NRMC Divisions
Agro-Climatology and Climate Change
- Development & maintenance of the National Agro-met Observation Network and its Database
- Issuing of seasonal and monthly agro-met based advisories as a decision making tool in agriculture
- Issuing of agro-met information based on medium and short term weather forecasts issued by Department of Meteorology to minimize the crop loses due to unexpected weather changes.
- Research work on climate variability, climate change and other agro-climatology related collaborative studies.

Research and Publications
- Research and Publications of the Agro-Climatology and Climate Change Division

- Issuing of agro-meteorological data to the researchers attached to the Department of Agriculture, other government Institutes, universities and other academic Institutes and individuals on demand.
- Issuing of seasonal and monthly agro-met information and weather based SMS alerts
- Issuing of agro-climatology related information such as agro-ecological information
Mrs. A.B. Abeysekara
Assistant Director
Principal Scientist in Agriculture (Agro-climatology)
- +94718446763
- +94 812 388355
- +94 812 388920