- Address : Gannoruwa, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : naicc@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone :+94 812 030040/ 41/ 42/ 43
- Fax :+94 812 030048
Central Agriculture Library
To creating an agricultural knowledge society through the preservation of Library publications, encouraging the utilization of information and communication technology for an effective library service and Easy access of the DOA videos.
The Central Library of the Department of Agriculture at Gannoruwa is considered to be the oldest library in the field. The Botanical Garden was established in 1810 at Kiwi Gardens, Slave Street. The Central Library of the Department of Agriculture was also established at the same place. The first donation to the library was a collection of books on tropical vegetation. Alexander Moon was the first British librarian to grow a library of books during his tenure, acquiring a large number of books.
Other libraries in the field of agriculture such as the Tea, Rubber and Coconut Research Libraries and many other libraries including the Kantale Sugar Corporation were developed as a result of this library's collaborative program.
Printed Collection | |
Lending Collection | 8186 |
Short Term Reference Collection | 1402 |
Reference Collection | 581 |
Departmental Publications Collection | 770 |
Foreign Collection | 3477 |
Collection of Rare Books | 599 |
Map Books and Map Collection | 150 |
Administrative Reports | |
Gazette Collection | |
Thesis Collection | 115 |
Collection of Magazines | 50000 |
Special Collection |
- This library can be used by all the officers of the Department of Agriculture.
- The officer who is entitled to the book acquisition facility should submit the relevant application with the recommendation of the head of the relevant institution.
- Officers using the library should submit their National Identity Card or the Identity Card of the Department.
- Officers are asked to keep their luggage at the counter and enter their names and other details in the register.
- Three books will be issued to each reader for a period of 30 days. No further books will be issued until the borrowed books are returned.
- A fine of Rs. 5 / = per day for a book that does not return on time and will be notified to the Director General of Agriculture after one month.
- If there is no subsequent response, the books will be deducted from the officer's salary by 25% of the current price and as a departmental tax.
The Central Agriculture Library of the Department of Agriculture is the oldest Agricultural Library in Sri Lanka, as it was established in 1810, when a Botanical Garden named ‘Kew’ was opened in Slave Island, Colombo by the British Governor. In 1813, the Garden and the Library were moved to in Uggalboda, Kalutara and the library was moved again when Department of Agriculture was established in 1912 at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya. Later, the library was shifted to Gannoruwa, present location in 1971. It is functioned under the Horticulture Research and Development Institute, Gannoruwa.
In 2017 this library was hand over to the National Agriculture Information and Communication Centre, Gannoruwa with the mission to Creating an agricultural knowledge society through the preservation of Library publications, encouraging the utilization of information and communication technology for an effective library service and Easy access of the DOA videos.
At present, the library hold nearly 75,000 publications comprising 10,900 text books, 10,000 other collection books. It also has over 40,000 journals issues under more than 800 journal titles related to Agronomy, Genetics and Plant breeding, Soil and plant Nutrition, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Plant Tissue Culture and Cell Culture, Post Harvest Technology, Agricultural Economics and Microbiology. DOA Library established links with other foreign agricultural research institutions such as, FAO, SAARC, ICRISAT, MAFF, SAIC, IFDC, JIRCAS, IRRI & CABI etc.
Traditional libraries are still handling largely printed materials that are expensive and bulky. Information seekers are no longer satisfied with only printed materials. They want to supplement the printed information with more dynamic electronic resources and therefore, demands for digital information are increasing.
This digital library will provide clearly enhanced services to the user of the library by improving the availability of useful information and the speed of access and delivery. The advantages of digital information libraries include nearly unlimited storage space at a much lower cost, no physical boundary, round the clock availability, multiple access, enhanced information retrieval, preservation for some print material and universal accessibility. This will facilitate the user through access to large amounts of information wherever they are and whenever they need it, support multimedia content along with text, user-friendly interface, advanced search and retrieval and integration with other digital libraries.
In 2017 December Central Agriculture Library and national Science Foundation entered into an agreement to implement the National Digitization Project. Which will ensure the easy, quick and enhanced on-line access to DOA Publications. All these digital files are secured in the NSF repository server and these materials are available at doa.nsf.ac.lk website.
NAICC Sub Units
Central Agriculture Library
To creating an agricultural knowledge society through the preservation of Library publications, encouraging the utilization of information and communication technology for an effective library service and Easy access of the DOA videos.

