<< மீள
- Analysis of Pesticide Residues and Evaluation of Selected Beneficial Effects in Tomato Grown Under an Eco-Friendly Management Package in Comparison to Existing Commercial Cultivation Practices
- Detection of Pesticide Residues in Imported and Locally-Grown Perishables through Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
- Determination of Trace Elements Contents in Rice and Vegetables Cultivated in Selected Districts of Sri Lanka
- Pesticide Residues in alternanthera sessilis and centella asiatica Grown in Selected Locations in Sri Lanka
- Pesticide Residues in Selected Vegetables in Several Growing Areas by GC/MS Using QuEChERS Technique
- Pesticide-Related Risks Associated with the Crop Management Practices Performed by Small-Scale Tomato Growers in Mid Country, Sri Lanka
- Suitability and economic impact of intercropping potato (solanum tuberosum l.) And maize (zea maize l.) In uplands during yala season in the up country intermediate zone
- Pinus (pinus caribaea) needles as a substrate constituent in soilless media of tomato in proetcted culture
- Effect of Plant Spacing on Seed Yield and Yield Contributing Parameters of Common Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)
- Alternative Growth Media for Soilless Cultivation of Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Protected Culture
- Suitability of promising lablab bean (Lablab purpurious (L) Sweet) lines as homegarden crop to support nutrition improvement of rural households
- Combining ability and heterosis of fruit quality and yield traits of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
- Evaluation of Self Seed Potato Production Using Pre Basic Seeds by Farmers in Nuwara Eliya District
- Farmer Adaptable Variety Selection to Enhance Crop Diversity through Farmer Field Fora a Practical Approach
- Gamma Radiation Sensitivity and Effective Dosage for Seeds of Tomato Variety Katugastota Wilt Resistant
- Evaluation of effectiveness of the three-year crop rotation introduced for the control of golden potato- cyst-nematode, globodera rostochiensis in government seed potato farms in nuwara eliya
- Strain Diversity and Host Range Variability of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the White Mould Pathogen of Cabbage
- Biology and Management of Harpedona Marginata Distant (Hemiptera Miridae) A Pest of Dioscorea Species in Sri Lanka
- Diversity and Abundance of Predatory Arthropods of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera Frugiperda (J.E. Smith) In Maize in Hasalaka, Sri Lanka
- Evaluation of Polypropylene Spun-Bond Nets for Viral Disease Management in Bitter Gourd (Mormodica Charantia L.)
- Ginger Rhizome fly (Mimegralla coeruleifronts MAcq; DipteraMicropezidae) A new pest of ginger in Sri Lanka
- Sustainable Management of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera Noctuidae) in Maize Cultivation of Sri Lanka through Local Natural Enemies
- The Seasonal Abundance of Fruit-fly Species in Sri Lanka and the Male Annihilation Technique as a Control Measure for Fruit-flies Two Case Studies
- A Novel Technique for Mass Indexing of Tissue Cultured Banana Plants for Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV)
- Identification of the Causal Pathogen of Bacterial Wilt Disease in Cucurbitaceous Crops and Bean and Its Alternative Weed Hosts in Sri Lanka
- Molecular Detection and Characterization of Spongospora Subterranea F. Sp. Subterranea Causing Powdery Scab Disease of Potato in Sri Lanka
- Occuerence of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides Penz.) And Rust (Goplana Dioscoreae Cummins) Diseases of Dioscorea in Sri Lanka
- Evaluation of Fungicide Resistance of Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum Causing Cabbage White Mold in Sri Lanka
- Antifeedant activities of endophytic fungi of cyperus iria collected from Mathale District on Plutella xylostella (Diamond Back Moth) larvae
- Antifeedant properties of endophytic fungi of Cyperus iria on Plutella Xylostella (Diamond Black Moth) Larvae
- Feeding Deterrence and Larvicidal Activities of Endophytic Fungi Isolate from fimbristylis millacea
- Introduction of A Rapid Culturing Technique and Molecular Methods for Detection and Race Identification for Fusarium Oxysporum F.Sp. Cubense (Foc) Causing the Panama Disease of Banana
- Management of powdery scab pathogen infection caused by Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea in the potting mediums used for G1 seed potato production under poly tunnels
- Different Fertilizer Practices on Soil Chemical Properties and Cabbage Yield in Up Country Intermediate Zone (UCIZ) Sri Lanka
- Potentially toxic trace elements in vegetable growing soil in selected areas in Central Province of Sri Lanka
- Quality of the Commercially Available Composts and the Compliance with Sri Lanka Quality Standards (SLS 16352019)
- Toxic Trace Elements in Soils and Edible Parts of Root and Tuber Crops in Up Country Wet and Intermediate Zones of Sri Lanka
- Effect of Maltodextrin on Physical Properties of Spray Dried Fruit Pulp Powders of Annona muricata and Annona reticulata
- Effect of storage on physiochemical parameters and Aflatoxin production in non-roasted chilli powder in local markets
- Studying the Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Development Of Maturity Index of Apple Cultivar “Ragala Red”
- Value added products from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) to reduce post harvest losses and increase farmer income
- Effect of Aloe vera (Aloe vera L. Burm. F.) based edible coating compared to bees wax coating on shelf life and quality attributes of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) at cold room
- Antioxidant Activity of Different Varieties of Bitter Gourds (Momordica spp.) Cultivated in Sri Lanka
- Development of Rice Noodles by Incorporating Moringa Oleifera (Drumstick) Leaves for Calcium Enrichment
- Effect of Harvesting Maturity and Controlled Atmosphere Storage on Crown Rot Development in Embual Bananas
Antioxidant activity of pods: a comparative study of three accessions of vigna unguiculata (yard long bean)
Application of mutation techniques in the development of green crop varieties in Sri Lanka : way forward
Determination of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) resistance in selected Sri Lankan tomato varieties through whitefly inoculation protocol
Effect of root application of soluble silicon on white rust disease in Alternanthera sessilis (‘Mukunuwenna’) leaves
Flueggea leucopyrus (katupila) showing anti-tumor activity against plant tumors using agrobacterium tumefaciens
Transmission studies and molecular characterization of the virus causing bean yellowing disease in Sri Lanka
Some phytochemical characteristics and the effect of seasonal variation on antioxidant activity of celosia argentea (‘kirihenda pala’): an under-utilized medicinal plant and a leafy green in Sri Lanka
- Varietal Stability, Yeild and Quality Performance of Long Radish (Raphanus Sativus Var. Longipinnatus L.) in mid country of Sri Lanka
- Effect of animal manure with and without chemical fertilizer on dragon fruit Hylocereus polyrhizus (F.A.C. Weber) Britton and Rose cultivation in the low country intermediate zone of Sri Lanka
- Effect of Propagation Media on Rooting of Chrysanthemum Morifolium Stem Cuttings Analternative Substrate for Propagation via Stem Cuttings
- Antioxidant Capacity, Phenolics, and Ascorbic Acid Contents in Selected Indigenous Root and Tuber Crops of Sri Lanka
- Fumigation Standards for ECO2FUME phosphine fumigant for the Control of Quarantine Pests of Rice, Pineapple and Bitter Gourd
- In Vitro Regeneration of Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum Morifoliuml.) Using Nodal Segments and Immature Flower Buds
- Physic-chemical and Microscopic Characterization of Fresh and Processed Bee Honey in Uva Province of Sri Lanka
- Effect of Different Levels of Sugar and Incubation Temperature on Microtuberization of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)