- Address : P.O. Box:52, Sarasavi Mawatha, Peradeniya
- E- Mail : nrmcperadeniyadoa@gmail.com
- Telephone : +94 812 388355
- Fax : +94 812 388920
Conservation of soil resources through legal means
- Implementation of the provisions of the Soil Conservation Act on behalf of the Director General of Agriculture
- Coordination of institutes, organizations for implementation of soil conservation activities
- Technical guidance and creation of awareness among stakeholders
- Keeping vigilance on violators of regulations of the SC Act in collaboration with Central, Regional and Provincial Institutes / Organizations
- Identification of violators of soil conservation act for litigation
- Issue of directives according to regulations and carrying out of follow-up actions
- Improvement of legal documents, namely the Soil Conservation Act, Orders and regulation
- Awareness creation on Soil Conservation Act
- Environmental assessments, evaluation and monitoring of development projects implemented through Central Environmental Authority and the Ministry of Agriculture
- Characterization and mapping of soil resources for efficient land utilization
- Carrying out on-demand local-level soil surveys to identify the soil type and mapping
- Evaluation of land suitability for agricultural activities, land suitability plans and maps
- Technical assistance for agricultural land use planning and land development.
- Training programs on land use evaluation and land use planning
- Minimizing the adverse effects of agricultural activities on land resources
- Identifying contributing factors for monitoring and assessing soil and water quality degradation in agricultural ecosystems.
- Monitoring the quality aspects of water resources and providing necessary mitigation measures.
- Assessment of soil fertility in major crop growing environments to maintain ecosystem health.
- Research/development/awareness on soil and water degradation in agro-ecosystems.
- Generation of guidelines for the systematic use of resources through geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies.
- Development and maintenance of national, provincial, district and regional spatial databases of land and water resources.
- Develop plans, tools and aids to maximize resource utilization and management at national, provincial and local scales.
- Identifying spatial relationships and trends in geographic data for integrated land and water resource management.
- Forecasting of agricultural production by application of remote sensing technologies.
- Awareness and training programs on the application of geo-information and remote sensing for agriculture.
- Crop suitability / Land evaluation through Geospatial data analysis.
- Integrating geographic information systems and remote sensing technologies with spatial and non-spatial data for decision-making in agricultural development.
- Technological advances in soil conservation and its effective dissemination
- Generation of technology/upgradation of existing technologies to control soil erosion and other forms of land degradation.
- Conduct soil status review surveys, soil erosion assessments, and predictions.
- Preparation of soil database for different agricultural land use systems on land reform.
- Technical support for watershed-based land development activities.
- Demonstrating and disseminating technologies generated through the preparation of soil conservation plans, monitoring and evaluation of soil conservation activities from all aspects of land degradation in cropland.
- Upgrading the knowledge based on capacity development of agricultural officers and farmer groups on sustainable resource utilization through awareness programs.
Enhancing water use efficiency in both rain fed and irrigated systems
- Development of land management technologies for Green Waterresources enhancement
- Development of rainwater harvesting techniques in rain fed systems
- In-situ water conservation and improvements of on-farm irrigation methods to enhance water productivity
- Generation of regional specific information on sustainable use of shallow ground water
- Increasing the efficacy of the conjunctive use of shallow ground water in dry zone farming systems
- Drainage management techniques for controlling soil salinity buildups in command areas under minor and major irrigation schemes
Harness the potential of agro-climate for enhancing agricultural production while reducing the vulnerability to climate change
- Expansion of Agro-meteorological observation network of DOA & maintenance of national agro-met stations and database
- Refining the understanding of agro-ecological environments, and identification of their potentials and limitations
- Further investigation of the science of climate change and smart Agriculture
- Suppling of agro-met data and information for relevant stakeholder groups on their demand
- Annual compilation of climate related data and information
- Issuing of seasonal and monthly weather forecasts in consultation with the Meteorology Department
- Agro-met advisory services based on weather forecasts issued by the Meteorology Department and other organizations including irrigation department
- Create awareness on weather, climate, climate change and agro-ecology
Characterization and mapping of soil resources for efficient land utilization
- On demand basis inventorization & mapping of soil resources through conducting project based soil surveys
- Evaluation of land suitability for agricultural activities and preparation of land suitability maps
- Technical assistance for land use planning and land development
- Awareness creation on land evaluation and land use planning
Technological Development in Soil Conservation and its effective dissemination
- Generation of technologies / improving existing technologies for controlling soil erosion and other forms of land degradation
- Conducting status review surveys, soil erosion prediction and soil erosion assessment
- Soil database development for different farming systems on land restoration
- Technical assistance for watershed based land development activities
- Demonstration and dissemination of generated technologies in all aspects of land degradation in farmlands by designing soil conservation plans, demarcation of soil conservation measures on farming lands, monitoring and evaluation of soil conservation activities.
- Update the knowledge-base / capacity of technical officers and farmer groups in sustainable resource use through awareness programs