The Central Agriculture Library of the Department of Agriculture is the oldest Agricultural Library in Sri Lanka, as it was established in 1810, when a Botanical Garden named ‘Kew’ was opened in Slave Island, Colombo by the British Governor. In 1813, the Garden and the Library were moved to in Uggalboda, Kalutara and the library was moved again when Department of Agriculture was established in 1912 at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya. Later, the library was shifted to Gannoruwa, present location in 1971. It is functioned under the Horticulture Research and Development Institute, Gannoruwa.
In 2017 this library was hand over to the National Agriculture Information and Communication Centre, Gannoruwa with the mission to Creating an agricultural knowledge society through the preservation of Library publications, encouraging the utilization of information and communication technology for an effective library service and Easy access of the DOA videos.
At present, the library hold nearly 75,000 publications comprising 10,900 text books, 10,000 other collection books. It also has over 40,000 journals issues under more than 800 journal titles related to Agronomy, Genetics and Plant breeding, Soil and plant Nutrition, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Plant Tissue Culture and Cell Culture, Post Harvest Technology, Agricultural Economics and Microbiology. DOA Library established links with other foreign agricultural research institutions such as, FAO, SAARC, ICRISAT, MAFF, SAIC, IFDC, JIRCAS, IRRI & CABI etc.
Traditional libraries are still handling largely printed materials that are expensive and bulky. Information seekers are no longer satisfied with only printed materials. They want to supplement the printed information with more dynamic electronic resources and therefore, demands for digital information are increasing.
This digital library will provide clearly enhanced services to the user of the library by improving the availability of useful information and the speed of access and delivery. The advantages of digital information libraries include nearly unlimited storage space at a much lower cost, no physical boundary, round the clock availability, multiple access, enhanced information retrieval, preservation for some print material and universal accessibility. This will facilitate the user through access to large amounts of information wherever they are and whenever they need it, support multimedia content along with text, user-friendly interface, advanced search and retrieval and integration with other digital libraries.
In 2017 December Central Agriculture Library and national Science Foundation entered into an agreement to implement the National Digitization Project. Which will ensure the easy, quick and enhanced on-line access to DOA Publications. All these digital files are secured in the NSF repository server and these materials are available at doa.nsf.ac.lk website.
- This library can be used by all the officers of the Department of Agriculture.
- The officer who is entitled to the book acquisition facility should submit the relevant application with the recommendation of the head of the relevant institution.
- Officers using the library should submit their National Identity Card or the Identity Card of the Department.
- Officers are asked to keep their luggage at the counter and enter their names and other details in the register.
- Three books will be issued to each reader for a period of 30 days. No further books will be issued until the borrowed books are returned.
- A fine of Rs. 5 / = per day for a book that does not return on time and will be notified to the Director General of Agriculture after one month.
- If there is no subsequent response, the books will be deducted from the officer's salary by 25% of the current price and as a departmental tax.
- To strengthen the DOA library with IT based information management through digitizing the DOA Publications presently at the library.
- To upgrade Central Agriculture Library of DOA as the main repository of all important agriculture technology information toward the central information unit of the DOA under the Information and Communication Centre.
- To establish and maintain on line information systems to benefit stakeholders in agriculture.
- To ensure effective information collecting, processing and sharing mechanism (documents, statistical data, electronic images, videos, etc.)
- To ensure preserving the all historically important printed materials.
- To ensure the dissemination of quick and relevant Agriculture technologies and information to the farmers through video programs by on line digitized video library.
Physical Library
- 75,000 publications comprising 10,900 text books, 10,000 other collection books.
- Over 40,000 journals issues under more than 800 journal titles
- Agronomy, Genetics and Plant breeding, Soil and plant Nutrition, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Plant Tissue Culture and Cell Culture, Post Harvest Technology, Agricultural Economics and Microbiology.
Digital Library
- This digital library will provide clearly enhanced services to the user of the library by improving the availability of useful information and the speed of access and delivery.
- This will facilitate the user through access to large amounts of information wherever they are and whenever they need it, support multimedia content along with text, user-friendly interface, advanced search and retrieval and integration with other digital libraries.
- Reader Services
- Reference Services
- Digital library services through Intranet and Internet
- Maintain an on-line video library
- Printing, Scanning and Copying Services
- Current Awareness Services
- Literature Survey
- Inter Library Loan Services
- Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
- Audio/Visual Service
- Online Services – doa.nsf.ac.lk
- Maintain Research Management Information System
Head of the Central Agriculture Library

Mrs. I.S.M. Haleemdeen
Deputy Director (Information & Communication – Head Quarters)
- +94 812 389198
- +94 812 030047
- haleemdeen.ism@doa.gov.lk
- supriyahussain@gmail.com
- library@doa.gov.lk
- centrallibrary.doa@gmail.com

- +94 718 060777
- amilagoonawardhana123@gmail.com

- +94 714 377204
- gangadamayanthi23@gmail.com

- +94 717 799441
- manojonward@gmail.com
Contact Us
- Central Agriculture Library, P.O. Box 47, Gannoruwa
- centrallibrary.doa@gmail.com
- library@doa.gov.lk
- +94 812 389198
- +94 812 389198
- Mon to Fri - 8.30 a.m. to 4.15 p.m. (Closed on weekends and public holidays)