernet, D. Dao, L.N. Diby, A. Floquet, V.K. Hgaza, L.J. Ilboudo, D.I. Kiba, R.L. Mongbo, H.B. Nacro, G.L. Nicolay, E. Oka, Y.F. Ouattara, N. Pouya, L. Senanayake, J. Six and O.I. Traoré. 2017. The challenge of improving soil fertility in yam cropping systems of West Africa. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1953. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01953
- Senanayake, R.L., (2018). Raja ala cultivation of Sri Lanka. Crop cultivation practices leaflet (Sinhala). Published by Department of Agriculture
- Senanayake, R.L., (2019). Raja ala cultivation of Sri Lanka. Crop cultivation practices leaflet (Tamil). Published by Department of Agriculture
- Senanayake, R.L., (2020). Raja ala cultivation of Sri Lanka. Crop cultivation practices leaflet (English). Published by Department of Agriculture
- Senanayake, R.L., A. Oberson, W. Weerakoon, C.P. Egodawatta, S. Nissanka and E. Frossard. 2022. Influence of nitrogen and potassium inputs on plant biomass and nitrogen use efficiency of Dioscorea alata. Journal of Plant Nutrition: 1-23. doi:10.1080/01904167.2022.2068428