- Address : Old Galaha Rd, Peradeniya
- E- Mail : director.estb@doa.gov.lk
- Telephone :+94 812 386487
- Fax :+94 812 386487

Establishments Division
About Us:
Maintains all personal files, including confirmations, salary increments, retirements, all institutional activities related to scholarships and loans.
Provide satisfactory service in order to achieve excellence in Agriculture Maintaining Proper Co-Ordination with all institutions and resources through Good Governance and Human Resource Management.
Service provided
Personal File Branch of Executive and staff grade posts.
Establishments 01
- Attachment to service stations all transfers, retirements, of officers after being recruited to posts belonging to SL 3, SL1, MN7, MN6 salary scales and all duties concerning personal duties.
Personal File Branch of the technical service and technical assistants posts.
Establishments 02
- Attachment to service stations all transfers, retirements of officers after being recruited to posts belonging to MN3, MT1 salary scales and all other duties concerning personal files.
Personal File Branch of the associate services and no technical management assistant posts.
Establishments 03
- Attachment to service stations all transfers, retirements of officers after being recruited to posts belonging to MN4, MN2, MN1 salary scales and allother duties concerning personal files.
Personal File Branch of the primary skilled/ semi-skilled posts.
Establishments 04
- Attachment to service stations, all transfers of officers after being recruited to posts belonging to PL3, PL2 salary scales and all duties concerning personal files.
Personal File Branch of the primary unskilled posts.
Establishments 05
- Attachment to service stations, all transfers, retirements of offices after being recruited to posts belonging to PL1 salary scales and all duties concerning the personal files.
Branch of the Pension
Establishments 06
- Duties on awarding pension benefits.
Branch of the Scholarships
Establishments 07
- Duties on foreign scholarships trainings and local scholarships.
Branch of the Loans
Establishments 08
- All duties concerning approval, forwarding recommendations for approval to the requests for loans and duties concerning property loan, debt recovery loan and distress loans.
Contact Us
- Establishment Division, Head Office, Department of Agriculture, No.01, Old Galaha Road, Peradeniya
- estb@doa.gov.lk
- +94 812 388331
- +94 812 386487
- Mon to Fri - 8.30am to 4.15pm (Closed on weekends and public holidays)