- Address : No 01, Old Galaha Road, Peradeniya
- E- Mail : doa.internalaudit2018@gmail.com
- Telephone : +94 812 388038
- Fax : +94 812 388038
Activites & Services

In terms of F.R. 134 the Internal Audit Unit should be independent of the control of those who are responsible for or are actually carrying out the financial and accounting operation of the department, as well as those engaged in the execution of schemes and projects or performance of works and services rendered by the department.
Accordingly, the authority is delegated by the Director General of Agriculture as follows.
“Whose specimen signature is appended,is an Internal audit Officer of this department and is authorized to examine on my behalf all records, documents,verify cash,inventory and stores in all department units and to check labor and field operations of machinery and vehicles and to record statement where necessary”
Attention is paid for the following activities at an optimal level in order to direct all sections of the sustainable future,to a proper path.
- In terms of F.R. 133 ensuring that the financial and administration activities of the department complies with the Establishment Code, Financial Regulations and the circulars and instructions issued by the Ministry in charge of the subject of Public Administration, Treasury and the Department of Management Audit time to time. Satisfaction with the existence of a transparent internal investigation and control system and bringing in to the right direction
- Ensuring that the internal investigation and control system implemented in the department to prevent errors and frauds is successful both in terms of design and actual functionality
- Investigating the extent to which the assets of the department are protected from all forms of damage
- Prevention of wastage and idle and excessive expenditure and investigating the adequacy of the internal control system used to detect them
- Examine the account procedure of the department and operations which lead to any expenditure and Investigating whether the property and assets of the department are being used in a safe and economical manner
- Implementation of the audit plan approved for each year. Investigating the audit queries and audit checks and reporting to the Accounting Officer, the Chief Accounting Officer and the Auditor General
- Investigating the matters related to petitions received to audit directly or through Director General of Agriculture and reporting to the Accounting Officer the chief Accounting Officer and the Auditor General
- Checking paid documents, revenue reports, and running charts from all the offices of the Department such as Director Offices, Island wide sub offices, identifying shortcomings thereof, surcharging, if any, rectifying faults and handing over the final records to the Government Audit
- Issuing F.R.135 delegation of authority circulars at the beginning of each year
- Providing instructions for the circulars issued by the Finance Division and issuing such circulars
- Coordinating Audit Management Committee Meetings held in the Department of Agriculture once in every quarter of each year, reviewing the progress of implementing the decisions taken in those meetings
- Representing the Department of Agriculture for Audit and Management Committee Meetings of the Ministry of Agriculture held every quarter of each year
- Acting as per the instructions and guidance of the Department of Management Audit issued by time to time and preparation and submission of monthly, quarterly and annual reports required by the Department of Management Audit
- Conducting inquiries when necessary