- Address : No.01 Sarasavi Mawatha, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : spmdcdoa@gmail.com
- Telephone : +94 812 388122
- Fax : +94 812 388608
Government Seed and Planting Material Sales Centers
(Opening Hours: Weekdays 8.30am to 4.00pm & Saturday 8.30am to 12.00pm)
Sales Center
Seeds and Planting Materials Marketing
Officer In-charge
Mobile Telephone No.
Official Telephone No.
E Mail Address
Vegetable Seeds Centre, Gannoruwa
All Vegetable Seeds(Wholesale only)
Mrs B.Nanditha Bandaranayaka(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 812 388221
Alevi Piyasa, Gannoruwa
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds
Mr. W.M.T.V.P. Wijekoon(Technical Assistant)
+94 714 588093
+94 812 069339
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Kundasale
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mr J.M.L.P.P. Jayasinghe(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 715 671728
+94 812 424592
Bean Seeds Center, Rikillagaskada
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds
Mr. H.M.K.I. Herath(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 714 430637
+94 812 365342
Seed Potato Store, Seethaeliya
Seed Potato
Mr D.K.D.M.H.Disanayaka(Technical Assistant)
+94 714860160
+94 522 222409
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Kahagolla
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Seed Potato
Mr. A.J.M. Dharmarathna(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 779 583147
+94 572 221611
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Ulpathagama
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants
Mr. H.M.A.P. Nawarathna(Technical Assistant)
+94 759 743480
+94 553 560097
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Aluththarama
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs. W.M.C.M. Chamalka Wijesundara
+94 552 258293
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Maduruketiya
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs. V.A.D.C.P. Weerasooriya(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 726 550499
+94 552 277608
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Ambalanthota
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mr C.R.T.Gamage(Technical Assistant)
+94 716802517
+94 472 225563
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Bata-atha
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mr T.V.Pathiranai(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 702737998
+94 472 226540
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Matara
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants
Mr I.M.H.M. Prasad(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 412 221672
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Thelijjawila
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Seed Paddy
Mr. D.J. Premasiri(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 714 984475
+94 412 241606
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Yatiyana
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Seed Paddy
Mr. A.W. Priyantha(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 767 506711
+94 412 246201
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Bandaragama
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants
Mrs. M.P.Kalahari(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 713266326
+94 382 291617
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Colombo 05
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants
Mrs.H.M.H.N.Kumarihami(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 706616577
+94 112 368829
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Colombo 07
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants
Mrs. B.J.Hettiarachchi(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 783223398
+94 112 696547
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Baththaramulla
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants
Mr. S.H. Priyadarshana(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 718 498936
+94 112 862397
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Walpita
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants
Mr D.J.G.Shalitha Jayaweera(Technical Assistant)
+94 760115345
+94 332 272053
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Ambepussa
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants
Mrs J.AM.P.Jayasinghe(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 712585520
+94 333 135853
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Pasyala
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants
Mrs. C.M. Pradeepika Rani(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 718 191730
+94 332 285158
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Aththanagalla
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs. E.K.C. Edirisinghe
+94 718 174536
+94 332 245699
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Wagolla
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs. A.M.P.A.K. Ovitigoda(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 714 465979
+94 352 265444
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Bathalagoda
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs. B.M.P. Bannahaka(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 775 921598
+94 372 057181
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Nikawaratiya
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mr H.D.D.Mihiranga(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 711458383
+94 372 260623
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Inginimitiya
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs W.A.Niroshani Deepika(Technical Assistant)
+94 702497954
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Pelwehera
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs. V.R.K. Dissanayaka(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 717 395069
+94 663 123211
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Mahailuppallama
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs. S.A.S.P. Senevirathna(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 716 638492
+94 252 052274
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Kilinochchi
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mr. N.Siverparan(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 772 852805
+94 212 280070
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Polonnaruwa
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs M.I.Ifhadha(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 762703732
+94 272 050222
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Ampara
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mr. M.I.M. Shafi(Development Officer)
+94 758 012135
+94 632 224843
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Karadiyanaru
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs S.Kirusanthi(Technical Assistant)
+94 776061453
+94 652 059676
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Weerapana
All Vegetable Seeds,Fruit Plants
Mr. M.A.Rasika Hemaal(Agriculture Instructor)
+94 717 002099
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Vavuniya
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
Mrs. S.Shermila(Development Officer)
+94 772 949889
+94 242 222273
Seeds and Planting Material Sales Center, Puttalam
All Vegetable Seeds, Fruit Plants, Other Field Crop Seeds, Seed Paddy
S.A.N. Sewwandi(Technical Assistant )
+94 712 108806