- Address : FMRC, Mahailluppallama, Sri Lanka
- E- Mail : fmrc@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone : +94 252 249222
- Fax : +94 252 249222
081- 2388331 / 32/ 34
Department of Agriculture, P.O.Box. 01, Peradeniya
இப்பக்கம் வடிவமைப்பு செயற்பாட்டில் இருப்பதனால் அதுவரைக்கும் கீழேயுள்ள பக்கங்களை அணுகவும்.
Farm mechanization research center is located within the Mahailluppallama agricultural complex, about 35 km from Anuradhapura. FMRC has been established to promote appropriate agricultural mechanization in Sri Lanka by introducing farm mechanization technology to reduce cost of production, improve quality, enhance productivity & increase volume of agricultural product.
Our Mission
Develop and promote appropriate farm machineries and technologies to improve labour and land efficiency with special emphasis to small and medium scale farmers.
The activities carried out by FMRC are as follow.
Officer In Charge
Research Assistant
Adaptive Research Centre - Vavuniya