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இப்பக்கம் வடிவமைப்பு செயற்பாட்டில் இருப்பதனால் அதுவரைக்கும் கீழேயுள்ள பக்கங்களை அணுகவும்.
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Dhammika W.A.R., Senanayake D.M.J.B., Menike B.M.K.S., Senavirathne K.S.I., Edirisinghe E.S.C., Navoditha A.M.A. and Dassanayake P.J.K. 2015. Inter -specific hybridization and embryo rescue techniques for chilli. (Capsicum annuum L.) crop improvement Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. 17:72-75.
Senanayake D.M.J.B., Dhammika, W.A.R., Navoditha A.M.A., Dassanayake P.J.K and Kumari, K.A.S.I. 2015. Detection of chilli leaf curl of Sri Lanka Virus in chilli plants showing different virus like symptoms and in alternative weed hosts Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture. 17: 76-79
Kumari, K. A.S.I., Senanayake, D.M.J.B., Nanayakkara, C. M., Balasuriya, A., Dhammika, W.A.R., Fernando, W.M.K., Wijerathne, W.M.S.B.K., Dasanayake P.J.K. (2016). Anthracnose resistance of chilli accessions available in Sri Lanka. 3rd International Conference of Agricultural Sciences. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka.
Kumarasingha, K.M.T.M., Senanayake, D.M.J.B.,Dhammika, W.A.R., Seran, T.H., Wasala, S., Senarathnemenike, B.M.K. (2016). Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Selected Capsicum spp. Cultivated in Sri Lanka.WinC 2016 Proceedings. Wayamba International Conference; Managing Resources from Source to Sink: Current Theories and Applications, Wayamba University of SriLanka, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka, 19-20 August 2016. p301.
Dhammika W.A.R., D.M.J.B. Senanayake, W.M.R. Kumari, K.S.I. Senevirathne, P.N. Deniyagedara P.G. S.D. Gunasena (2020) Marker assisted introgression of opaque 2 allele for development of quality protein maize inbred lines in sri lanka Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture.
Senanayake, D.M.J.B., Dhammika, W.A.R., Dassanayake, P.J.K., Jayawardhana, D.N., Kumari, K.A.S.I., Deniyagedara, P.N.(2016). Recent Trends In Molecular Biology Research On Legumes. Paper presented at the national workshop on “Legumes for a Healthy Nation” held at the Field Crops Research and Development Institute, Mahailluppallama, 15th December 2016.
Senarathna Menike B.M.K., Dhammika W.A.R.,Senanayake D.M.J.B.,Weerakoon WMW., Perera .A.M., Wasala.S.K., Gamage M.G.R.U.A.,Bandara H.M.S (2018) Assessment of genetic diversity of selected Capsicum chinense and Capsicum frutescense Accessions Derived through Morphological and Molecular characterization , International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, University of Ruhuna.
Senarathna Menike B.M.K., Dhammika W.A.R. ,Senanayake D.M.J.B.,Weerakoon WMW., Perera .A.M., Wasala.S.K., Gamage M.G.R.U.A.,Bandara H.M.S (2018) Assessment of genetic diversity of selected Capsicum chinense and Capsicum frutescense Accessions Derived through Morphological and Molecular characterization , International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment, University of Ruhuna.
Fernando, W.M.K. A. Wijeratnam, R.S.W., Senanayaka, D.M.J.B. Nanayakkara. C.M., Dhammika,W.A.R.,Weerakoon,W.M.W.,Perera,A.M.,Wijerathna,W.M.S.D.K.and Dissanayake, D.M.K. (2018) First report of Big Onion Flower Mold caused by Aspergillus niger on Allium cepa L. in Sri Lanka. 5th International conference on Agriculture 2018. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Pp 19.
Fernando, W.M.K, Senanayake, D.M.J.B., Wijeratnam, R.S.W.,Nanayakkara. C.M., Dhammika, W.A.R.,Wijewardana, D.C.M.S.I. and Wijerathna, W.M.S.D.K.(2019). Isolation, identification and evaluation of mass culture media for Trichoderma spp. From Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium on Agriculture 2019. Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. Pp2
Wijesinghe, W.M.J.B. Senanayake, D.M.J.B., Balasuriya, A. 2015.Molecular identification of Begomo viruses infecting chilli in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Research Symposium 2015. Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. p70.
K.A.S.I. Kumari D.M.J.B. Senanayake W.A.R. Dhammika, W.M.K Fernando1 W.M.S.B.K Wijerathne P.J.K Dasanayake, C. M. Nanayakkara, A. Balasuriya Assessment of Colletotrichum capsici and C. gloeosporioides Resistance among Chilli Accessions Available in Sri Lanka SRI LANKAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND ECOSYSTEMS ISSN: 2673-1401 Volume: 1, Issue: 1, (August, 2019), pp 21-26
පෝස්ටර් ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම්
- Dassanayake P. J. K., D. M. J. B Senanayake, W. A. R Dhammika W. M. W Weerakoon, G. A. U Jayasekara, W. T. P. S. K Senarath, K. A. S. I Kumari, 2017. Induction of friable callus in chilli variety California Wander (Capsicum annuum L.). In proceedings of International Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine. P. 173-174.
- D.M.J.B. Senanayake , K.A.S.I. Kumari, W.A.R. Dhammika , W.M.K Fernando , W.M.S.B.K Wijerathne, C.M. Nanayakkara ,A. Balasuriya,(2020) Reaction of different chilli accessions (Capsicum spp.) to Colletotrichum capsici and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides species , Annals of Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 2020