
National Agriculture Information and Communication Centre

Central Library Inter Library Loan Request Form

(Instructions : Please provide all relevant information so that the request could be processed without any delay)

    1. 1. Details of the requesting library

      1. 1.1 Name of the library

      2. 1.2 Name and designation of contact person

      3. 1.3 Telephone/Fax

      4. 1.4 E-mail address

      5. 1.5 Postal address to which the item to be delivered

    2. 2. Details of the book loan requested

      1. 2.1 Title of the book

      2. 2.2 Author(s)/Editor(s) etc

      3. 2.3 Publisher/Year of publication

      4. 2.4 Edition

      5. 2.5 ISBN

      6. 2.6 Specific page(s)

      7. 2.7 Deadline for the loan

    3. 3. Details of the periodical loan requested

      1. 3.1 Title of the periodical

      2. 3.2 Volume/Number/ISSN/Year of publication

      3. 3.3 Title of the periodical article an pages

      4. 3.4 Author(s)

      5. 3.5 Deadline for loan